My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2610 Dad is tired

Chapter 2610 Dad is tired

After Liu Mingzhi returned to the mansion, before he had time to sit down and rest for a while, Liu Song's hurried figure appeared outside the room, stood at the door and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Master, is it convenient for you now?"

Young Master Liu frowned slightly and put down the sip of tea he had just taken in his hand, gently spit out the tea leaves on the tip of his tongue and looked towards Liu Song who was standing outside the door.

"Come in first? What's the matter?"

"Master, there is nothing special, the younger one will not go in, but the master asked the younger one to inform you to go there."

"The old man asked Master Ben to go there? Now?"

"Yes, when the little one came to inform the young master, the master had already gone to the study, and he said he was waiting for you in his study."

Young Master Liu murmured a few words about the old man's purpose for letting him go there with a puzzled expression, raised his hand and waved it twice at Liu Song.

"I see, young master, I will go over after drinking this cup of tea to moisten my throat. You can go to your own affairs first."

"Yes, the little one retire."

After Liu Song left, Young Master Liu unhurriedly picked up the teacup in his hand, while sipping the tea that made his lips and teeth fragrant, while thinking about the purpose of his old man calling him over.

Don't call out in the morning, don't call out in the evening, but Xuan'er let herself go there just after leaving for about half a day. This is too much of a coincidence.

Does the old man want to talk to himself about the girl Xuan'er?So what will you talk about?
After pondering for a long time, Young Master Liu vaguely came to a conclusion that what the old man wanted to say had something to do with the lifelong events of his little sister Liu Xuan.

The 26-year-old Fang is not too old in my opinion, but according to today's concept, Xuan'er is already an old leftover girl who can't get married.

After the age of Huaxin, he has not married yet, although he can't be said to be the only one in Dalong, at least he can be regarded as a leader at the top of the pyramid.

While discussing secretly, the cup of tea was gradually drank.

Young Master Liu put the teacup on the table, stretched his arms high, got up and walked out of the room.

"Huh? Husband... When did you come back?"

As soon as Qi Yun stepped into the threshold with a few colorful undergarments in her arms, she was shocked when she saw Young Master Liu coming out of the room suddenly.

Young Master Liu saw the beautiful woman patting her trembling chest with jade hands to calm down her fright, then glanced at the colorful undergarments in Qi Yun's hands, and shrugged her shoulders lightly with frowning hands.

"As soon as I came back to drink a cup of tea, the old man let my husband pass by. Yun'er, you should pack your clothes first, and my husband will go there first."

"Okay, I understand, what do you want to eat tonight? I will go and tell the kitchen to prepare it for you alone."

Young Master Liu rubbed his hands together and smiled, glanced at the clothes in Qi Yun's hands again, put his hands behind his back and walked out of the room with a half smile.

"My husband didn't notice it for a while, but Yun'er seems to have grown up a little bit."

"Huh? Is my concubine looking old again?"

Qi Yun's delicate face was startled, and when she realized it, she hurriedly reached out and stroked her jade cheeks a few times, then turned around and ran to the vanity mirror to take a look.

Looking at the mirror and touching the corners of her eyes with her fingertips for a moment, Qi Yun was suddenly relieved to find that the subtle wrinkles in the corners of her eyes hadn't increased.

"Stinky husband, you scared my old lady to death."

"Yun'er, don't forget to prepare steamed buns for your husband at night."

Hearing her husband's words faintly coming from the courtyard, Qi Yun responded casually.

"Understood, my concubine will order the kitchen..."

Qi Yun paused as she spoke, as if she had realized something, subconsciously glanced at her chest, which seemed to be gathering mountains and waves, and a few pieces of underwear in her hand, her pretty face suddenly spit in secret as charming as water.

"Bah, bad guy."

Young Master Liu didn't know if Yun'er understood what he meant, so he rushed all the way outside Liu Zhi'an's study.

"Old man, Master Ben is here."

After saying hello in advance, Young Master Liu didn't wait for his old man to respond, he kicked open the door of Liu Zhian's study room, and walked into the study room as if nothing had happened.

"Old man, I don't know what you want to teach me when you called me to come here?"

The pen in Liu Zhi'an's hand lightly tapped an ink mark on the ledger, put down the pen and casually glanced at the carefree Young Master Liu.

"Xuan'er has already left the city?"

Young Master Liu nodded silently, sat down on a chair beside him with a carefree attitude, crossed his legs, casually picked up a piece of candied fruit and threw it into his mouth.

"It's not been less than half an hour before and after, and it's estimated that we have only walked about a dozen miles at the earliest.

By the way, what do you want me to do? "

"The old man and your mother plan to go back to the old house in the south of the Yangtze River to live for a while. It has been a long time since they left their hometown. Many old people have not seen each other for many years. I want to go back and have a good reunion with them."

"You also know that Xuan... huh? Back... Back to the old house in Jiangnan? Are you going back to the old house in Jiangnan with my mother?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's somewhat stunned reaction, Liu Zhi'an stood up, reached out his hand to take down the dry pipe that he seldom smoked from the wall, and walked to the window.

After loading the shredded tobacco with a slightly rusty movement, Liu Zhi'an lit it with a torch and silently breathed out a few puffs of smoke.

"Now that many things have come to an end, there is nothing on your side that needs the help of the old man, and the old man can completely feel at ease.

Therefore, the old man plans to take your mother back to Jiangnan's hometown to relax and reunite with old friends.

The old man has been working hard all these years, and he is somewhat exhausted.

Now that my husband and your mother have reached the age where they should take care of themselves, they want to go back to their hometown and live a leisurely life for a few years.

Some people return to their hometowns in good clothes, some return to their hometowns with glory, some return home in despair, and some return alone.

However, all of these things are inseparable from the four characters. For the rest of your life, you will not be able to escape the shackles of these four characters after all.

That is the so-called four words "fallen leaves return to their roots".

A person's life, no matter whether it is beautiful or not, brilliant or not, depressed or not, desolate or not.As long as you get older, you will always think about things like falling leaves returning to their roots.

Bastard, dad is old, really old.

From the day you were born to today, more than 40 years have passed in a hurry.

As if in the blink of an eye, the little baby who was held in his hands by his father and howling was now a real adult.

Not only has he become an adult, but he has also grown into the current son of Dalong, the king of a country.

To be able to see this scene with my own eyes, my father and your mother will not be in vain in this life.

Regardless of whether it is the south of the sky or the north of the earth, the elderly will often say how the ten years have been like a day.

But in father's place, it has been like a day for more than 40 years!

Over the past 40 years, you, Mingli, Xuan'er, Mingjie, all four of you have grown up.

Day by day, year by year, watching you grow up from croaking to adulthood, my heart is sweeter than eating honey.

Although Dad often scolds you for being useless, in Dad's heart, Dad is proud of you from the bottom of his heart, and proud of you from the bottom of his heart.

Your achievements today are not in vain for your father's hard work over the past few decades!

You have worked so hard for decades, and although Dad didn't do you much favors, he still did his best.

I have been busy for decades, idiot, my father is tired, and my father also wants to rest. "

After listening to Liu Zhi'an's hoarse voice, Young Master Liu's sloppy attitude disappeared, and he seemed a little at a loss when sitting on the chair, and even more at a loss.

The candied fruit in his mouth was obviously so sweet and delicious, but Liu Mingzhi felt that it was extremely unpleasant.

Young Master Liu pursed his lips and swallowed the candied fruit in his mouth, and blinked vigorously a few times that were blown by the wind...yes...the eyes that were blown by the wind.

Candied fruit can be bitter when tasted carefully.

Bitter than Huang Lian!

(End of this chapter)

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