My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2617 Staying in the East Palace

Chapter 2617 Staying in the East Palace
Young Master Liu calmed down his state of mind quietly, and looked up at the other civil and military officials on both sides for a moment.

"My lords, what do you think of Xia Shoufu's advice?"

All the officials were stunned with different expressions, glanced at First Young Master Liu who couldn't see what he was thinking, and then looked at Xia Gongming who stood motionless in the center of the hall.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and Wei Yong, who is now one of the second assistants, came out holding the imperial wat.

"The old minister dares to second the proposal."

"Well, what about the rest of your love?"

Tong Sansi, who was also one of the second assistants, breathed a sigh of relief, raised his imperial wat and stood behind Xia Gongming, Wei Yong saluted Young Master Liu.

"The veteran also dared to second."

The three important ministers of the civil service sequence all expressed their opinions one after another, and the military officers headed by Rongweihou Cai Jun also stood up one after another.

"Veteran Cai Jun dares to second the proposal."

"Old minister..."

"Old minister..."


"The ministers also dare to second the proposal."

Liu Mingzhi looked at all the civil and military officials who came out to support Xia Gongming's words. Although he had a smile on his face, he had another thought in his heart.

Sure enough, the worrying words I said to the old man Wen Renzheng not long ago are really not unreasonable!
The situation in the court hall is not in vain for my temptation today!

Today's two groups of officials get along too harmoniously, too harmoniously.The harmony is so harmonious that I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

Xia Gongming, the first chief minister of the cabinet, was loyal to the country, so he really didn’t need to worry about it, but it didn’t mean that the next and future chief ministers of the cabinet would still be as loyal as Xia Gongming, serving the country and the people. Need to worry about yourself.

The purpose of setting up a cabinet is to reduce the burden on the emperor, so that the memorials and documents of various state capitals can be quickly approved, and then sent back to the chief officials of the local state capitals, so that the imperial court's decrees can be run more quickly.

But what about the current situation?Although the cabinet system has reduced the burden of handling government affairs, some disadvantages of the cabinet system have gradually become apparent.

If the chief minister of the cabinet in the future has a little bit of ambition, and according to this situation, the cabinet may soon become one-sided.

And it is possible that the cabinet that will become one word is not the cabinet that I want to see.

The cabinet I want is a cabinet that can reduce the burden on the current emperor, but can't control the situation of the court too much, otherwise the existence of the cabinet will go against my original intention.

Now it seems that the power of the cabinet seems a bit too great.

Perhaps the rights of the Ten Kings Hall will not be affected in a short period of time, but in the long run, the Ten Kings Hall will gradually become in name only.

Because the first-level personnel who contact state officials from various places are cabinet officials, they only need to move a little bit on the memorials and documents, and they will deceive the audiovisual of the Ten Kings Hall, thereby invisibly influencing their thoughts.

The audio-visual of the Hall of Ten Kings has been affected, so one can imagine what kind of situation the current emperor will face.

If the successor is a wise ruler, this disadvantage is naturally negligible. A successful ruler will be a little passive, and the problem is still not big, but if it is a faint... oh...

If that happens, it will be fatal to the imperial court!

Liu Mingzhi can guarantee that he will not commit stupid acts during his reign, but what about the descendants of future generations?Who can guarantee it?
The existence of the cabinet is a double-edged sword. It can certainly help the current emperor to solve the shortcomings, but it can also hurt the current emperor.

The key is to see in whose hand the sword is held.

Civil and military officials can cooperate to a certain extent, but civil and military officials must not be of one mind!

For a moment, Liu Mingzhi finally understood why Li Zheng treated him like that when he was in power.There are some things that I am not afraid of, but it does not mean that I am not worried about the future.

Now that he has personally experienced the difficulties brought about by the situation in the court, Liu Mingzhi finally realized how hard it is to sit in this position.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Mingzhi had long considered the matter of which son or daughter should be registered as the crown prince. He never thought of letting the civil and military officials below help decide the candidate for the crown prince.

The reason why this scene happened today is that Liu Mingzhi used this topic to test the attitude of civil and military officials.

Now Liu Mingzhi understood the attitudes and thoughts of all the officials, and there was no need to continue with the remaining thoughts.

After thinking quietly in his heart for a moment, Liu Mingzhi still stood up with a light smile and looked at the civil and military officials under the dragon platform.

"My lords."

"Sir wait."

"Did all the loves listen to the words of Mrs. Xia just now?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the ministers and others are all clear."

"It's good to understand, it's good to understand, you understand, and Mrs. Xia doesn't have to repeat it again, and likewise, I can feel at ease.

That is to say, all the ministers agreed with Mr. Xia's advice? "

Baiguan was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Sir wait..."

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

"Well, it's good to second."

"Master Xia."

"The old minister is here."

"Is there anything else you want to add? If Mr. Xia feels that what he said just now is not clear, he can put forward some new suggestions of his own at any time."

Xia Gongming was stunned for a moment, raised his eyes slightly to look at Young Master Liu who was full of smiles, and suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He faintly felt that something was wrong, as if he had been used by His Majesty as a gun.

However, Young Master Liu had used him as a weapon in a certain aspect, and he couldn't figure it out for a while.

It's just that Young Master Liu's meaningful smile caused waves in his calm heart, and he had this feeling vaguely in his heart.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Xia Gongming bowed with a complicated expression.

"Return to Your Majesty, old minister...the old minister has nothing to add. What I said earlier is really my own opinion, I hope it will not affect His Majesty's holy will.

If there is any inappropriateness, the veteran is willing to be punished, long live your majesty. "

"Lao Aiqing's words are serious. Lao Aiqing's words of loyalty have opened up my barriers, and I am very pleased. If it is too late to reward, how can we talk about punishment!"

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"The decree is to reward the chief assistant of the cabinet and the imperial historian Xia Gong Ming Xia with a thousand taels of silver, a hundred pieces of cloth, ten boxes of spices, and one of the four treasures of the national treasury and study.

In addition, Mr. Xia received the salary of the same prince and opened the mansion.

Then give Mrs. Xia the honor of being able to ride a horse in the palace, meeting the king, and not worshiping the king.

This is it. "

"The old slave complies."

"Veteran Xia Gongming thanks His Majesty for his grace, long live my emperor."

"Old Ai Qing doesn't need to be too polite, this is the reward that Ai Qing deserves."

Liu Mingzhi casually replied to Xia Gongming, and his eyes lingered on Du Chenghao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, and Li Chengbai, Zongling of the Clan's Mansion.

"The Ministry of Officials, the Clan Mansion."

The two instinctively glanced at each other, then hurriedly held up the chao wat and walked to the front and stopped.

"The old minister is here."

"You two government offices should cooperate with each other to assist the second prince Liu Chengzhi and Princess Jingyao to move into the East Palace before the rest period on December [-] this year."

The two were stunned for a moment, then saluted excitedly.

"My Emperor Shengming."

All the officials also bowed and saluted with excitement, and they did not hesitate to praise them.

"My emperor is holy. Long live, long live, long live."

Liu Chengzhi, who was kneeling on one of the first seats, straightened up involuntarily, and subconsciously looked at the reactions of the little cutie and Liu Chenggan beside him.

"Sister Yue'er, third brother, I...I..."

The little cute siblings smiled calmly at the unease of the second brother Liu Chengzhi's reaction, and stretched out their hands to pat Liu Chengzhi's arm calmly.

"Second brother, don't worry, younger brother believes in the emperor's decision, and will never feel dissatisfied in the slightest."

"Second brother, don't let your imagination run wild. After you become the emperor, as long as you can guarantee that this girl will be as crazy as she wants, this girl will never say no."

Liu Mingzhi looked around casually at the officials in the hall, and the reactions of Liu Chengzhi and others.

"My lords, is there any Grade A memorial document that I need to see in person today?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the ministers and others do not have a Grade A memorial document."

"Well, let's retreat from the court. After the rest of the documents are approved by the Palace of Ten Kings, they will be submitted to Zhen's hands for final ruling."




"What about registration?"

Baiguan stared dumbfounded at First Young Master Liu who turned around without hesitation and walked towards the back of Qinzheng Hall. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

After announcing the important event of His Royal Highness the Second Prince and Princess Jingyao moving into the East Palace, shouldn't the next step be the appointment of the crown prince and crown prince and concubine?

Your Majesty, what happened when you left as soon as you said you would?Now that you're gone, what should I do next if I let the minister wait?

Your Majesty, if you don't express your opinion, how should the grand occasion for the crown prince be held properly?

(End of this chapter)

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