My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2622 Preference?

Chapter 2622 Preference?

Liu Chengzhi really couldn't figure out why his father suddenly changed his posture. It was the first time he saw his father showing such an appearance alone in front of his children.

Hearing his father's extremely plain but oppressive words, Liu Chengzhi's legs trembled involuntarily, and he knelt down in front of Young Master Liu with a plop.

Liu Chengzhi, who was kneeling on the ground, kept shaking his head, looking at First Young Master Liu with anxiety.

"Father knows clearly, the child has absolutely no intention of being disappointed, let alone dares to.

Not long ago, Hai'er had told Dad in front of the hexagram stall outside the restaurant run by Aunt Bizhu and Aunt Lingyi, no matter what you arrange, Baby, I will obey orders without hesitation.

Even if father didn't register Hai'er as the crown prince today, Hai'er would never feel the slightest bit of dissatisfaction.

The boy believed in his father's choice, and even more so in his decision.

No matter what thoughts and plans you have, father, as long as it is something you decide, your child will always obey. "

First Young Master Liu looked at the second son's uneasy but sincere expression, and quietly glanced at the third son Liu Chengqian who did not kneel down, but was also a little trembling.

"Come on."

Liu Chengqian, who was already a little scared, swallowed a few times when he heard Liu Dashao's words, and took a few steps forward.

"Baby...the baby is here."

"Cheng Qian, although my father did not immediately appoint your second brother as the crown prince, but since my father let him live in the East Palace with your sister-in-law, it means that he is only one step away from that position.

You are no less inferior to your second elder brother in terms of background and temperament, but you let your second elder brother live in the East Palace as a father. What do you think?
Are you disappointed by your father's eccentric behavior? "

Although he didn't feel a strong sense of oppression from his father, Liu Chengqian still knelt obediently beside his second brother Liu Chengzhi.

"Boy and second brother think the same way. As long as it's your decision, baby won't have the slightest complaint, and will obey daddy's arrangements."

First Young Master Liu looked at the two brothers silently for a while, then walked straight to the stone table with drinks and pastries, sat on the stone bench and filled a glass of wine with a jug.

"Stand up, don't just kneel down, if you go on like this, sooner or later you will lose your spine, my father doesn't like to see you doing this in front of my father.

You haven't committed any mistakes, why should you kneel down and admit your mistakes. "

"Yes, the boy obeyed, the boy knew it was wrong."

The two brothers let out a sigh of relief when they heard their father's words, and got up after answering.

First Young Master Liu looked at the two brothers who had already got up, took a sip of the wine and said, "Sit down, when no outsiders are present, there is no need for the three of us to be so polite."

"Yes, my child obeys."

"If you want to drink, you can pour it yourself. You two brothers are already grown up, and my father will not interfere with you too much in terms of drinking.

But as a father, there is a saying that I hope you brothers can keep in mind, don't be greedy for a good wine, a little drunk is better than a drunk.

Alcohol can indeed relieve some worries and troubles, but it can also cause some unnecessary troubles.

Your identities are different from ordinary people, and many pairs of eyes have been watching your every move.

Therefore, you can drink, but you must do what you can, otherwise, once you get drunk, it will be easy for some caring people to take advantage of you.

Maybe these handles are not important to you, but don't forget the truth that people's words are awesome.

Sometimes, many things are out of control and involuntary.

Once some insignificant things are taken advantage of by people with good intentions, they will immediately become your Achilles' heel.

My father will not forbid you to drink alcohol, but my father hopes that you will not lose your morals after drinking and be caught by others. "

The action of the two brothers who originally wanted to lift the pot to pour the wine stopped in mid-air.

"Drink, there are only three of us here today, there is not much to pay attention to.

As long as you keep the words of being a father in your heart, you will not be too greedy on other occasions. "

After listening to the old man's words, the two brothers took a long breath of relief again, and poured each a glass of wine in a soothing manner.

"Thank you dad, the boy will definitely remember it in his heart."

"The same goes for my son, my father's teachings will always be remembered by my son."

Liu Mingzhi raised his glass and drank the wine in one gulp, watching his two sons lightly exhale the alcohol.

"Do you still remember the question just now?"

Liu Chengzhi and his brothers looked at each other with the wine glasses in their hands, and nodded hesitantly.

"My child remembers."

"The child also remembers."

"The two of you actually know very well in your hearts what is the place where you are slightly inferior to Yue'er, but you just dare not say it, right?"

This time, the two brothers didn't say any more words like children being confused, they just lowered their heads silently, not daring to meet the old man's eyes that seemed to be able to pry into people's hearts.

The reaction of the two brothers fully demonstrated that Young Master Liu's words reached the hearts of the two brothers.

First Young Master Liu silently watched the reaction of the two brothers nodding their heads and lowering their eyebrows, sighed with a sigh of relief, and poured himself a dozen glasses of wine before stopping.

"Chengzhi, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

With a sour expression, Young Master Liu took off the pipe from his waist, packed the shredded tobacco, lit it with a torch, and then swallowed a few mouthfuls of smoke.

"Son, don't you two... no, it's not just you two brothers, it should be said that your elder brother Chengfeng is also included, the three of you should all think that the father is too partial to the girl Yue'er, right?" ?
Although you have never complained about anything, as a father, you actually understand very well in your heart, and you are very clear that you are more or less uncomfortable in your heart.

Above the two of you, there is the big brother Chengfeng, there are Yiyi and Feifei, two older sisters, and there are more than ten younger brothers and sisters below.

Among the dozen or so of you brothers and sisters, the father does not deny that he is the most tolerant and magnanimous towards Yue'er.

However, the father can touch his own heart and tell you two brothers that the father loves all your brothers and sisters equally, and has never shown the slightest favoritism.

But there is one thing that I hope you can understand clearly as a father, that is, fatherly love is also different.

Children, your brothers and sisters have different personalities, so the methods of education your father uses for each of you are naturally also different.

It is precisely because of this that although the father treats you brothers, sisters and others equally, he has to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

Maybe you two should think about it, Dad, you will say it nicely, since your fatherly love for us brothers, sisters and others is equal, why did you also get into trouble when you were young, why didn't Yue'er get beaten hard? It's always us brothers.

But child, the girl Yue'er has never been severely beaten, your sister Yiyi, sister Feifei, Yaoyao, Yunxin... have they been severely beaten?

Zhenghao, that's right... Although the brothers are still young, they are just like the three of you brothers Chengfeng. As long as they are mischievous, who hasn't been punished as a father?

As a father, I can tell you frankly that this girl, Yue'er, has caused more troubles than all of you, and she is even bigger than you, but my father has never really taught her a ruthless lesson.

Why is it like this for a father?Because no matter what kind of trouble this girl gets into, she will have a measure.

Yue'er knows better than anyone else what she should do and what she should not do.

You brothers and sisters live together and have been together day and night for more than ten years. Have you never realized that the troubles caused by this girl, Yue'er, have always been within the controllable range?

You count on your fingers, how many troubles this girl Yue'er has caused over the years, but was there one time when Father Wei really felt embarrassed?

Think about the mess you caused yourself, who will you beat if your father doesn't beat you? "

The fingers of the two brothers were tightly entangled with each other, and they bowed their heads guiltily after pondering for a long time.

"Baby... I know I was wrong."

"Father, the child also knows his mistake."

"You always feel that you are partial to Yue'er as a father, you dare not do what she dares to do, dare not say what she dares to say, and dare not behave like she dares to do.

It is estimated that nine out of ten you will think that this is because the father prefers Yue'er.

But why haven't you thought about it yourself, once you are really like Yue'er, you will definitely be angry as a father?Instead of feeling happy?

Why?Because you dare not!

Why not?Because you feel in your heart that being a father is too partial to this girl Yue'er, and you value her more than your brothers, sisters and others.

However, as long as you have some brains, you can understand the thoughts and thoughts of being a father from the things that happened after your little sister Lianiang appeared.

Has the girl Lianiang made too many troubles since she followed the girl Yue'er?Why hasn't she been beaten?

Because it's not that you make troubles, but that you don't live up to expectations.

Such an obvious example is right in front of your eyes, and after a few years, you have not reacted at all.

Are you all pig brains?Is your brain full of paste? "

"The child knows his mistake."

"I know my mistake, please forgive my father."

(End of this chapter)

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