My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2621 Are You Disappointed?

Chapter 2621 Are You Disappointed?

First Young Master Liu looked up at the "flattering" look on Little Cutie's face, sighed helplessly, and put the document that Little Cutie had reviewed into his cuff without any trace.

"Good dad, how is this strength? Does Yue'er need to increase the strength?"

"Okay, your father and I are not in such bad health, you stinky girl, don't pretend to be courteous to my father here.

Your father and I have been traveling the world for decades, what haven't we seen?I don't agree with you, old man. "


"Smelly old man, what are you talking about? Yue'er wants to be filial to you, can't you? Why does it become so ugly when you say it out of your mouth.

Yue'er did not make a mistake on the one hand, and did not cause trouble on the other.

It's a sincere filial piety to beat your back and shoulders for your father, how did it become a hypocritical courteousness? "

Looking at her daughter's delicate face full of resentment, Young Master Liu pressed the armrests of the chair with both hands and stood up straight, moved his slightly sore shoulders and walked forward.

"Hey, daddy, why are you leaving? Yue'er hasn't finished her work yet!"

"Smelly girl, you stay in this imperial study for a while, and go to the imperial garden with your second brother and third brother for father, and you will be back in a short time.

Of course, if you feel bored staying alone in the palace, go to Fu'an Palace to say hello to your Nangong grandmother.

That being said, it's up to you how you want to do it. "

"Chengzhi, Chengqian, you two come with me as fathers."

"Yes, my child obeys."

Brother Liu Chengzhi stood up without hesitation, smiled apologetically at the cutie a few times, and quickly turned around to follow the old man who was walking outside the hall.

Looking at the figures of young master Liu, second brother, and third brother, their father and son, who were gradually going away, Xiao Keai hurriedly chased after him with the hem of the dragon robe.

"Smelly old man, don't go so fast, wait for Yue'er!

Yue'er also wants to visit the Imperial Garden, can't we go together?The imperial garden is so big, it's not a big deal for me to be alone for many months, right? "

First Young Master Liu heard the pleading sound of the cutie behind him, and continued to move forward without looking back, mercilessly replying the words of rejecting the cutie's request.

"If you want to go to the imperial garden, we can talk about it later, but you can't do it today, you smelly girl, you can either find a way to relieve your boredom in the imperial study, or go to the harem to pay your respects to your grandmother.

If the father finds out that you dare to follow up secretly, even if the father will not break your legs, he will use the training stick to whip your buttocks until you can't get out of bed for three days.

If you don't believe me, you can try it.

Let's see if it's you, Liu Luoyue, who is gone, or your father and I can't lift a knife. "

Little cutie had already hugged the stinky father and you wouldn't let me go, so the girl secretly followed her idea. After hearing her father's indifferent tone, she came to a sudden stop very sincerely.

Raising a pair of white and flawless hands to support the door of the royal study, the little cutie looked at the backs of young master Liu and the others gradually leaving the palace, and fell pitifully on the threshold.

"Father, this girl is your most beloved daughter. Now that you want to treat me like this, this girl is angry. She is really angry."

"Ah, Your Highness Princess Yue, why are you sitting on the threshold? Is there any inconvenience? Do you need help from the servants?"

"No need! No need! This princess just wants to be quiet, and you can just go about your own affairs."

"Yes, the servants will leave."

"and many more."

"your Highness?"

"Has the Empress Dowager eaten breakfast?"

"Go back to Your Highness, Your Majesty, she has had breakfast and is sitting idle in the garden of Fu'an Palace!"

"My princess understands, you should step back first."

"Yes, the servants will leave first."

After several palace maids walked away slowly with the items for cleaning the palace in their hands, the little cutie jumped up from the threshold and stood up.

Stretching her increasingly bumpy and graceful body with her arms raised high, the little cutie swayed three times in one step, and rushed towards the Fu'an Palace carelessly.

Just after leaving the palace of the imperial study, the little cutie walking down the corridor suddenly stopped, raised her hand and patted her forehead a few times, turned and walked to another palace.

"No, no, Yue'er has to change into her daughter's palace attire first, otherwise if my grandmother sees the dragon robe on me, I don't know what to think about.

In order not to embarrass the old man, it is better to solve these trivial matters as soon as possible. "

The viewing platform of the Royal Garden of the Imperial Palace is the place where Li Zhengda went to heaven in the past.

Liu Mingzhi silently stopped at the place where Li Zheng was standing on the eve of his trip, and gently patted the fence in front of him.

"Liu Song, put the wine and cakes on the stone table, and you can leave the palace first. The weather is not bad today, and the book stall should be able to receive a few orders."

Liu Song put the cotton cushions in his hand on the four stone benches one by one, smiled lightly and nodded to Liu Da.

"Understood the young master, Xiao Song will leave first."

After Liu Song left the viewing platform, First Young Master Liu looked at the scenery in the palace for a long time, and gently took out the document that the little cutie had reviewed from his cuff and held it in his hand.

"This is the document that Yue'er reviewed in the Palace of Qinzheng not long ago. You two read it one after another to see if it is different from the document you have reviewed."

"Yes, Dad!"

Liu Chengzhi reached out and took the document in Young Master Liu's hand, returned it to the original place and handed it to Liu Chengqian.

"Third brother, why don't you read it first?"

Liu Chengqian waved his hand casually, stretched out his hand with a smile and pushed back the document handed over by his second brother.

"It's okay, it's okay, we both want to see it the same way, you are the younger brother's elder brother, or the second brother, you should take a look first."

"Well, the second brother will be disrespectful."

Listening to the sincere and humble words of the two brothers behind him, Young Master Liu's expression was both gratified and complicated, and he changed several expressions one after another in just a few breaths.

Naturally, Liu Chengzhi didn't know what his father, who turned his back on him, was thinking now, holding the document reviewed by Sister Yue'er in his hand, he concentrated on examining the above content.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Chengzhi thoughtfully closed the document and handed it to his third brother Liu Chengqian, with a complicated look on his face that hesitated to speak.

Liu Chengqian nodded his head as a gesture, took the documents that the second brother had read, and silently flipped through the contents.

Not long after, Liu Chengqian closed the document in his hand with the same expression of thoughtfulness.

"Father, the boy and the second brother have finished watching."

"Well! Tell Weifu, what do you see from the content of Yue'er's review?"

"Royal... the way of the royal family."

"The boy, like the second brother, also saw this."

"The documents you have reviewed are also good, and I am very satisfied as a father. Although I will not praise you, I will not criticize the two of you.

However, compared with Yue'er, you two brothers are a bit inferior after all. Do you know what your inferiority is? "

"This...children are confused."

"Children are also confused."

First Young Master Liu suddenly turned around, staring at the two brothers calmly with gleaming eyes, and the aura on his body suddenly became full of inexplicable oppression.

"Confused? Not sure!"

The two brothers looked at the old man whose aura suddenly became majestic and full of shocking force, his muscular body trembled involuntarily, and lowered his head tremblingly.


"The child is here."

"Today, in front of all civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, my father announced that you and girl Jingyao will be admitted to the East Palace, but you were not registered as the crown prince.

Tell father, now, are you disappointed? "

"My child dare not! My child dare not!"

"Don't dare? That's right!"

(End of this chapter)

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