My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2618 If you don't sweep the house, why sweep the world

Chapter 2618 If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand and lifted the bead curtain, and saw that he was about to enter the apse. Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet, reacted and took a few steps without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to ask Your Majesty to slow down."

Hearing Xia Gongming's slightly irritable words behind him, Liu Mingzhi paused and turned silently to look down the dragon platform.

Although he knew in his heart why Xia Gongming called him, Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the troubled Xia Gongming, with a look of doubt still showing on his face.

"Old Aiqing, didn't you just say that there are no first-class documents in the court today that I need to see in person?
That being the case, I don't know why, old Aiqing, you called me to live here? "

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu with a puzzled expression in embarrassment, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, Your Majesty, are you really confused or fake?

This is the end of the matter, can you stop joking with the old minister, the old minister is already at this age now, he really can't bear such jokes!

"This... old minister..."

"Huh? If you have something to say, Lao Aiqing may as well just say it directly, there is no need to hesitate."

Xia Gongming let out a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself, won't His Majesty want to use the old man as a gunman again?

This idea flashed away in his mind, Xia Gongming still decided to stick to his original heart.

After all, as the chief assistant of the cabinet and doctor of imperial history, my duty is to assist the emperor in governing the country.

If you deliberately slack off just because you are worried that you may be used as a spear by His Majesty, it is really against your own heart.

"Returning to Your Majesty, just now His Majesty has announced that the ministers and others are planning to arrange for the Crown Prince... His Royal Highness the Second Prince and His Royal Highness Princess Jingyao to move into the East Palace.

And the colleagues from the Ministry of Rites and the Clan Mansion were ordered to coordinate with each other to handle this matter before the rest period on December [-]th this year.

May I ask Your Majesty, is the old minister right? "

Young Master Liu nodded noncommittally: "Old Aiqing is right, so what?"

"Your Majesty, today is November 28th, and it will be less than [-] days before the rest period on December [-]th next month.

In terms of time, it is still too late, but please let your majesty know when the ceremony will be held.

After all, there is no auspicious day for your Majesty's Jinkou Yuyan to appoint the Crown Prince and Crown Prince, and the veterans and other colleagues really dare not decide the date of the memorial ceremony.

Now that His Highness the Second Prince and Princess Jingyao are going to live in the East Palace, then the old minister dares to ask His Majesty, when will the grand pawn ceremony for offering sacrifices to heaven to establish the crown prince and crown prince and announce to the world be held?

The old minister also asks His Majesty to make it clear as soon as possible, so as not to delay the registration ceremony due to the rush of time. "

Hearing Mr. Xia's first assistant say what he and others wanted to say, all the officials also saluted one after another and agreed.

"I respectfully ask Your Majesty to indicate the auspicious day of the zodiac, and I will prepare the specific matters for the canonization ceremony as soon as possible."

Liu Mingzhi glanced calmly at the civil and military officials behind Xia Gongming, and suddenly looked at Xia Gongming with a smile on his face.

"Hey! That's what old Aiqing said!

I thought it was because something important happened in the state capital of a certain place, that's why you are so hesitant, old Aiqing. "

"Your Majesty is wise, and the old minister dares to ask His Majesty to clarify."

Young Master Liu breathed out heavily, and slowly walked forward a few steps with his hands behind his back.

"Old Aiqing, gentlemen, have you misunderstood the meaning of what I just said?

From the beginning to the end, I only talked about letting the second prince and Jingyao's daughter-in-law live in the East Palace. When did I say that the second prince would be registered as the crown prince and heir?
As soon as I didn't send an order to the Ministry of Rites, the two Aiqing departments of the clan's mansion drew up the regulations for the establishment of the crown prince.

Second, there is no decree to the Qin Tianjian and the Aiqing to choose the auspicious day of the auspicious day for offering sacrifices to the sky.

From your point of view, why is it that the crown prince is to be appointed?
I just told the Ministry of Rites that the Clan Mansion will coordinate with the second prince and his wife to settle in the East Palace. Why did I say half a sentence that the appointment of the crown prince and crown prince will be held immediately?

In other words, are the ministers thinking wrong? "




"The minister waits...the minister waits..."

"The East Palace is where the prince governs. Is there any difference?"

"The old minister seconded the proposal, Your Majesty, since ancient times, the purpose of the prince's stay in the East Palace is to appoint a crown prince and crown prince!"


Looking at the stunned officials who were talking to themselves one after another, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and pressed down a few times.

"My lords, be quiet."

"The minister is rude, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Ministers and gentlemen, you also know that I have many concubines, and if there are many concubines, and my body is fierce, there will be more princes and princesses at my knees.

As the princes and princesses gradually grow up, they already need their own room alone.

As a result, there are really not enough rooms in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

Especially for a group of big and small princesses who are daughters, I can't just watch these sisters grow up and continue to live in a house, right?

The princes are better off. As a man with rough skin and thick flesh, he will be wronged even if he is wronged.

But my daughter can't be wronged, even if she is a little bit wronged, she can't be wronged too much, right?
Not to mention the palace, at least my father, I have to prepare a boudoir Accord for them to grow up, right?
Dear ministers, all of you Ai Qing have been or are now fathers. I believe you can understand my painstaking efforts.

If I can't even provide a shelter for my sons and daughters, then my father is too disappointing to my sons and daughters.

Therefore, due to the lack of rooms in the inner courtyard, I had to discuss carefully with the empress and concubines, and after several discussions, I came up with a more suitable solution.

That is to let my second prince Liu Chengzhi and his daughter-in-law Li Jingyao, a new couple, move to live in the East Palace first.

Now that the first prince is not in Dalong, the second prince, as the elder brother of the younger siblings, naturally cannot compete with the younger siblings for the room.

Furthermore, the second prince has already married now, and he is a man who can stand upright. I don't need him to stand on his own, but as the prince of the dynasty, he must at least learn to be self-reliant, right?

If self-reliance is still impossible, how can we talk about governing the country and governing the people in the world in the future?
After careful consideration of various reasons, I had no choice but to let the second prince and Jingyao's daughter-in-law move to live in the East Palace.

The second prince is not only my son and the second prince of the Dalong court, he is also the husband of his wife now, and may soon be the father in the near future.

The burdens of the world, country, wife, children, and family are about to fall on him, so he must try to be self-reliant and support himself.

This is the result of unanimous agreement between me and the concubines after several discussions.

Therefore, dear friends, you may have misunderstood what I mean. I let the second prince and his wife live in the East Palace, just let him live in the East Palace, and it has nothing to do with whether the crown prince is registered or not.

I am now at the height of the Spring and Autumn Period, so there is no need to worry too much about the establishment of the crown prince and crown prince. Let the second prince live on his own for a while now.

Let him also have a good taste of the hardships of life, and hone his character and skills.

If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?

Is this the truth that the ministers said? "



"Your Majesty... Your Majesty is holy."

"Your Majesty is holy, long live long live."

"It is enough for all the ministers to understand my painstaking efforts, and the cause and effect of the ministers are already clear, so the ministers should go back to the cabinet to deal with the government affairs at hand.

I felt a bit cold last night, and I'm a little tired, so let's retreat. "

Xia Gongming looked at First Young Master Liu who turned around and walked towards the apse again, and frowning, he chased forward a few steps until he reached the steps of the Dragon Terrace.

"Hold on, Your Majesty, old minister..."

However, before Xia Gongming could finish his sentence, Liu Mingzhi's figure had already disappeared in the hall.

There was only a clear and pleasant sound of bead curtains clashing in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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