My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2623 What are you afraid of

Chapter 2623 What are you afraid of

Young Master Liu watched Liu Chengzhi and his brothers admit their mistakes as they were used to, frowned a few times, and placed the wine glass heavily on the stone table.

"Wrong, wrong, it's all your fault? If you are a little stricter as a father, you will say it is your fault, so why don't you tell me where your mistakes are?"



"Trash, all of them are trash. You are the sons of the father, the princes of the dynasty, the princes of the dynasty who all civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty respectfully call you His Highness when they see you.

You know your mistakes at every turn, you're confused, what's wrong with you, where is your arrogance?

Damn, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Chengqian, do you two bastards still have a little bit of pride?Do you have any arrogance?

What annoys my father the most is that you two bastards have such a spineless look from time to time, what are you two afraid of?
Tiger poison doesn't even eat its babies!I'm your own father, if you don't live up to it, can I kill you two bastards with one knife?
Girls like Yue'er and Lianiang dare to point my nose and make irresponsible remarks, you sisters Yiyi, Feifei... Yaoyao and their sisters also dare to argue with me occasionally.

Why don't you dare to do it when it's your brothers' turn?Could it be that I can still eat you?

They are bleeding from Lao Tzu's blood. Could it be that your brothers are bleeding from outsiders?

Can't you let Wei Dad's eyes open for a while?Can't you let the smiling father applaud you once?Can't I let my father happily boast about you as a unicorn?
You bastard, the older you get, the less you live up to. Why did you give birth to a few of you who didn't live up to it as a father? "

Liu Chengzhi and his brothers looked at their father's irritated expression of cursing, and wanted to refute themselves a few words, but due to the long-standing fear of their father in their hearts, they finally chose to remain silent.

Seeing the two brothers reacting like this, First Young Master Liu was very worried, took several deep breaths, and forcibly suppressed the boredom in his heart.

Lifting the jug and filling the wine glass, he drank another seven or eight glasses of wine, Young Master Liu smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Chengzhi, Chenggan, you two brothers don't need to feel any pressure in your heart, maybe it's because your father made a mistake, it's because of the way your father taught you that gave you your current character.

I'm sorry for your father!Really, I am sorry for the father!

If the father hadn't disciplined you brothers so strictly in the past, maybe you wouldn't have become the obedient ones you are now.

However, no matter what you have become now, you are all sons of the father, your own sons whose blood dissolves in water!
My father really doesn't want you to think wildly in your mind, thinking that your father will be partial to any one of your brothers and sisters. Really, my father doesn't want you to have such an idea.

As a father, I won’t tell you all the other great truths, but as a father, I will tell you one of the most simple truths.

If my father loved this girl Yue'er more than he loved your brothers, this girl would have already become the prince and heir due to my father's eccentricity.

But why hasn't the position of the crown prince been finalized for a long time?That's because Dad wants to give all of you brothers and sisters a fair playing chance.

As a father, I don't want my father-in-law Huang Lizheng, the tragedy of your grandfather Li Shi's line to happen to our Liu family line again.

The brothers turned against each other and turned against each other, and finally ended up with each other's wives and children, and the family was destroyed. As a father, I really don't want this kind of tragedy to repeat itself on your brothers, sisters and others.

Cheng Zhi, Cheng Qian, as a father, I have told you two brothers more than once, including your eldest brother Chengfeng, eldest sister Yiyi, second sister Feifei...they have said several times.

As far as the present is concerned, the girl Yue'er is more suitable to inherit the throne than any of you, but why hasn't she been registered as the crown prince and heir apparent as a father?

That's because Father wants to give you all a chance, a fair chance.

The father has repeatedly advised himself in his heart that Yue'er is only suitable to inherit the throne for now, and one day in the future, it's uncertain who of you brothers and sisters will be able to rise to the next level!
I just want to be a father!Anyway, I'm still young now, at the height of Spring and Autumn, so it's okay to wait a few more years for you little bastards, and it won't be too late when you grow up.

But when you are grown up and feel that your character is not firm, the father once again quietly admonishes yourself, the children have grown up, then wait another two years, and then talk about it when they mature.

Wait, wait, wait until he is in his early forties as a father.

It is rare to live in the 70s. As a father, even if I can live to the age of [-], at best, I only have about [-] years left.

The father is getting old, and all of you have grown up, but the father has never decided which one of you will inherit the great cause.

It's not because my father is the kind of indecisive person, but because my father is afraid that once my decision is made known to the world, you will secretly feel sad!

For the father, I am afraid that you will feel that the father is too partial to someone, and you don't love anyone. Unnaturally, there will be some gaps between you and the father that should not appear.

Children, you are all the biological children of the father, and the palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh. What will you do if you ask me to be the father?

As a father, I also want to have a perfect solution, but there is only one chair. No matter who you pass to as a father, some of your brothers and sisters will always miss this chair.

If you can see it at that time...

Alas... let's not talk, because my father may have drunk too much, so he talked too much, and he seemed to be nagging.

You should have carefully studied the books that your father asked your respective mothers to bring to you, right? "

The two brothers looked at their father's complicated and melancholy expression, and nodded honestly.

"Returning to my father's words, I have already memorized them fluently."

"The child has already read it by heart."

"Since you have carefully studied the books given to you by my father, then you can understand in your hearts that the two brothers and Yue'er are a little inferior.

You two brothers are no worse than Yue'er in handling government affairs, but compared to Yue'er, you two brothers lack self-confidence.

It lacks the self-confidence that a superior person should have, and also lacks the momentum that a superior person should have.

I don't blame you as a father for this, after all, you have had completely different ideas from Yue'er since you were young, and it is understandable that you are not as good as her.

Compared to the two of you, Yue'er has been carefully trained by your Aunt Wanyan as the successor since the day she became sensible.

Because of your Wanyan aunt's careful teaching of Yue'er for many years, she has subtly integrated her identity as a superior.

It is because of this that she can always maintain that rebellious and superior posture in front of everyone.

Because this has become her habit, in her bones, she should have a lofty attitude, and should have the identity of looking down on the world.

It is precisely because she is the superior that she can act recklessly without any worries.

Because in her subconscious mind, Yue'er has already regarded herself as——Jun!Or it can be said to be the emperor!
What gentleman?Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.What emperor?The emperor who laid down millions of corpses in a fit of rage!

So, this is the specific place where you two are slightly inferior. "

I don't know if Young Master Liu did it on purpose or out of emotion, but when he talked about the latter part, Young Master Liu's aura became calm again.

Seeing their father's majestic aura, Liu Chengzhi and his brothers gently turned the wine glass and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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