My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2613 Who has the appearance of an emperor

Chapter 2613 Who has the appearance of an emperor
On November 28, the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, the Dachaohui.

"Your Majesty is here."

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

Young Master Liu walked up to the dragon platform in a regular uniform, glanced at the civil and military officials in the hall with a smile in his eyes, and gently held his hands.

"All ministers, please take your seat without courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After all the officials took their seats one after another, they turned their gazes to First Young Master Liu who was standing on the dragon platform.

Seeing First Young Master Liu standing on the dragon platform wearing ordinary clothes and going to court, although the expressions of all the officials were a little surprised, they were not too surprised.

After all, the current His Majesty is famous for not playing cards according to common sense, not to mention that he went to court in ordinary clothes, even if His Majesty went to court in a tattered beggar's outfit one day, it would not be a big surprise.

In the eyes of Baiguan, no matter what kind of weird behavior Young Master Liu did today, it was just a matter of course.

After all the officials calmed down, they stopped wasting their minds on Young Master Liu's attire, and took out the memorial papers they wanted to report today.

It's just that there seems to be something missing in today's court?But there was something missing in detail, and Baiguan didn't figure it out for a while.

It's just a vague feeling that something is missing.

Seeing that all the officials had already taken their seats, Liu Mingzhi let out a muffled cough and walked slowly towards the dragon platform. He leisurely stopped by the large stove in the center of the hall, and stretched his hands close to the wall to keep warm.

After the officials each took out the prepared memorial documents from their cuffs, they all looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing by the stove to keep warm, waiting for him to ask him to wait for others to report on government affairs.

However, about two cups of tea time passed, and Young Master Liu was still standing beside the stove leisurely to keep warm, and he had no intention of retreating from court at all.

Seeing Young Master Liu's complacent and uncomfortable appearance, the officials looked at each other for a moment, then turned their eyes to Young Master Liu in the center of the hall again in bewilderment.

This - this - Your Majesty, what does he mean by this?Why is it so incomprehensible?

Shouldn't the Dachaohui start discussions as soon as the officials arrive?Your Majesty, what happened to him laughing cheerfully around the fire?
Could it be that some empress in the harem is happy again, and after letting His Majesty know about the happy event, she can't extricate herself from enjoying it?

Or is there an auspicious event in a certain state capital, which made His Majesty too happy?
The civil and military officials had different thoughts, secretly guessing the root cause of Young Master Liu's strange behavior.

Many officials also looked at Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet who was kneeling on one of the first seats, and hoped that Mr. Xia, the chief minister of the cabinet, would open his mouth to break the somewhat unexplainable weird atmosphere.

Young Master Liu didn't seem to notice the gazes of the civil and military officials on both sides on him, so he picked up the tongs and fiddled with the burning coal balls in the stove a few times.

After a while, Young Master Liu put the tongs back to its original place, patted his palms lightly, and looked around at all the civil and military officials in the palace with a smile.

"My lords."

Hearing Young Master Liu's clear words, the civil and military officials, who were still full of doubts and quietly pondering the holy meaning, straightened their bodies and saluted with the wat in their hands.

"Your Majesty, the minister is waiting!"

"Hey, don't be so cautious, you can do whatever you want.

There have been several heavy snowfalls in the capital, and now the weather outside can be described as freezing cold, making people feel cold from head to toe.

All the ministers came together in the morning and entered the palace to go to court. I understand the loyalty of all the ministers and have prepared tea for you. If any love is really cold, just drink tea later, don’t worry about it. Care about courtesy. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he looked at Liu Song who was a few steps away and waved: "Liu Song, show tea to all the ministers."


Liu Song immediately ran to the back hall and yelled.

"Your Majesty has an order to serve hot tea to warm up your lords."

After about half a cup of tea, dozens of eunuchs walked into the hall in two rows carrying trays with several teacups on them, and put tea next to the civil and military officials in the hall one by one. The main gate retreated one after another.

First Young Master Liu took the teacup from Liu Song and sat cross-legged on the precious carpet in the palace, blowing the tea foam off the water and taking a sip of the tea.

"My lords, if anyone is thirsty and cold, he can do it himself."

Baiguan, who had already drank mutton soup several times in Qinzheng Hall and had many meals, was not surprised to see the teacup in front of him. Seeing that Young Master Liu had already drank tea to keep warm, he was no longer polite.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the tea."

"All the ministers should drink tea and drink tea, and I should say what I say.

Recently, I have been a little hesitant about one thing, and it is difficult to make up my mind. After thinking about it many times, there is still no perfect result.

Therefore, taking advantage of today's court meeting, I want all the ministers to help me come up with ideas and see if I can get a perfect solution. "

Hearing that Young Master Liu finally spoke up about something serious, the officials warmed up with hot tea while waiting curiously for Young Master Liu to say something that made him hesitate.

In the eyes of all officials, Young Master Liu has always been a vigorous and decisive person today, and there are very few things that can make him hesitate and hesitate.

Therefore, when they heard that Young Master Liu had something to do and wanted to wait for someone to help him make up his mind, all the officials became curious.

It also included Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet, an upright old man, his old eyes were also shining with a hint of curiosity.

Young Master Liu saw the curious expressions of all the civil and military officials, and happily clapped his hands towards the apse of Qinzheng Palace.

"The court meeting has begun, all three of you come out."

All the officials followed Young Master Liu's gesture subconsciously, and turned their heads to look at the bead curtain in the back hall of Qinzheng Hall, all of them showed curiosity in their eyes.

Under the curious eyes of all the officials, the bead curtain leading from the back hall to the front hall shook several times one after another, and three figures walked out one after another.

Ok?Isn't this the second prince, the third prince and Princess Yue three brothers and sisters?

No wonder just now I vaguely felt that there seemed to be something missing in the hall. It turned out that the three of their highnesses were not sitting in the first place just now.

The three highnesses are worthy of the noble status of dragon son and dragon daughter. Although their aura in dragon robes is not as good as that of the majesty who is not angry and majestic, they have already begun to assume the majesty of the superior.

In particular, the dragon robes worn by the three brothers and sisters are moderate in size and fit well. It can be seen that they were sewn by the officials of the Shangyifang.

If I hadn't seen the faces of the three Highnesses at a glance, I would have thought that they were wearing this mighty dragon robe... I thought...

Ok?dragon robe?

Ok?Dragon... dragon... dragon robe?
Huh?Seems like something's wrong?
Young life?dragon robe?


"Hang Chi... Hang Chi..."

"Cough cough cough—cough cough cough—"


In just a few breaths, the sound of water spraying, humming, and coughing sounded one after another in the hall.

Waves of movement were continuous, as if entering a hospital full of patients.

After the officials made sure that they were not mistaken, they hurriedly grabbed the cuffs of their official robes to wipe off the water, and began to tidy up their demeanor.

It's just that their eyes never left the three of Liu Chengzhi who walked into the hall.

Liu Chengzhi, who was wearing a bright yellow and black dragon robe, and the brothers Liu Chenggan walked towards the old man sitting in the middle of the hall with a slightly cautious expression when they saw the strange and embarrassed expressions of civil and military officials in the hall.

On the other hand, the little cutie who was also wearing a bright black dragon robe behind the two brothers had a much more casual look and demeanor, mixed with a trace of laziness.

Seeing the stinky old man sitting in the middle of the hall, Xiao Kei glanced nonchalantly at the civil and military officials on both sides.

After yawning, he first scratched his neck casually, and then scratched his upturned and slightly itchy buttocks in a 'vulgar' manner. He followed the second brother with three steps, and the third brother walked towards the stinky father behind him.

Young Master Liu rolled his eyes helplessly as he looked at the little cutie who was walking in the back with a sloppy behavior.

Is this crazy girl really my young master's seed?
First Young Master Liu coughed a few times, and looked around with a faint smile at all the civil and military officials in the palace with strange and inexplicable expressions.

"My lords, tell me, the second prince, the third prince, and Princess Yunrui are among the three brothers and sisters.

Who is more regal? "

(End of this chapter)

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