Chapter 2606
Liu Mingzhi focused on flipping through the contents of the document, and Song Qing took back his original intention to drink tea, for fear that the movement would disturb the third brother's thoughts.

The study room suddenly became silent, except for the even breathing of the two of them and the movement of Liu Mingzhi flipping through the papers, there was no other sound.

After about a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi calmly closed the document in his hand, gently put the document on the desk, got up, walked to the window sill, and stopped.

After admiring the scenery outside the window in silence for a long time, Liu Mingzhi slowly turned around and looked at Song Qing who was sitting quietly on the chair.

"Big brother."


"The training regulations for these [-] recruits are well prepared, but there is one thing that needs to be paid attention to. It is best to make some adjustments at that time."

Song Qing straightened his posture in a hurry, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a serious expression.

"What is inappropriate? If there is indeed something inappropriate, I will report it to the Ministry of War when I go back, and ask them to adjust the plan in the regulations as soon as possible."

Liu Mingzhi went to the desk, picked up the document and opened it directly, and lightly clicked on one of the contents with his finger.

"The generals who train them can't all be school captains and old soldiers selected from the Imperial Army. The morale of the imperial army is good, but the number of times they have fought on the battlefield over the years is limited.

Compared with the rich combat experience of the soldiers of the frontier army, the soldiers and horses of the imperial army are slightly inferior no matter how you look at them.

After the [-] new troops are formally formed, they are not going to travel in the mountains and rivers, but are going to be merged into the Western Expedition Army to charge and expand the territory for the imperial court. It is only natural that the morale is good.

They need to have a clear understanding of the situation on the battlefield, the process of the battle, and the specific experience of fighting on the battlefield, and only frontier soldiers who have really experienced life and death can teach them these things.

Only by mastering these, the recruits will have to reduce their damage by at least [-]% in the first battle when they see blood. They are all young, strong, young men in their prime, and if they can reduce some damage, they will reduce some damage.

Brother, as the king of a country, I must try my best not to let the wives, children, and children of the soldiers see the result of Dalong Erlang's armor returning to his hometown and his soul returning to his hometown.

Whether it is a son, a husband, or a father, if he can return safely, it is naturally better to return safely.

They are willing to throw their heads and sprinkle their blood to serve the country. As the current emperor, I must do my best to ensure their safety.

After returning home, Zhou Baoyu and Ye Baotong sent a letter to them. Immediately after receiving the letter, they mobilized a hundred elite generals, large and small, to rush to the capital. "

"Okay, I'll pass the book on to the Northland as soon as I get back."

"Also, I ordered the Ministry of War to pass on my verbal instructions to the recruits of the three armies. This time, the positions of the second marshal of the [-] army and the generals of the various ministries will no longer be assigned by me personally, but let them compete for themselves.

There are a total of six items in the competition: fist, battle formation, military formation, military book, military strategy, and military art. Who can win the seal of Marshal of the Second Route depends entirely on their own abilities.

In other words, the position of marshal of the second route this time should be occupied by those who are capable. "

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's words, Song Qing's expression quickly became serious.

"Third brother, this...wouldn't this be too risky?
Once such oral instructions are handed down, if the recruits and soldiers of the three armies fight for the seal of the marshal and...then..."

Seeing Song Qing's serious expression, Liu Mingzhi picked up his tea cup and shook his head with a light smile.

"I've already thought about the things you're worried about.

In order to prevent them from intrigue for their own self-interest and engage in behaviors that harm others and benefit themselves, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Officials need to formulate a set of reasonable regulations as soon as possible to restrain them.

The soldiers must be allowed to compete for the marshal's seal in an open and aboveboard manner, and the regulations can learn from the content of the imperial examination system. "

As he spoke, Liu Mingzhi opened the drawer, took out a stack of rice paper and put it in front of Song Qing.

"This is a general plan that I drew up a long time ago, and you will hand it over to the officials of the third department to refine it carefully.

Improve where there is need for improvement, and delete what is not needed. "

Song Qing picked up the rice paper in front of him without hesitation, flipped through the content on it, folded it together and put it in his cuffs.

"I understand, Brother Wei, tell the officials of the various ministries what you mean as soon as possible, and let them work together to settle the matter as soon as possible.

Other than that, are there any other questions? "

Liu Mingzhi leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, tapped the table with his fingertips very rhythmically, with a hesitant expression on his face, as if he was hesitating for something.

Young Master Liu's reaction made Song Qing's heart skip a beat, secretly guessing what Young Master Liu was thinking about, it would be so difficult to decide.

"What... what's wrong? Is there something embarrassing?"

Liu Mingzhi exhaled softly, grabbed the document and read the content for a while.

"According to the contents of the document, there are quite a few rich and powerful children among the [-] recruits. Do you know all these things?"

"The document was sent to you after I reviewed it, so I naturally know the content on it.

Hiss - are you worried that the existence of these powerful children will make the competition for the commander-in-chief unfair? "

"Yeah, more or less worried.

Remember, no matter whether they entered by virtue of their real skills or through the back door, they must pay close attention to their every move when it comes to competing for the commander's seal.

Their origins are already stronger than recruits from ordinary people. If they rely on their own power and connections in the fight for the commander's seal, it will be too unfair to recruits from ordinary people.

If I won their position by virtue of my real talents and knowledge, I would naturally have nothing to say, but if I engage in any kind of family relationship to compete for the Great Seal, I will never let it go lightly.

No matter how you act, it sums up what I just said.

The great seal of Marshal Erlu is for those who are capable.

During the recruit training, you should arrange more of your trusted generals in the imperial army to enter it, and pay close attention to the training of the new army, and make sure that the principle of fairness and impartiality in the capture of the commander will not be shaken.

If any official wants to intervene in these matters, or even ask you to intercede, tell them directly, if you have any opinions and ideas, just talk to me, Liu Mingzhi. "

"Yes, I understand."

"Brother, is there anything else besides the recruits?"

"No, there are only a few matters in charge of my brother. Other government affairs are in charge of the six ministries, nine ministers and cabinet officials, which are not within my authority."

"It's fine if you don't have any, go back and deal with the things I told you first.

After I finish reviewing the rest of the documents, we will go to Tianxianglou with my second brother and Lao Jia tonight.

After working so long, it's time to relax. "

Song Qing's eyes lit up, and he stood up cheerfully.

"It's a deal, Brother Wei will go back to deal with business first, you should hurry up and review the documents, and we will see you tonight."

"No problem, then I won't send it."

"One step ahead."

After Song Qing left, Liu Mingzhi picked up the cooled tea and walked to the window sill and stopped, looking at the scenery outside the window with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Alas, the relationship between the generals in the army is already entangled enough, and it will definitely not be a good thing for the court in the long run.

For the new king in the future, it is not a good thing.

These [-] recruits must set up a new king for the future, and they must not be allowed to mix with the generals of the court.

The act of fighting for the handsome seal by myself, I hope to get a few plastic talents for the children to guard the foundation.

If there is no plastic talent, some changes will have to be made in the major events of the Western Expedition.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the new king to control after he succeeds.

Huh?This young master seems to have overlooked a way to get the best of both worlds.

If I tie Xinjun together with the soldiers, won't my worries be resolved?

It's just that how to arrange it has to be carefully considered.

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of tea silently, lowered his head with solemn eyes and began to meditate.

(End of this chapter)

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