My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2609 His back is also bent

Chapter 2609 His back is also bent
Dalong Taiping five years, September 26th.

Young Master Liu returned home from the hexagram booth and had just changed into a loose robe when Qi Yun hurried into the room.

"Husband, have you changed your clothes yet?"

Young Master Liu fastened the jade belt around his waist unhurriedly, and when he saw Qi Yun who hurried into the room, he walked over with a light smile.

"My lady? What's the matter? Why are you looking so anxious?"

Qi Yun saw her husband coming out from behind the screen, hurried up to meet him, grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist, and walked out the door.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, Yun'er? Why do you look like you can't wait to see me? Why do you let my husband drink a cup of tea and rest for a while when my husband just came back?"

Qi Yun looked back slightly, crescent eyebrows furrowed and looked at the surprised husband and shook her head helplessly.

"Miss Xuan'er is going to wander the rivers and lakes again. When the concubine came to see you, she had already started packing her bags. Do you think it's appropriate for you, the big brother, not to send her off?"

Young Master Liu's expression of reluctance suddenly changed, and he grabbed Qi Yun's bright wrist with his backhand and hurried towards the courtyard where Liu Xuan lived.

"Yun'er, let's go there quickly, before that girl has already set off on her way.

Xuan'er is really a stinky girl, she doesn't know how to say hello two days in advance if she is going to venture into the rivers and lakes, if she said hello in advance, why is her husband in such a hurry now. "

"As a big brother, you don't even know what little sister Xuan'er is thinking, and even more so as a concubine, sister-in-law. Who knew that little sister would act so resolutely that she was about to leave."

When Young Master Liu and his wife arrived at the courtyard where Liu Xuan lived, Liu Xuan had already carried the packed package on her shoulders, and when she saw the elder brother and sister-in-law who came in a hurry, they immediately gave a blessing.

"Xuan'er met elder brother and sister-in-law Yun."

First Young Master Liu glanced at the burden on his younger sister Liu Xuanxiang's shoulders, let go of Qi Yun's big hand and waved casually.

"Okay, okay, how can there be so many vulgar etiquette, you are a real girl, and you don't know how to say hello to elder brother in advance if you are going to wander the rivers and lakes.

Fortunately, my eldest brother came back earlier today because there were no customers at the divination stall, otherwise I might not have seen your side. "

Seeing the helpless expression on her elder brother's face, Liu Xuan smiled and shook her head.

"No, no. Even if you don't come home in time, big brother, Xuan'er won't say goodbye to you without saying goodbye.

Xuan'er was planning to say goodbye to sister-in-law Yun and all the other sister-in-laws, so she planned to go to the hexagram stall outside Penglai Restaurant to say goodbye to you, big brother.

Unexpectedly, big brother, you happened to be back home first, so that's fine, saving Xuan'er another trip. "

Qi Yun smiled and walked to Liu Xuan's side and stopped, grabbed Liu Xuan's jade hand and sighed softly.

"Little sister, do you really stop thinking about it? There are still two or three months until the Spring Festival, and you will still come back to celebrate the reunion festival.

That being the case, in the past two or three months, why do you go out and wander around the rivers and lakes now?

Take a good rest at home for a while, and it’s okay to wait until the spring of next year before going out!

Don't think your sister-in-law is nagging, she is also thinking of you. "

"Sister-in-law, Xuan'er appreciates your kindness, but Xuan'er is too idle at home, I really can't bear this lazy life."

Qi Yun wanted to persuade her again, but was stopped by Liu Mingzhi raising her hand.

"Yun'er, since Xuan'er has already made up her mind, don't try to persuade her anymore."

"This... well, I know."

"Xuan'er, have you told your parents about leaving home?"

"I already said it this morning, although my parents were reluctant to let Xuan'er venture into the world again, but they didn't want to imprison Xuan'er's own thoughts, so they agreed after saying some farewell words.

It was after Xuan'er came out from her parents that she told sister-in-law Yun about this matter. "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then nodded with a lonely expression.

"Come on, since my parents have already agreed, what can I, the eldest brother, say?

Anyway, your heart is not at home, so go if you want. "

"Yeah, thank you brother."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted his younger sister Liu Xuan's fragrant shoulders a few times, then turned and walked outside Liu Xuan's boudoir.

"Silly girl, if you have anything to do with big brother, go and say goodbye to your other sisters-in-law first, big brother will wait for you at the gate of the house.

I don't know when we will meet again after this farewell, so my eldest brother will see you off. "

"Okay, Xuan'er understands."

Qi Yun looked at her husband's charming back and sighed helplessly, then nodded to Liu Xuan.

"Let's go, my sister-in-law will go with you to say goodbye to her other sister-in-laws."

"Okay, then there will be Mrs. Lao."

Liu Mingzhi waited outside the gate of the mansion for a long time before his little sister Liu Xuan arrived late surrounded by all the beauties.

"Big brother."

"The concubine's sister has seen her husband."

"Everything is free, Yun'er, Wanyan, Yan'er, sister go back first, it's getting late, go see off your little sister for your husband.

Let's delay any longer, the little girl is probably going to sleep in the wilderness today. "

"Yes, my concubine sister understands."

"Little sister, I wish you a smooth journey, we will not see you off."

"Thank you sisters-in-law, my little sister will leave first, and you all go back too."

Liu Xuan bowed to the beauties, saw the eldest brother who had walked a dozen steps while holding the rein, waved his hand and gave a final signal to his sisters-in-law, and followed Eldest Young Master Liu with a lot of limp steps.

The two brothers and sisters walked side by side, walking towards the south gate in silence without saying a word.

I don't know how much time has passed, the figures of the two brothers and sisters appeared on the official road where people come and go in the south of the city.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the official road, and looked up at the endless clear sky.

"Xuan'er, have you figured out where to go?"

"I don't know! Wherever I go, I will be there!"

Liu Mingzhi was silent because of his little sister Liu Xuan's words, and after a long silence, he showed a wry smile, gently grabbed his little sister's wrist and put the reins into her palm.

"Okay, let's go wherever we want.

But no matter where you go, Xuan'er, Big Brother hopes that you can remember the hexagram that Big Brother told you. "

Liu Xuan's delicate body trembled, biting her red lips lightly with her white teeth, intending to say something, but in the end she didn't speak, she just held the rein tightly and nodded her head.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl's dull and delicate face, reached out and groped in the cuff for a moment, took out a bank note and put it in Liu Xuan's palm.

"Girl, you should eat and play along the way, but don't wrong yourself.

If you feel tired outside, big brother welcomes you to go home and rest at any time.

I won't say much about the farewell words, but don't forget to think carefully about what the elder brother said to you just now.

Guanshan Road is far away, cherish all the way. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he patted Liu Xuan's fragrant shoulders a few times with his big hand, then turned around and walked towards the city gate.

"Big brother."

Liu Mingzhi's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned slightly to look at Liu Xuan who was holding the lotus root arms.

"what happened?"

"I think... no... you also cherish it a lot."

"Understood, brat, big brother... once again I wish you the best of luck."

Liu Mingzhi seemed to reply nonchalantly, straightened his clothes, and rushed forward with high strides.

Silly girl, brother is ashamed of you.

Liu Xuan watched her elder brother's somewhat bleak and lonely back gradually go away with her beautiful eyes, and waved her palms lightly a few times.

It turned out that the eldest brother's back also bent a lot unconsciously.

Liu Xuan blinked her moist eyes several times, took the rein of the horse and walked in the opposite direction silently.

(End of this chapter)

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