Chapter 2612
The cold wind is howling, and Ruixue is coming again.

The Dalong capital, which was already covered in silver, was once again shrouded in the heavy snow of goose feathers flying all over the sky.

"Ah... ah chirp."

Young Master Liu, who was reclined on the deck chair and wrapped in a big cloak, was blown violently by the oncoming cold wind, and sneezed heavily involuntarily.

Young Master Liu trembled a few times, lifted his cloak and slowly sat up straight, glanced at the people hurrying to and fro on the street in the wind and snow, and breathed into the palm of his hand.

Today's goose feather snow began to fall at dawn in the morning, and after falling for a long time, instead of decreasing, it became bigger and bigger.

Pedestrians coming and going on the street were all in a hurry, and no one came to the Gua Tan to take care of their own business.

Glancing at the boiling kettle on the stove next to him, Young Master Liu lifted the kettle and poured a cup of hot tea into his hands to keep warm.

Alas, I just picked up a customer today, and business is getting harder and harder.

Young Master Liu carefully sipped a little tea, and made up his mind that if there were still no guests coming to the door in about half an hour, he would close the stall and evacuate immediately.

Fortunately, my hexagram booth has already built a shanty to keep out the cold and prepared a stove for heating, otherwise, the long street with wind and snow blowing on my face would really be no place for people to stay.

Putting down the steaming teacup, Young Master Liu picked up a book and quietly flipped through it, but Young Master Liu threw the book back to its original place without a cup of tea.

After looking at the empty hexagram booth, Young Master Liu sighed with regret, and couldn't help but miss Ren Qingrui's days when she stayed in the capital.

Ever since Tao Ying passed away, the girl Ren Qingrui has taken Tao Ying's place, and she comes to the Gua Tan to chat with her every day.

Although occasionally he would chatter non-stop, which made people feel a little dizzy, but after getting used to it, it was pretty good, at least there was more popularity around him, right?

At worst, she could stand in front of the hexagram booth and yell loudly for herself for a long time, attracting some passers-by to come to take care of the business.

It's all right now, no one is yelling in my ears, it's quiet, but I'm not used to it.

Sometimes I like to be quieter, but this is also quieter, right?

The quietness makes people feel empty in their hearts, and it always feels like there is something missing around them!
Not only is it deserted now, but there is no one to help him solicit customers, and the business of the Gua stall seems to have deteriorated a lot, it can be said that it is getting worse day by day.

"Hey, I don't know how girl Ren is doing in Sichuan now? She should be living happily with her family, right?
Forget it, everyone has already left, so what's the use of thinking about it now?
It's a pity that I was born to you but not yet, and I am already old when you were born.

If you want to blame it, blame the sky for being blind, good luck tricks people, and let you, girl, pay the truth by mistake.

Forget it, don't think about it, let's find a way to earn more copper coins to support the family. "

After muttering to himself for a while, Liu Mingzhi forcibly pulled himself together, took a sip of tea, picked up the book again and silently flipped through it.

How beautiful the idea is, how cruel the reality is.

Young Master Liu originally thought that there would be some guests coming to the door in less than half an hour, but when he deliberately waited for half an hour and still no guests came, Young Master Liu suddenly felt cold.

Casually knocking the book on the table, First Young Master Liu picked up the cloak wrapped around his body, put it on his back, walked out of the small shanty of the hexagram booth.


Sitting on the remote steps outside the restaurant, kowtow melon seeds, while furtively reading the Spring and Autumn Annals, Liu Song, who read with a flushed face, instinctively looked up when he heard the young master's greeting.


"The stall is closed, my young master is going to take a look around first."

"Alright, little one knows."

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the heavy snowflakes flying in the sky, exhaled heavily, tightened the cloak around his body, and walked into the snow without haste to face the wind and snow.

After about a stick of incense, Young Master Liu's snow-covered figure appeared in Princess Yunchang's mansion where his daughter-in-law Li Jingyao used to live.

"Mr. Liu, you are here, the old slave is polite."

"No courtesy, no courtesy, where is the concubine?"

"Mr. Hui, Your Majesty is resting in the boudoir, so the old slave will not accompany you there."

"Well, you continue to keep warm."

"Yes, thank you sir."

First Young Master Liu exchanged a few words with the old butler of the princess mansion, and rushed straight to the courtyard where He Shu lived.

"Shu'er, what are you doing?"

In He Shu's boudoir, the beautiful woman who was sitting by the fire and threading needles heard Young Master Liu's voice outside the door, immediately put down the cloth in her hand and walked towards the door with her big belly.

Liu Mingzhi stood outside the door and patted off the snow on his body, then pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing He Shu walking towards him with a big belly, he hurriedly greeted him, and grabbed the beauty's arm.

"Slow down, Shu'er, your belly is getting bigger and bigger, you must pay attention to walking in the future."

He Shu looked at his sweetheart's nervous expression, his heart was as sweet as honey, and he stroked his round belly a few times with a smile.

"Silly husband, look at how nervous you are, the concubine's stomach hasn't reached the month when you have to be cautious in every move.

Besides, even if it's the month that needs attention, the concubine is not so delicate. "

"Yes yes yes, whatever you say is what you say, sit down and talk, sit down first and then talk."

First Young Master Liu supported He Shu to the stove and sat down again, seeing the needlework next to him and casually glanced at it.

"Shu'er, this is needlework and fabric, what are you doing?"

He Shu stretched out his hand to pick up the cloth in front of him, and waved it a few times in front of Young Master Liu as if offering a treasure.

"What else can we do? Of course, we need to make some suitable and comfortable clothes for our unborn child. When a child is born, the skin is tender, and not all clothes can be worn."

"Oh, let the maids help to do a few things, what do you think you are busy doing with a big belly."

"No, the maids have never been mothers, and the clothes they sew are not at ease. Besides, the concubine is idle, and making some clothes can pass the time.

You don't want to see my concubine stay bored in the room until she gets sick, right? "

"Okay, okay, as long as you like it, but you must pay attention to rest when you are tired, and don't try to be brave, you know?"

"Yeah, I know it. By the way, there is hot tea in the teapot. Husband, if you are cold, drink some hot tea to warm your body."

Young Master Liu poured himself a cup of tea and held it in his palms to keep warm, looking at the beautiful woman who was sewing clothes beside him, hesitant to speak for a long time.

"Shu... Shu'er."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, has Tao'er visited you recently?"

"Yeah, this kid comes to my concubine four or five times a month, and seven or eight times at most to check on my health, and he just came the day before yesterday.

What's wrong?Did he cause trouble for you in court? "

"No, no, don't think about it, Tao'er has been quite conscientious in the past few years in the Palace of Ten Kings, and he hasn't made any mistakes."

"That's good, that's good. When you mentioned him suddenly, I thought he caused you trouble again."

"Hehe... Don't think about it, the child has grown up now, and he has already married and started a business, so don't keep treating him like an ignorant child.

Weifu has thought about it for a while, and plans to give this child a chance... Forget it, let me tell you these things that you probably don't understand.

As a husband, let's take the time to talk to Tao'er directly, and I will explain the whole story to you after I have made an agreement with him. "

He Shujiao nodded confusedly: "Okay, if there is something serious to do, then husband, you should talk to Tao'er face to face."

Liu Mingzhi drank the warm tea in his hand, got up, stretched and walked towards He Shu's bed curtain.

"Shu'er, today is morning again. I woke up a little early for my husband. I will catch up with you first. If you are tired, you can rest together."

"Hey, I know, it's been snowing for a long time today, and the bed is a bit cold, why don't I call the maids in to warm your bed?"

"No need, my husband doesn't have that habit."

Young Master Liu rejected the beauty's kindness, took off his clothes and plunged into the bed that exudes a faint fragrance, and even breathing sound came out in less than half a stick of fragrance.

He Shufeng looked softly at First Young Master Liu who had fallen into a deep sleep for a while, smiled and shook his head, and then put his mind on the needlework in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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