Chapter 2608 Lee

The farce in Liu's mansion came to an end in the scene of the little cutie begging for mercy loudly after being hit by the training stick in Young Master Liu's hand more than a dozen times.

After the old man left in a cool manner, Young Master Liu's life returned to the way it used to be while taking time out from his busy schedule.

The documents submitted to the imperial court by the chief officials of various prefectures in Dalong were first reviewed by the cabinet, and then approved by the Hall of Ten Kings. The important documents transferred to Young Master Liu were pitifully small.

Whether it is the cabinet or the Palace of Ten Kings, Liu Mingzhi has given them enough power.

As long as it is not a particularly important memorial document, Liu Mingzhi seldom asks about it again after the cabinet officials and the Palace of Ten Kings have made decisions one after another.

Under Liu Mingzhi's seemingly lax behavior of delegating power, the speed of people's livelihood and officials in various prefectures in Dalong has become faster and more effective.

Documents that could be answered in about seven days can often be sent to the chief officials of various state capitals in two or three days or three or four days.

Sometimes even in a day or two, the matters reported by the chief officials of various states can be handled satisfactorily, which greatly accelerated the speed of the court's governance of people's livelihood and officials.

In the eyes of all officials in the court, the establishment of the cabinet is simply a great pioneering work.

This system not only gave officials sufficient rights to assist His Majesty in governing the government more quickly, but also lightened the burden on the emperor, so that the emperor did not have to worry about trivial matters.

It's just that no one knows how long the cabinet system will last. None of the officials who can be ranked in the second class is not a discerning person. They can naturally see the advantages and disadvantages of the cabinet system.

Although the first assistant, second assistant, and assistant assistant of the cabinet, many major cabinet officials have reduced the emperor's burden to the greatest extent, but at the same time they have too much power in their hands.

It is so large that officials in many local and state capitals have indirectly become the disciples of the main officials in the cabinet. This is not a situation that the emperor wants to see.

Fortunately, His Majesty made a move and set up the Hall of Ten Kings above the cabinet officials.

After being reviewed and approved by the cabinet officials, the memorials and documents of the big officials in various places must be submitted to the Hall of Ten Kings for approval. This has curbed the collusion between the two groups of officials in the DPRK and the Chinese officials and the big officials in various places to the greatest extent.

However, this does not mean that secret communication between officials can be completely eliminated. Therefore, many officials have also considered whether the cabinet system will continue.

For example, after the new king succeeds to the throne, will he continue to maintain the system established by the founding emperor Liu Mingzhi?

However, no matter what thoughts are in their hearts, the civil and military officials in the court have never expressed their thoughts. After all, the holy will of His Majesty is too difficult to fathom.

On September [-]th, the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, the study in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

With a melancholy expression, Liu Mingzhi put down the document sent by Song Qing, picked up the teacup and brought it to his mouth, but he didn't take a sip for a long time.

Looking at the tea leaves on the water surface in the cup with complicated eyes, Liu Mingzhi sighed heavily, and put the teacup in his hand back to its original place.

"Come on."


"Notify Liu Song that I will bring a jug of good wine to my young master right away."

"I obey, young master, wait a moment."

After the servants guarding the door left, Liu Mingzhi picked up the paperwork on the table again and read it again.

The content of the document is the situation reported by the Song and Qing Dynasties about the situation of the spies and spies. With the sincere cooperation of the officials of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households, the matter in the imperial tomb has finally been dealt with.

The imperial court not only buried the corpses of the movie master and dozens of loyal spies outside Ruizong Li Zheng's mausoleum, but also set up a monument of loyalty for thousands of years according to Liu Mingzhi's request.

On the Qianqiu Loyalty Stele, the approximate identities of the movie masters and their life stories of loyalty to the country were engraved in full compliance with Liu Mingzhi's request.

Such an ending, for the movie masters and the others, should be regarded as a successful conclusion.

However, with such a happy result, when Liu Mingzhi read all the content on the document, his heart was in a mess.

The confusion in his heart was not the result of Liu Mingzhi's dissatisfaction with the work of officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry, but that Liu Mingzhi could never forget the scenes that happened in the imperial mausoleum that day.

Dozens of spy shadow spies went forward without hesitation one by one and exterminated themselves outside Li Zheng's mausoleum, just for the word "loyalty".

For the loyalty they uphold in their hearts, they can die generously without caring about their own lives. What kind of feelings is this?

What does the word loyalty mean in their minds?
Your Majesty, the old minister did his best!
Liu Mingzhi stood aside at the time when the actor was dying, and he heard a lot of meanings from this sentence, including relief, sigh, and unwillingness.

Maybe he didn't want to kill himself on the spot, but for the loyalty he insisted in his heart, he finally chose to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

Liu Mingzhi didn't think this kind of behavior was stupid, but he just admired it from the bottom of his heart.

It's just that Liu Mingzhi couldn't figure it out, why did they act like this?

With the strength of spy shadow spies, the movie master obviously has the opportunity to compete against himself, why did he only bring dozens of spy shadow spies and chose to die generously?
He clearly wanted to help the Li family's Jiangshan Sheji with full of enthusiasm, why did he choose the ending of dying?
What caused him to give up his purpose, and what made him give up his life without hesitation?

Liu Mingzhi couldn't figure it out, even after thinking about it for more than a month.

Gently putting down the document in his hand, Liu Mingzhi stood up straight, picked up a pen and dipped it in ink, and swipe a few times wantonly on a piece of blank rice paper.

A vigorous and powerful Li character appeared on the paper.




Liu Mingzhi looked at the word Li written on the rice paper, and said the word Li three times in a row in a loud voice, one sound heavier, each sound more powerful than the other.

"Master, I have brought the wine here."

Liu Song's voice outside the door interrupted Liu Mingzhi's complicated and melancholy mood. He casually glanced at the door, and Liu Mingzhi put down the brush in his hand and sat on the chair.

"come in."


In the blink of an eye, Liu Song cheerfully walked into the study with a tray containing wine jugs and wine glasses, walked directly to Young Master Liu's desk and stopped.

"Master, I don't know what kind of wine you want to drink, so I went directly to Mrs. Ya Shao's to get your favorite peach blossom wine.

What appetizer would you like to eat?The little one went to prepare right away. "

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, reached out and directly lifted the peach blossom wine in the tray into his hand.

"No, just drinking is fine."

"Ah? This...young master, did you encounter any depressing things?"

Liu Mingzhi ignored the teacup in front of him, raised the jug and took a swig to his mouth.

"Master, slow down, slow down, don't choke."

Amidst Liu Song's worried words, Liu Mingzhi took down the jug and breathed heavily, and casually wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his cuff.



"The young master asks you, what kind of person is the young master in your heart?"


Young Master Liu frowned suddenly, and stared at the bewildered Liu Song with deep eyes.

"What? Could it be that my personality, young master, has made it hard for you to evaluate?"

Looking at Young Master Liu's gloomy eyes, Liu Song hurriedly shook his head, not knowing what kind of stimulation his young master received.

"No, no, young master, you think too much. I just didn't expect you to suddenly ask such a strange question, young master, so I'm just a little surprised."

"Have you reacted now?"

"Responded, all reacted."

"Then tell me what kind of person I am, young master?"

Liu Song kept scratching his forehead in embarrassment: "Master, at least let the little one know why you asked this question, right?
character?character?virtue?human?The little one doesn't know anything, so where do you ask the little one to start? "

Liu Mingzhi froze for a moment, looked at Liu Song's perplexed expression, and waved his hands in disinterest.

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about it, the young master will tell you one thing."

"Sir, say it."


Seeing Eldest Young Master Liu raise his head to signal to the outside of the study, Liu Song hurriedly walked towards the door, probed the courtyard outside the study for a while, Liu Song closed the door and turned back.

"Master, no servants are passing by, so you can just say it."

"Go and tell Xiaochengzi, let him inform Shangyifang, and according to Chengzhi, Chenggan, his brothers and Yue'er's body size, rush to make three dragon robes as soon as possible, young master, I will be of great use."

"Yes, I will immediately inform Xiao Chengzi... the dragon... the dragon... the dragon robe? Young master, are you sure it's not the dragon robe but the dragon robe?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song's suspicious expression as if he didn't hear his own words clearly, and nodded silently.

"You heard me right, it's the Dragon Robe, not the Flood Dragon Robe."



"Little one - I understand, young master, do you have any other orders?"


"Yes, the little one understands, and the little one will leave."


After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi picked up the flagon and poured it on the ground.

"Seniors, I respect you!"

(End of this chapter)

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