My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2614 It's just a dragon chair, I've sat on it

Chapter 2614 It's just a dragon chair, I've sat on it
As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, the faces of civil and military officials who had just eased up a little bit suddenly froze, and their minds tensed up again.

The same idea tacitly popped up in the center of my mind, what is your Majesty's intention in saying this?

Let's talk about the second prince, the third prince, and Princess Yue, who among the three brothers and sisters has the appearance of an emperor more?Could it be that His Majesty wants me to wait to decide the candidate for the crown prince?
impossible!impossible!Absolutely impossible!
If things were really that simple, the candidates for the crown prince and crown prince of the Dalong court would not be empty for a few years, and it has not been finalized until now.

Your Majesty has always acted in a disorderly and unreasonable manner, and his thoughts are even more unpredictable. How could he let us all be officials to decide the candidate for the crown prince.

There must be deceit in it, and you must not say anything casually to echo, otherwise it may come from your mouth!

Those elders and ministers who hold great power in the court still know how Young Master Liu is. Although they didn't understand what Liu Mingzhi wanted to do for a while, they also understood the taboo of talking too much.

Since you don't understand the deep meaning of His Majesty's move, let's wait and see how it gets better.

Although some less advanced officials are not very clear about Liu Mingzhi's nature, their ability to read words and demeanor is still very good.

Seeing that their immediate superiors were all silent, they also knelt down obediently and remained motionless.

Except for the upright and upright Lord Xia who dared to speak up and speak out in front of His Majesty, in this weird situation right now, no one wants to be the one who stands out.

After all, today's situation is really too strange, so strange that people have no idea.

Xia Gongming glanced thoughtfully at the silent civil and military colleagues on both sides, stretched out his hand to caress the gray beard on his chin, looked at Young Master Liu who was smiling faintly in the center of the hall, and seemed to want to say something , but finally held back.

Among the officials, nothing is more relaxed than Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

Although he also couldn't understand what Young Master Liu was thinking, he knew that no matter what kind of fire there would be, it would be difficult for him to burn himself because of the family relationship between him and First Young Master Liu.

That's enough, the rest just go with the flow.

Liu Mingzhi turned around and glanced around for a week, the faces of the civil and military officials who were a little stiff on both sides, kneeling and sitting in their positions as steady as old dogs, gradually put away the smile on their faces.

"From the beginning of the year when I proclaimed myself emperor, all the ministers have been yelling and admonishing me to establish a crown prince as soon as possible, and this admonition has lasted for several years.

Now that I have finally figured it out, I plan to establish a crown prince as soon as possible, but all the ministers have stopped talking?Why?

how?The reason why the ministers are so slow to speak, is it because they think that all three of them are good candidates?
If this is the case, you might as well say it bluntly, after all, the selection of the crown prince and prince is not a child's play, it is a decision that concerns the safety of the world, and I am quite willing to accept advice carefully and listen to Yayan's words.

I don't know which lover is willing to be the first to come forward to explain his views for me and all the ministers?As long as what you say is reasonable, I will reward you heavily. "

Baiguan's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and he glanced at his colleagues around him a few times, his mind spinning rapidly, thinking about how to break the situation if it affects him.

They found that they could not understand Young Master Liu's mysterious behavior more and more.

Could it be that His Majesty really wants himself and others to choose the most suitable successor?Just how many percent of this possibility will there be?

If you misunderstand the holy will, you will be in big trouble!
Seeing Baiguan's anxious expression, Liu Mingzhi gently put down the teacup in his hand, and looked up at the three children standing aside.

"I think it's because the three of them only wore dragon robes, so it's difficult for the ministers to judge.

That being the case, let them do something else, and then let the ministers weigh it carefully. "


Liu Chengzhi's already reserved face tightened again, and he hastily bowed and saluted.

"My son is here."

Young Master Liu slowly turned the finger on his thumb, and gestured at the dragon chair on the dragon platform directly in front of him with a very casual gesture.

"Go, sit on the dragon chair and read and comment on the first document on the left hand position above the dragon case."

Liu Chengzhi's body shook suddenly, he turned his stiff neck slightly, took a sneak peek at the chair on the high platform that symbolized power, and swallowed a few times involuntarily.

Dad asked me to sit... sit... sit on the dragon chair?

Liu Chengzhi only took a peek at the chair for a blink of an eye, and then quickly withdrew his gaze, resolutely not daring to take a second peek.

His heart was beating non-stop, and fine traces of sweat involuntarily appeared on Liu Chengzhi's forehead, but he didn't dare to reach out to wipe it off.

Looking down at his father, who was in front of him, Liu Chengzhi was confused and at a loss, neither moving nor not moving.

The old man let himself wear this bright yellow dragon robe earlier, and his heart was already under great pressure.

Now let myself sit on the dragon chair that symbolizes power in front of civil and military officials, I really dare not!

Dad, Dad, can we not be so scary?What do you want to do?

Let me, a prince, sit on the dragon chair that can only be sat by an emperor in public, you might as well kill me, it's too scary.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Go up! Don't you want my father to help you sit up?"

"No, no, no... I don't dare, I don't dare, I just go and sit by myself... It's not right, it's not right, father, I don't dare!"

Young Master Liu frowned suddenly, staring at the trembling Liu Chengzhi with sharp eyes.

"Huh? You dare to wear a dragon robe? You dare not sit on a dragon chair?"


Seeing that her good second brother was so frightened by the stinky old man that he stuttered when he spoke, Xiaocuti wrinkled her pretty nose resentfully, and stretched out her hand to gently tug on the sleeve of her second brother.

Feeling the little cutie's movements, Liu Chengzhi hurriedly looked back.

The little cutie pretended to be casual and took two steps forward, keeping her voice to a minimum.

"Second brother, it's just a hard and cold chair, what's there to embarrass?
Anyway, the stinky old man told you to sit, and you didn't take the initiative to sit, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Don't be shy, just sit on it. "

"Yue'er, that's a dragon chair."

"What happened to the dragon chair? Aren't the left and right chairs still the same chair?

We are already wearing dragon robes, so why not sit on the dragon chair?
Besides, this is what the stinky old man meant. If you don't sit on it, you will not only disobey the emperor, but also disobey the order.

Will Daddy be happy if you're disobedient?

Smelly old man let you sit, you just sit, just walk up and sit down, Yue'er supports you. "

With little cute encouragement, Liu Chengzhi's uneasy mood gradually calmed down.

Taking a peek at his father who had been staring at him sharply, Liu Chengzhi took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, turned around and walked towards the Longtai.

Stopping at the bottom of the steps of the Dragon Terrace, Liu Chengzhi turned around and glanced at the civil and military officials in the palace who looked suspiciously, and stepped up slowly towards the Dragon Terrace.

Young Master Liu inadvertently glanced at the cutie at the side, and a faint smile naturally rose from the corner of his mouth.

The little cutie noticed her father's gaze, walked up to Eldest Young Master Liu with a pretty face and sat cross-legged, and muttered a few words softly.

"Smelly old man, what are you trying to do? To scare the three of us?
With such a small amount of power to scare the second brother, the third brother and the two of them are still working together, but it is far from enough to scare Yue'er.

It's just a dragon chair, as if no one has ever sat on it before, Yue'er sat on it for more than a year when she was in the Kingdom of Jin! "

First Young Master Liu turned a deaf ear to the little cutie's words, and silently watched the second son who had boarded the dragon platform, the sharp gaze in his eyes was gradually replaced by relief.

No matter what the reason was for this bastard to sit in the dragon chair, after all, he didn't disappoint himself too much.

If he doesn't even have the courage to sit on that chair today, then he really has to reconsider his thoughts.

A gentle sound spread throughout the silent hall, causing all the officials to take a breath involuntarily.

And Liu Chengzhi, who was already sitting on the dragon chair, let out a heavy breath to calm down.

The feeling of sitting on the dragon chair is exactly the same as what Sister Yueer said, it is really hard and cold!
After calming down his nervous mood, Liu Chengzhi reached out and picked up the first document on the dragon case.

Recalling his father's posture when he went to court in his mind, Liu Chengzhi opened the document in his hand like a model.

(End of this chapter)

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