My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2624 Hidden enough

Chapter 2624 Hidden enough

Seeing the reactions of the two sons, Young Master Liu nodded several times imperceptibly, and the faint satisfaction in the vicissitudes of life also inadvertently dissipated between the nods.

A long time passed, and when Young Master Liu carefully tasted the old wine in the cup, the little uneasiness in Liu Chengzhi's eyes finally disappeared.

Gently put down the teacup in his hand, Liu Chengzhi looked at his father guiltily.

"Father, the child understands what you mean."

The youngest Liu Chengqian at the side heard the second brother's voice, and recovered from his thoughts, scratched the back of his head and smiled honestly at Young Master Liu.

"Father, the child should also understand."

Young Master Liu watched the two brothers slightly raised their brows, raised the wine glass and placed it in front of his eyes for a while, then suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

"It's good if you understand it, it's good if you understand it! If you understand it, Dad can rest assured.

Father is still the original sentence, all your brothers and sisters are the biological flesh and blood of the father, and the father will always treat you equally in terms of love and affection for you, and will never treat one more than another.

But because your personalities are different, as a father, you have to teach according to your aptitude.

As long as you don't feel that Weifu is too partial to this girl Yue'er, it will be fine. "

"The boy knew he was wrong."

"Okay, the tone doesn't need to be so heavy, and the mood doesn't need to be too depressed.

All your brothers and sisters are the children of the father, and the tiger's poison is not a child!How could being a father really anger you?

After you and girl Jingyao move into the East Palace and settle down, don't forget to take girl Jingyao home to visit your mother and aunts often.

By the way, don't forget to go to your mother-in-law to say hello to her every now and then.

She is now living alone in Jingyao girl's former princess mansion, and she is pregnant again, so it would not be good for her health if she was too deserted around her.

Although girl Jingyao has left the court to marry you as his wife, she is also your Aunt He Shu's biological daughter, and this will never change.

The East Palace is just a few streets away from the Princess Mansion, and it will only take half a day to rush there. You two should spend as much time as possible to accompany her to relieve boredom and relax.

There is also your Nangong grandmother's side. When you are done with the government affairs in your hands, you can take Jingyao to her old man's house as often as you can.

The East Palace is only a few walls away from the Fu'an Palace, so it won't take much time to take Jingyao to sit in the palace of her old man's house before resting at night.

If the old man said something that needs your help, you can just help her solve it if you can solve it, and send someone to notify her father if you can't do the main thing.

No matter what it is, as long as her old man speaks, you must take care of everything for her old man.

Of course, whether some things can be done, whether they should be done or not, you just have to have a steelyard in your heart, this point is not necessary to explain to you in detail for your father, right? "

Liu Chengzhi pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then nodded without hesitation.

"Dad, don't worry, the child understands."

"Okay, it's fine if you understand, there is nothing else, you go to the Ten Kings Palace to deal with today's government affairs, and then talk to your third brother for a while as a father."

Liu Chengzhi was taken aback, then immediately stood up from the stone bench, secretly gave the third younger brother Liu Chenggan a look that you wished for, and saluted his father respectfully.

"Father, that kid will leave first."

"Hmm! Go... wait."

Seeing the second son who was about to turn around and retreat, First Young Master Liu nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly stopped Liu Chengzhi from leaving.

Liu Chengzhi's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he looked at his father with a murmur in his heart, wondering if his father would think of something that made him terrified again, right?
"Father? there anything else you want to tell the baby?"

Seeing his son's surprised and confused eyes, First Young Master Liu covered his lips with his hands and coughed a few times in embarrassment.

After pondering for a long time with weird eyes, First Young Master Liu silently took out a medium-sized light yellow paper bag and an exquisite porcelain bottle from his cuff, and put the paper bag and porcelain bottle in his hand on the table with erratic gaze. superior.

"Ahem... um... so what, you and girl Jingyao just got married, so naturally you want to get tired of being together every day and don't want to be separated.

Sometimes the young couple is too tired and crooked, and it is inevitable that there will be a little powerlessness in the physical aspect.

As a father, I also had a deep understanding of this point... I am also a person who has experienced it, so it is naturally understandable.

One of these two medicines is a powder, which can be taken with wine on a fingernail each time, and the other is a pill, which can be taken a quarter of an hour or two or three quarters of an hour before rest.

As for which one you prefer, after you try it yourself, it’s up to you. After you use it, it’s still… ahem… for men. You should understand.

As a father... as a father, I used it occasionally... once or twice, but as a father, I only used it once or twice, and I never used it once more.

I don't use these for my father because I have any physical problems, but mainly because my father is curious.

Back then, as a father, I was just curious about whether these things were really powerful, so I tried them casually, that's all.

So what, the effect of the medicine is quite strong, and the quality is very guaranteed, which I can say responsibly as a father.

In addition to the efficacy of the medicine is worthy of guarantee, the key is not to hurt the body.

But whether you need it or not is your own business. It depends on the situation. My father hopes that you will fight for me, your mother, and all the aunts to have a grandson or granddaughter in the coming year. "

After Young Master Liu finished speaking, his expression was so embarrassing that he felt ashamed. He finally understood what kind of mood his old man felt when he gave him those things back then.

I hadn't thought about anything before, but after the second son got married to girl Jingyao, First Young Master Liu suddenly felt that he really wanted to hug his grandson or granddaughter.

It was obviously just a sudden thought, but it was so strong and uncontrollable.

Liu Chengzhi stared at the paper bag and porcelain bottle on the stone table, the expression on his face was not much better than that of Young Master Liu, with a little embarrassment in the embarrassment, and some entanglements in the embarrassment.

Liu Chengqian on the side looked at the weird expressions of the old man and the second brother, and clenched his fists tightly to force himself to control himself from laughing on the spot, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Baby...Baby's body is not bad, I really don't need these things, so I'll take my leave first."

After Liu Chengzhi finished speaking, without waiting for his father to reply, he turned his head and ran quickly towards the viewing platform.

Hearing the gradual sound of footsteps on the stairs of the viewing platform, First Young Master Liu coughed and picked up the wine glass and poured it into his mouth to cover up his embarrassment.

While putting down the wine glass, Young Master Liu put the paper bag and porcelain bottle on the stone table into his cuff without any trace.

Can't use it!Can't use it!
Thinking back to the days when I was just married to Yun'er, Yun'er gave me to me who was not in good health... Sigh... I can't bear to look back on the past!

In order not to lose the demeanor of an elder in front of his third son, First Young Master Liu picked up the tobacco rod and filled it with shredded tobacco and lit it. After puffing up the clouds and fog for two cups of tea, he calmed down his mood.

First Young Master Liu glanced at the second son Liu Chengzhi, who had gradually turned into a small black spot, knocked the cigarette pot on the stone bench, and suddenly looked at the third son Liu Chengqian with deep and distant eyes.

"Come on."


"Son, I've been hiding clumsiness for a long time, I'm almost done, and it's not appropriate to hide anymore.

Although Dad doesn't know what you are thinking, Dad doesn't care about these things.

Dad is not a fool. He sees and remembers everything you do on weekdays. He probably knows what kind of person you are as a child.

However, no matter what kind of person you are as a child, you will always be your father's son.

Therefore, Dad hopes that you can face up to your own thoughts. "

Liu Chengqian felt the deep meaning contained in his father's deep eyes, and couldn't help shivering.

"Father! I...I...I..."

(End of this chapter)

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