Chapter 2611
Liu Mingzhi swallowed all the candied fruit that seemed to be bitter to the bone, stood up from the chair with difficulty, walked to Liu Zhian's side and stopped.

"Since you're tired and want to take a rest, let's take a rest."

Liu Zhi'an gently took the bong out of his mouth, and knocked the long-burned shredded tobacco against the window sill.

"You bastard who didn't grow up, you finally said something human.

The old man thought that you would keep the old man busy until the moment of his death! "

"Hehehehe... so the young master is so heartless in your eyes, old man? After you say that, the young master suddenly doesn't want you and my mother to go back to the south of the Yangtze River.

Not to mention keeping you busy until the moment you pass away, at least you have to be busy for another 30 to [-] years before I can let you go back to your hometown in the south of the Yangtze River and live with my mother in peace of mind.

It's a pity that people who want to leave can't stay after all, just like grandfather, uncle, aunt, old man, Xuan'er and all of them.

They have already made up their minds to leave the capital, and this young master can't stay even if he wants to. Now you and your mother are the same, since you have told me about leaving, it means that you have made up your mind.

Since you have already made up your mind to leave the capital, what is the point of this young master's reluctance in every possible way?

Forcing him to stay is just adding an unfilial reputation, and this young master doesn't want to carry such a reputation in a daze.

old man. "

Liu Zhi'an paused while filling the tobacco pot with shredded tobacco, then silently turned his head to look at First Young Master Liu who was standing beside him.


First Young Master Liu looked at the tobacco pot which had been filled with shredded tobacco again in the old man's hand, hesitated for a moment, and took out the torch from his cuff to blow it on.

"When you are tired, take a good rest, your back is bent too much compared to 20 years ago.

Not only is his back bent, but his beard and hair have also turned white.

I remember that when you were in the old mansion in Jinling, Jiangnan 20 years ago, you were waving the training stick, and you looked at your current appearance with white beard and hair.

You are right, old man, you are old now, really old. "

Liu Zhi'an silently looked at the crackling torch in Young Master Liu's hand, raised his bong and leaned over it.

Quietly puffing out a few mouthfuls of smoke, Liu Zhi'an raised his hand and patted First Young Master Liu's shoulder, looked at his son's still tall body and sighed.

"Don't talk about the old man, why aren't you yourself?"

"That's different, my young master has so many wives, it's already pretty good for me to be able to straighten my waist.

And you are just my mother, a lady who wants to go out and steal something and is afraid of wolves and tigers. How can you compare with me and me?
The young master's back is a little bent, and that's a matter of course. "

"You're just pissed off. With your unrestrained, carefree appearance, if you can live to the age of this old man, it is because the ancestors of our Liu family have manifested in the sky."

"Hey! This young master is willing to die under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic.

Life is alive, if it is long, it is only a hundred years; if it is short, it is only a few decades.

It is only a few decades or a hundred years in a hurry, and you are born as a human being, so why should you care about so many rules and regulations that imprison your own thoughts?

Life is alive, enjoy yourself in time.Life is alive, so enjoy yourself in time! "

"Hehehe...Your boy is open-minded."

"That's how life is supposed to be, isn't it?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Is this old man short-sighted?"

"What day do you plan to leave to return to your hometown in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Liu Zhi'an didn't expect his son, who was joking with him just now, to suddenly mention such a sad question, and he let out a puff of smoke gently with his gloomy eyes.

"About three to five days, it shouldn't be too long.

It will be October soon. Once the snow falls and the road will be blocked by heavy snow, it is estimated that we will not be able to go back this year. "

"Okay! By the way, about the important events in Xuan'er's life, old man, who are you..."

Liu Zhi'an tapped the cigarette pot on the window sill, and directly cut off Liu Mingzhi's subsequent words.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Xuan'er has grown up and knows what she wants. This old man no longer intends to interfere.

This girl is very sensible, and being sensible makes people feel distressed!

The old man doesn't want to use the so-called...

Sigh, don't talk, don't talk, I called you here to tell you about the old man and your mother who are going back to our hometown in the south of the Yangtze River.

What needs to be said is almost the same as what you said. Today is the Great Court Meeting, you must have woken up very early, you should go back and rest first, the old man will continue to settle accounts.

By the way, don't forget to close the door, the old man can't stand the cold. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Zhian who had already walked towards the chair, twitched the corner of his mouth for a moment and nodded silently.

"Okay, my young master will go back first."

"Well! Go!"

Young Master Liu left the old man's study absently, wandered aimlessly into Qi Ya's courtyard, and saw Qi Ya who was sitting in the gazebo embroidering and walked straight over.

"Sister Ya."

"Husband? You got up so early in the court meeting today, you must be in low spirits. Why didn't you catch up on sleep after you sent my little sister back!"

"If your husband is not tired, you shouldn't be busy now, right?"

Qi Ya immediately put the half-embroidered cloth in her hand into the wire frame, and stood up gracefully.

"Not busy, is your husband looking for a concubine?"

"It's fine if you're not busy. I don't have anything to do with my husband. I just feel a little busy. How about going to the backyard to have a few drinks with my husband?"

Qi Ya carefully looked at her husband's expression, and nodded her head with a smile.

"Okay, after I send the things back to the room, we will go there."

"Okay, my husband is waiting for you."

After a few cups of tea, the figures of the couple appeared on the withered lawn in the backyard of Liu Mansion.

Holding a wine glass filled with peach blossom wine in his hand, Young Master Liu lay quietly on Qi Ya's round and slender jade legs, staring at the clouds in the sky, pouring the fine wine into his mouth glass after glass.

Qi Ya quietly looked at her husband who was nestled in her arms drinking silently, forcibly suppressed the worry in her peach blossom eyes, raised her wine glass and touched her husband lightly.

"Husband, this concubine will drink with you."

"Alright, Sister Ya, let's have a drink together."

On the second day of October in the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, when the sun was rising, a luxurious carriage slowly left the street in front of the gate of the Liu Mansion amidst the cries of a group of children.


"Woooooo, grandpa, grandma, Yunxin will go back to Jinling to see you."

"Grandpa, grandma, don't go, don't go."

"Grandpa, grandma, wait for Zhengran, Zhengran will go back to Jiangnan with you."


Liu Mingzhi glanced at the crying sons and daughters who were struggling in the hands of their respective mothers and wanted to catch up with the distant carriage, and sighed softly.

Looking at the carriages drifting away on the street, Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then turned and walked into the gate of the mansion with a melancholy expression.

They are all gone, the formerly bustling Liu Mansion will become empty from today onwards.

The beauties heard her husband's sigh, turned their heads to look at the lonely back of her husband walking slowly towards the mansion, glanced at each other, sighed softly, turned around and walked into the gate of the mansion with the children struggling in their hands. middle.

After Liu Zhi'an and Mrs. Liu left the capital, the Liu Mansion was quiet for about a month, and then it gradually became lively again.

It's just that compared to the previous days, after all, it feels like something is missing.

"Little Liu Song begs to see the young master."

"come in."


"Xiao Song, what's wrong?"

"Return to the young master, Xiao Chengzi replied, the matter ordered by the young master has been completed."

"Understood, back down."

"Yes, the little one retire."

(End of this chapter)

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