My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2619 Shipwrecked, king's heart is even more unpredictable

Chapter 2619 Shipwrecked, king's heart is even more unpredictable

Xia Gongming looked at the gorgeous bead curtain that gradually stopped shaking for a moment with complicated eyes, and lowered his hands holding Chaohu with a desolate expression.

Liu Song, who was standing by the stove, saw Xia Gongming's lonely expression, coughed lightly, trotted to Xia Gongming's side and stopped.

"My lord Xia, sir... Your Majesty felt a bit cold last night because of the heavy snow, so the dragon's body felt a little uncomfortable, you should go to deal with government affairs first.

When His Majesty recovers, once he has any orders, the younger one will immediately notify you and the other adults, and the younger one will serve His Majesty first. "

Liu Song helped his young master round up his words, and without waiting for Xia Gongming to react, he ran to the Longtai, grabbed the documents that Liu Chengzhi, brother and sister had reviewed successively, and rushed straight to the apse.

Seeing this, Xiao Chengzi immediately flicked the whisk in his hand and screamed.


As soon as the words fell, Xiao Chengzi tidied up the whisk in his hand, and after showing a kind smile to the civil and military officials in the hall with complex expressions, he also turned around and walked towards the apse.

"Xia Shoufu, this... this... what does His Majesty mean?"

"My lord Yang's words are also what I think in my heart. My lord, what is your Majesty's intention in doing this? Why can't you understand at all, my lord?
Xiaguan has been in power for decades, and has never been so confused. His Royal Highness the Second Prince and Princess Jingyao are going to live in the East Palace. What is the difference between this and being a crown prince?
Throughout the past and present, who doesn't know that only the crown prince can live in the East Palace!

But His Majesty insisted on letting His Royal Highness the Second Prince live in the East Palace, it was just letting him live in the East Palace, and it had nothing to do with the establishment of the crown prince.

This... this... this... oh...

The lower officials are really confused. They have assisted the emperor for decades in the court! "

"Boss, do you think it is possible that His Majesty has actually decided to appoint the second prince as the crown prince. This is done to temper the second prince's character, but to see if he will be a qualified crown prince?"

"Hey, I don't think it's that simple. If His Majesty has already decided to appoint His Highness the Second Prince as the crown prince, why do you need the three His Highnesses to wear dragon robes together today?"

"I think so too, I always feel that the situation in the court today is a bit too strange, so strange that people don't know what to do!

His majesty's holy will is really too difficult to fathom. "

"Boss, Wei Fu, Tong Fu, you all have an idea, what should we do now?"

Xia Gongming was tired of listening to the conversations of the officials next to him.

However, I didn't have the slightest idea for a while, so I had to choose to turn a deaf ear to the noisy words of my colleagues around me.

Quietly put away the Chaohu and pondered for a moment, Xia Gongming looked thoughtfully at the three brothers, Liu Chengzhi, who had already got up.

The military officer looked at the group of civil servants surrounding Xia Gongming, and subconsciously approached Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun.

"Caihou, His Majesty's move makes people confused, what should we do?"

"That's right! I thought His Majesty was going to decide which Highness to appoint as the crown prince today, but it turned out like this in the end.

Such a result is really puzzling. "

"Marquis Cai, you said..."


Cai Jun, Marquis of Honor, listened to the murmurs of his colleagues around him, glanced lightly at the civil servants who were also gathered together, then turned his eyes and glanced at the colleagues around him, and let out a soft snort.


All the military officers subconsciously froze for a moment, looked at Rongweihou who looked a bit unkind, and looked at each other in dismay, not knowing why the old Houye suddenly snorted coldly.

Cai Jun was silent for a moment with a hesitant expression, and quietly put away the chao wat in his hand.

"The Marquis has told you a long time ago, don't deal too much with those civil servants on weekdays, one by one just doesn't listen to the advice, if you continue, you will regret it sooner or later.

If you have already begun to dislike the soldiers in your hands and start to feel hot, then you can just pretend that I haven't said anything.

Those who are content are always happy, can they guard their one-acre three-point land and live steadily?

Don't think about things that are not yours, and don't touch things that don't belong to you.

You know, sometimes if you stretch your hands too long, not only may your hands be broken, but if it is serious, it may even be fatal. "

Rongweihou Cai Jun didn't wait for the military officers to react after finishing his speech. He clasped his hands in the thick cloak, squeezed out a group of colleagues, and walked towards the outside of the Qinzheng Hall with a stooped body and a steady and powerful pace.

Cai Jun's steady and powerful footsteps naturally attracted the attention of the civil servants. Hearing Cai Jun's footsteps, Xia Gongming, who was observing Liu Chengzhi and the others, subconsciously looked back.

Watching Cai Jun's figure walk out of the hall, Xia Gongming seemed to have realized something in his heart.

"This is the main hall of Qinzheng Palace, how can you be so messy?
Your Majesty has issued an order to retreat from the court, why don't you go to the cabinet to deal with the government affairs at hand, and surround yourself like a gossip like a gossip, what's the reason?
Your Majesty is the king of a country. What you want to do and what you want to do have their own reasons. How can you and my servants interfere?
how?Do you still want to offend your superiors, influence His Majesty's thoughts, and interfere with His Majesty's decision? "

Xia Gongming's words made all the officials tremble suddenly, swallowed their saliva and shook their heads generously.

"Of course lower officials don't dare, lower officials naturally don't dare."

"Disperse, each perform his duties."

"Yes, the next official is going ahead."

Did all the officials around Xia Gongming hear Xia Gongming's words, and they all left the hall with different thoughts.

Seeing this, the military officers got up and left the hall after thinking about it one after another.

"Veteran Xia Gongming, I have seen the three Highnesses."

Liu Chengzhi, Xiaocuti, and Liu Chengqian hurriedly waved their hands.

"My lord, no courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Highnesses. If your Highnesses have no other orders, the old minister will go to the cabinet to deal with the official documents in hand."

"I will wait for the three brothers and sisters to trouble the boss if there is nothing to do, please do it."

"Thank you three Highnesses, the old minister will take the first step."

"Walk slowly without sending."

After Xia Gongming straightened up, he walked straight out of the hall. When he reached the gate of the hall, Xia Gongming looked back slightly at the position of the apse, smiled wryly a few times, and went straight to the main hall of the cabinet with a complex expression.

Weihe, Xuande, Taihe, Yongping, and Taiping are five emperors.

For decades, this old bone of mine has assisted five generations of emperors successively. Even Ruizong Li Zheng, whose mind is the most difficult to guess, can vaguely figure out his mind.

However, after meeting the emperor Liu Mingzhi, he never thought that he would also be defeated here.

The deep sea is unpredictable, and His Majesty's mind is even more unpredictable.

Xia Gongming's back gradually moved away from the Palace of Qinzheng, Liu Chengzhi turned his head to look at Cutie and Liu Chengqian.

"Yue'er, third brother, it's time for us to go to the Palace of Ten Kings to be on duty."

"Your Highness, take a step slowly. Your Majesty is waiting for your Highness in the Imperial Study."

(End of this chapter)

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