Chapter 2616 Orthodoxy
Liu Mingzhi quietly glanced at the tangled and helpless bitter expressions on the faces of all the officials in the palace, then turned his head gently and walked on them for a while.

Every official who came into contact with Young Master Liu's eyes lowered his head with some guilt. For some reason, they suddenly felt that Young Master Liu's eyes today were so oppressive.

Obviously I didn't make any mistakes, but after meeting His Majesty's eyes, I couldn't help feeling guilty, as if I had done something in private to be sorry for the court and His Majesty.

At this time, the hearts of all the civil and military officials suddenly came to their senses. After getting in touch with the approachable Young Master Liu on weekdays, they subconsciously forgot that he was the founding king who established the country with force.

The majesty of the emperor cannot be violated, it really is the majesty of the emperor that cannot be violated!
"The Minister of Rites, Qin Aiqing."

Qin Ziying, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, felt a sudden thump in his heart, and walked out anxiously holding the chao wat.

"Old... the old minister is here."

"Qin Aiqing, among the government offices of all ministries, you count the officials of all sizes from the Ministry of Rites, and it is the government office that has persuaded me to register the crown prince as soon as possible the most times.

That being the case, why don't you, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, express your attitude to the ministers first, and roughly tell what you think in your heart?

Qin Aiqing, the second prince Liu Chengzhi, the third prince Liu Chengqian, Princess Yunrui Liu Luoyue and the other three brothers and sisters, you should have seen their performance on the dragon chair clearly, right? "

"Yes, yes, old minister... old minister, see clearly."

"Well! It's fine if you can see clearly, then Qin Aiqing, tell me, in your mind, which of the three brothers and sisters has the appearance of an emperor more?"

Qin Ziying's slightly hunched body trembled, and with trembling beards, he looked towards the three of Liu Chengzhi who had already knelt and sat in their respective positions.

From the moment I got up to go out, I was always worried that His Majesty would ask me this question, but I didn't expect that I still didn't avoid it in the end.

Looking at Liu Chengzhi, brother and sister kneeling on the cotton pad, nodding their heads and lowering their eyebrows, without squinting, Qin Ziying's heart raised her throat uncontrollably.

Looking away, Qin Ziying gave a big gift to First Young Master Liu tremblingly.

"This... this... old minister... old minister is confused, please forgive me."

"Oh? Aiqing's words made me even more confused. What is Aiqing's crime?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, due to his advanced age, the old minister has dim eyesight and is difficult to distinguish talents, so he dare not judge the three His Highnesses, for fear of missing the important affairs of the country.

However, the old minister was unable to answer His Majesty's questions, nor was he able to share His Majesty's worries and problems. "

Young Master Liu silently looked at Qin Ziying, who had an inexplicably sad expression, who was about to slap her head on the ground, and smiled faintly in her heart.

Old fox, your acting is really good!

First Young Master Liu stared at Qin Ziying calmly for a while, then waved his hands with a smile on his face.

"Hey, this is human nature, why is old Aiqing guilty?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding, long live my emperor."

"Old Aiqing doesn't need to be so cautious. Since old Aiqing can't distinguish talents because of her old age and dim eyesight, then forget it and return to her position first."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty."

"Master Xia, Chief Assistant of the Cabinet."

Xia Gongming, who was silently pondering the Holy Will, heard Young Master Liu's greeting, frowned slightly and walked out holding the wat.

"The old minister is here."

"My lord, looking inside and outside the court, everyone knows that you are just, honest and upright, Mr. Xia, and now you are added as the chief assistant of the cabinet, leading all the officials to assist me in governing the people's livelihood in the world.

Baiguan believes in the boss, and I also believe in the boss.

Even though I will not accept all of the words of the boss, no matter whether I approve or not, I will think carefully before making a decision.

I will not doubt the justice of the boss for the country and the people before, nor will I doubt it now, nor will I doubt it in the future.

It can be said that as long as the boss is alive, I will never doubt the loyalty of the boss to the country and the people.

Therefore, my lord's advice will definitely be carefully considered.

My lord has witnessed the performance of my three sons and daughters just now, I don't know which one of my three sons and daughters has the posture of an emperor more in the eyes of my lord? "

Although Young Master Liu asked Xia Gongming the question he had asked several times as usual, his tone was much gentler.

For Xia Gongming, an old man, although he would sometimes be pissed off, but he respected this veteran and important minister from the bottom of his heart.

He not only scolded his father Li Zheng for being a fool, but he also scolded his elder brother Li Baiyu for being a fool, he also scolded Li Ye for being a fool, and he also scolded himself for being a fool more than once.

But no matter how harshly he scolded, Liu Mingzhi knew better than anyone else that Xia Gongming, an important official who was not afraid of death and dared to speak up and advise, could never be lacking in the court.

Officials of other ministries are indispensable, but only the upright people who are unselfish and fearless are indispensable.

This is also the reason why Xia Gongming resigned three times and wanted to return home, but he never agreed.

Before finding a censor like Xia Gongming, Liu Mingzhi was really reluctant to leave Xia Gongming and return to his hometown.

Xia Gongming once recommended his own second son Xia Zhengqing to himself, saying that he could take over the position of doctor censor, and Liu Mingzhi also summoned Xia Zhengqing alone to make a correct answer.

To tell the truth, Young Master Liu was very satisfied with Xia Zhengqing, but compared with his father Xia Gongming, in Young Master Liu's mind Xia Zhengqing was still a bit inferior after all.

It's not that Xia Zhengqing is not suitable for the position of censor, let alone that he has any shortcomings, but his father Xia Gong Ming Xia is so good, so good that he covered up all the light on Xia Zhengqing.

At this juncture, Liu Mingzhi is really reluctant to let Xia Gongming resign and return to his hometown!
Naturally, Xia Gongming didn't know what Young Master Liu was thinking. After hearing Young Master Liu's question, the old man had been thinking about how to answer Liu Mingzhi's own thoughts more appropriately.

After about a cup of tea, Xia Gongming, who was meditating on the chaohu, let out a soft breath, and looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting on the dragon chair with his old eyes.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister has no conclusion on who is more like an emperor, and he dare not speak nonsense, but the old minister can boldly say which His Highness is more suitable to be the crown prince."

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, turned the finger on his thumb and was silent for a moment, looking at Xia Gongming with a faint smile.

"Oh? I would like to hear the details."

Xia Gongming raised his eyes and glanced at the three brothers Liu Chengzhi not far away, and tightly clenched the Chaohu in his hand.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the old minister dared to think that His Royal Highness the Second Prince is more suitable to be canonized as the crown prince."


"Orthodox. The old minister's words are not secretly implying that His Highness the Third Prince and Princess Yue are not royally orthodox, but that His Royal Highness the Second Prince is more suitable at the moment.

The veterans dared to criticize, now that His Royal Highness the First Prince has gone to Tsarist Russia to marry the Queen of Tsarist Russia to marry Qin and Jin, it is still hard to say what the result will be.

The third prince has not yet married, and Princess Yue has not yet left the cabinet.

Therefore, His Royal Highness the Second Prince, who married Princess Jingyao a few months ago, was canonized as the Crown Prince and Crown Prince, which in the eyes of the veteran was the best choice.

Just because His Royal Highness the Second Prince becomes the crown prince, the current situation in the court can be better stabilized and the peace of the world can be maintained.

The orthodoxy in the old minister's words is not the orthodoxy of blood, but the orthodoxy of long-term stability.

Your Majesty, the prince, the grandson, any one of them can be considered orthodox.

It is safe to be upright, and the establishment of His Royal Highness the Second Prince as orthodox may not be a great benefit at the moment, but in the long run it will ensure the stability of the society.

Therefore, even though the performance of the third prince is indistinguishable from that of the second prince, and slightly inferior to that of Princess Yue, the veteran still prefers to make His Royal Highness the second prince the crown prince.

The remarks made by the old minister have nothing to do with personal feelings, no personal grievances, and no flattery.

However, the old minister's words are really bold and false, and I hope His Majesty will forgive me. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xia Gongming in the center of the hall with excitement, and forcibly controlled the admiration in his heart.

My lord, my lord, what are you guilty of?What you said really touched my heart!
(End of this chapter)

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