Chapter 2620
In the royal study of the palace, Xiao Chengzi led Liu Chengzhi and his three brothers to stop outside the royal study, and bowed respectfully.

"Report to Your Majesty, this old slave has already invited the three Highnesses here."

"Well! Let them in, and you go about your own business."

"The old slave complies."

Xiao Chengzi responded to Young Master Liu's words in the hall, shook the whisk in his hand and saluted Liu Chengzhi and the others with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, if His Majesty lets you in, the old servant will not accompany you, so please leave first."

"It's time to work, Mr. Cheng, go slowly."

"Don't dare, this is the duty of this old slave, so I will leave."

Xiaochengzi didn't dare to play with his airs as the head of the house in front of the three brothers and sisters of Xiaocuti. He gestured respectfully for the three of them to enter the hall, and then left the imperial study with the two little eunuchs beside him. outside the door.

The three of the cuties walked into the imperial study room familiarly, and went straight to the emperor's office in the apse. They saw the old man who was sitting on the dragon chair looking at the documents and bowed one by one.

"My son Liu Chengzhi."

"Liu Luoyue."

"Liu Chengqian."

"See father, long live, long live, long live."

Young Master Liu casually removed the paperwork in front of him, glanced at the three children in front of the desk, and shook his hands nonchalantly.

"Okay, now there are no outsiders present, what you do at home, what you do here, as a father, I can't understand the way of groveling.

Roll to the side and find a chair to sit down. I will talk to you about other things after I finish reading the documents that you each reviewed for my father.

Liu Song, just put the teapot on the table for them, if anyone is thirsty, let them pour tea by themselves. "

"Yes, little one understands."

"Got it, Dad."

"Thank you dad, the kid will sit down first."

"Smelly old man."

The three little cute brothers and sisters responded to the father's words in different moods, and walked to the chair beside them calmly and sat down.

"Young Master Chengzhi, Young Master Chenggan, Miss Yue'er, you have worked hard, and I will show you some tea."

"Thank you Uncle Song, you just put down the teapot and we can do it ourselves."

"Yes, yes, we can do it ourselves."

"Uncle Song, just sit in your seat, Yue'er will do it herself when she's thirsty."

Xiao Chengzi didn't dare to put on airs as the head of the house in front of Liu Chengzhi and his three brothers, and the three of them naturally didn't dare to show up in front of Liu Song because he was a prince and a princess.

Let's not talk about how important Uncle Liu Song is in Dad's mind, just say that the three of us grew up under the watchful eye of Uncle Liu Song, and for this alone, the three of us have to be polite to him.

Although he often regards himself as a slave of the Liu family, in the hearts of the many children under Young Master Liu's knees, he has already become the elder of the family.

No matter how good the identities of the three of them are, they don't have any special circumstances, and they don't want to put on airs like a prince or princess in front of their elders.

Young Master Liu didn't care what the three children were thinking. He casually glanced at the three children who were each carrying a pot of tea, and then looked at the documents in their hands.

The document in my hand now is the document that the second son Liu Chengzhi reviewed in the hall, and Liu Mingzhi has read about half of it.

As for the content of Er Zi's instructions on the document, there was nothing that caught my eye, nor was there anything that disappointed me too much.

If I have to say something, I can only say that it is quite satisfactory.

Overall, I am still very satisfied.

Liu Mingzhi really couldn't find anything wrong with being able to review the documents he specially prepared under such an environment with such a result.

If he had to find something wrong, it would be purely nitpicking, and Young Master Liu didn't want to deliberately undermine his son's confidence.

After quietly reviewing the contents of the document, First Young Master Liu put down the document with a calm expression, and picked up the document reviewed by his third son Liu Chengqian to review it carefully.

After a few cups of tea, Young Master Liu casually put down the paperwork in his hand, his face still as calm as ever.

The third son's handling of documents is similar to that of his second brother, and they are all well-regulated review content, and there is nothing worthy of his eyes.

With these results, Liu Mingzhi is quite satisfied, which shows that they trained well in the Hall of Ten Kings.

After thinking for a while, First Young Master Liu picked up the documents that Xiaocuti had reviewed and carefully examined them.

Looking at the content that cutie had instructed on the document, First Young Master Liu thought to himself, and at the same time quietly glanced at cutie who was idly drinking tea.

Seeing her daughter's sloppy attitude, Young Master Liu couldn't help but feel black.

This stinky girl, she didn't learn so many good things about her, but she learned most of her sloppy, arrogant and unruly character.

The smelly girl has already passed the Jade Nianhua now, and she is about to reach the youthful age of Tao Li Nianhua, and she doesn't even have the posture of a daughter at all.

If she is allowed to continue like this, I really don't know if she will be able to marry in the future.

Although his heart was full of helplessness, the corners of Young Master Liu's mouth gradually lifted as he read the Chinese book in his hand.

Anyone who is familiar with Young Master Liu's character will understand it when he sees his expression. Young Master Liu's reaction like this shows that he is very happy in his heart.

However, the three brothers, Liu Chengzhi, did not know who the old man saw was the document that had been reviewed. After peeking at the old man's reaction, they felt a little uneasy, for fear that the content they had reviewed would make the old man feel uncomfortable. dissatisfied.

Even the little cutie Liu Luoyue, who was so bold and daring, couldn't help but thump in her heart when she saw her father's expression.

Bad, whose paper is the smelly old man looking at now?Why is the smile a little weird?If I had known earlier, my aunt, I would have made a mark on the cover of the document.

Under the hesitant thoughts of the three children, Young Master Liu put down the paperwork in his hand with a half-smile, raised his head and looked calmly at the little cutie who was sipping tea.

This stinky girl, regardless of what she does on weekdays, is the same as herself. She always has a casual attitude of indifference, but she has mastered the way of imperial servants so well!
In this alone, this girl is stronger than her elder brother and younger brother.


"Huh? Daddy?"

"It seems that you learned a lot from your mother back then! You deserve to be a good girl for your father!"

"Ah? Daddy, what do you mean by that?
Why can't Yue'er understand?Did something go wrong with the paperwork Yue'er handled? "

"Smelly girl, is your brain full of paste? Daddy wants to praise you, can't you?"

"No, it's mainly because you are suddenly talking to Yue'er in such a pleasant manner, Dad. Yue'er feels a little uncomfortable. I always feel that you are hiding a knife in your smile, Dad."


Seeing his father's sulky look, Xiaocuti hurriedly put down the teacup and walked behind First Young Master Liu with a playful smile, raised her slender and slender hands and rubbed them on Young Young Master Liu's shoulders naturally.

"Yue'er is wrong, Yue'er is wrong, daddy is not angry, is not angry, okay?
What you say is what it is, Yue'er will never say a word. "

Liu Chengzhi and his brothers looked at the cute and smiling face next to their father, and they were naturally envious in their hearts, but if they were asked to do this, they really didn't have the guts.

It can be said that looking at all the brothers and sisters in the family, except for the little cutie, there is not a single one among so many brothers and sisters who is not afraid of the old man.

In fact, it is not so, at least sister Lianiang now dares to pull Dad's beard.

However, Lianiang's younger sister dared to grab her father's tiger's whiskers, which doesn't mean that her brothers and sisters also dared to do the same.

The spurs I received during my teenage years are still fresh in my memory!

(End of this chapter)

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