My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2607 Too Arrogant

Chapter 2607 Too Arrogant
After the confrontation between Liu Mingzhi and the spies in the Imperial Mausoleum came to an end, the lively atmosphere of Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao's newly married wedding also gradually subsided with the passage of time.

Dalong returned to the peaceful days before, and everything was running step by step.

After Liu Dashao finished explaining Song Qing's matters about the [-] recruits, he resumed the leisurely life of morning court, hexagram booth, and going home at three o'clock and one line every day.

Compared with the past, what has changed slightly is that recently Young Master Liu spent a little less time at the hexagram booth, and spent a little more time at home.

For most of the time after returning home, Liu Mingzhi spent time with Wen Renzheng, his old mentor, reminiscing about the past.

After all, the old man can only stay in the capital for about ten days, and Liu Mingzhi really doesn't want to waste the hard-won chance of reunion in these ten days.

Once we say goodbye this time, we don't know what year and month we will have to wait for the next reunion.

Maybe we will be able to reunite again soon, maybe it will be difficult to wait for several years.

Even... There is a possibility that there will never be a chance to meet again. As for the probability of this possibility, Liu Mingzhi has never thought about it.

For the rest of your life, the grass and trees are in autumn, and you have to live well in the present. Regarding the future, who can say for sure!
On the sixth day of September in the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, Wen Renzheng told Young Master Liu, who had returned from the hexagram booth, that he was going to leave again for work.

Although Liu Mingzhi knew that there would be today, but when he heard the old man's words that he was about to leave, he still couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

This respected old man has accompanied me for more than 20 years.

In the past 20 years, he has taught himself a lot of knowledge and skills, and also taught himself a lot of principles of life, and he has selflessly helped himself through difficulties many times.

Apart from Shu'er's reason, the teacher-student relationship between me and him, who is both a teacher and a friend, will be unforgettable for me in my life.

Liu Mingzhi, Wenren Yunshu, Huyan Yunyao and his wife asked Wen Renzheng where he was going on this trip, the old man smiled smartly, and only answered the couple three words.

do not know!
It's not that Wen Renzheng deliberately didn't want to tell Liu Mingzhi and his wife where he was going, but that he really didn't know where he was going on this trip.

Maybe in Wen Renzheng's mind, he can go wherever he goes in the rest of his life!

Liu Mingzhi knew well that the old man had made up his mind to go, so he didn't say anything to stay with him again. Those who are going to go will go after all, so why bother to say those futile condolences.

Young Master Liu, who was well versed in this principle, had no choice but to prepare a banquet for Wen Renzheng to practice, wishing him a smooth journey.

After the practice banquet was over, Wen Renzheng embarked on his journey alone once again under the watchful eyes of everyone in the Liu family.

As for where he will go this time, no one knows.

Because even Wen Renzheng himself doesn't know.

Wen Renzheng's granddaughter, Wenren Yunshu, was the most saddened to leave this time.

Wenren Yunshu grew up by her grandfather's side since she was a child, and only she knew how much she couldn't bear her grandfather to leave her.

Although the rest of the people didn't know Wenren Yunshu's current mood, they also knew how sad parting was.

The second one who is equally sad is the little cutie Liu Luoyue, because her new backer, Wenren's great-grandpa, has ruthlessly abandoned her to wander the world.

Now that the old man is gone, how should he resist the stinky old man's beating?

The reason for this kind of thinking is that on the first day of September, after returning from court, the little cutie prepared several jars of vintage wine, and thanked Wen Renzheng for teaching his brothers and sisters martial arts with a smile. Kindness.

The little cutie, who was also drinking with him, was getting drunk and insisted on asking the old man to be his teacher and let him teach him the best martial arts.

Wen Renzheng, who was about [-]% drunk and unconscious, chuckled, and agreed to the cutie's request with a slap of his hands. The apprenticeship ceremony was about to take place on the spot, and the cutie Liu Luoyue was officially accepted as a closed disciple.

Fortunately, Young Master Liu returned from the court in time and hurriedly stopped these two unreliable old and young, otherwise, the apprenticeship ceremony would have almost been a success.

Seeing this scene, First Young Master Liu was naturally furious, grabbing the little cutie by the ear and going to get the training stick.

Rebellious girl, you are about to turn the sky upside down.

Even if you want to rebel against your father, I won't say anything to you, old man.

But you actually want to be brothers and sisters with me, I really can't bear this old man.

I don't want to teach you a good lesson, you really don't know why the flowers are so popular.

So, on the day of the first day of September, there was another scene of flying dogs and dogs dancing in Liu's mansion. The drunk and cutie was chased by Young Master Liu with a training stick in the yard.

If Wen Renzheng hadn't heard the news and used his true energy to sober up in time to stop First Young Master Liu's actions, cutie would have ended up with a bleak ass.

"Grandpa, come back and visit us more often."

"Grandpa, you are so old! You just slapped your ass and left like this. What should I do, Yue'er? Yue'er's stinky father is still angry?
Come back quickly, come back quickly, come back quickly. "

Young Master Liu watched Wen Renzheng's figure disappear into the corner of the street, glanced at Wenren Yunshu who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, and quietly pulled out the training stick from his cuff,

Taking a vague look around at the family members around him, First Young Master Liu's gaze finally locked on the cute figure in the crowd.

Gently letting out a breath, Young Master Liu approached the cute little girl who was standing on the left side of the mansion door without any trace.

The little cutie was waving goodbye to the old man's back with a pitiful expression, when she suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from behind her.

In the past ten days, under the teaching of the old man, the little cutie's martial arts can be said to have improved rapidly, which can be called a rapid progress.

Feeling the murderous intent coming towards him, the little cutie screamed and instinctively dodged to the side with her head in her arms.

"Ni Nu, stop for me."

Xiaocuti took the opportunity to look back at First Young Master Liu who was waving the training stick behind him, and screamed again and hurriedly ran towards the mansion.

"Smelly...good daddy, tiger poison doesn't even bite! you put down the training stick first?"

"Let your grandma go... Nanny, let me stop."

"You first put down the training stick, Yue'er, and then stop."

"Put down the training stick? It's a good idea! The worst generation of your mother wants to call me a brother and brother with me, and you still want me to put down the training stick?
If you don't fight today, your skin will be peeled off. I will give you Liu Luoyue's surname. "

"Daddy, the misunderstanding is all a misunderstanding, the apprenticeship has nothing to do with Yue'er in the slightest.

Obviously it was my great-grandpa who insisted on taking me as an apprentice. As a junior, Yue'er really couldn't refuse, so she agreed in a daze. If you don't believe me, go ask my great-grandfather! "

"Fart your mother, you stop for me."

"Don't stand, unless you put down the training stick first, and promise not to beat Yue'er, I will..."


"Ouch...Smelly old man, bad old man, Yue'er is already so old, she is already a big girl, how can you still suck Yue'er's ass? Are you old and disrespectful?"

"Slap your butt? I not only spanked your butt, but also skinned you.

The old man is not only my mentor, he is also my grandfather with your aunt Yun Shu, and even my father calls him "grandpa". Where do you put your old man and me by worshiping him as your teacher?
The worst generation has to call me brothers and sisters, and the highest generation I have to call you Shigu in turn.

You can even call your grandfather brothers and sisters at this level, and call him big brother.

You rebellious girl, your father and I, the famous rebel emperor in the world, are not as arrogant as you, so stop me. "

All members of the Liu family looked at the father and daughter who were chasing each other around the rockery in the front yard with weird expressions, and looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

Liu Zhi'an coughed a few times, straightened the officer's cap on his head, clicked his hands and walked into the gate of the mansion with his hands behind his back.

"Young, what a reincarnation!"

"Grandpa, save me, save me quickly, Yue'er's stinking father and six relatives don't recognize him anymore."

Liu Zhi'an, who was about to rush to the inner courtyard, stopped when he heard the little cutie calling for help, turned his head to look at the little cutie who was fighting guerrillas with Young Master Liu around the rockery, and let out a silent sigh.

Under the weird eyes of everyone behind him, Liu Zhi'an sat straight on the steps beside him, took out the bong and lit the shredded tobacco with a torch.

While swallowing clouds and mist, he was enjoying the scene of father's kindness and son's filial piety under the sunset with great interest.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the old man is right, young, it really is a reincarnation!"

(End of this chapter)

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