Chapter 2626 Identity
After listening to his father's words, Liu Chengqian was silent for a moment, nodded honestly, got up and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Father, if you have nothing else to tell the boy, then the boy will leave first."

"Okay, you need at least a few days to prepare for your trip to Lizhou. If you have free time, try not to delay the government affairs in your hands."

"Yes, the boy will leave first."

"Well, let's go."

Liu Chengqian gently straightened the folds of the dragon robe on his body, turned around and walked straight down to the viewing platform.

However, in just a few breaths, Liu Chengqian went back again, standing in front of the stairs of the viewing platform and looking at his father with some hesitation.

From the corner of Young Master Liu's eyes, he had already seen his son's return, but he just silently drank the wine that Liu Chengqian had left just now, and didn't take the initiative to ask anything.
He probably already guessed the reason why his son left and returned.

Sure enough, Liu Chengqian looked hesitantly at his father who was sitting alone on the stone bench drinking silently, and took the initiative to ask a question.

"Father, won't be angry with your mother because of what the child said just now?"

First Young Master Liu glanced at the hesitant third son, and didn't answer the question immediately, but took a big gulp of the jug.

It wasn't until there wasn't a trace of wine slipping out of the jug that Young Master Liu took the jug out of his mouth and put it on the stone table.

Young Master Liu got up and walked slowly to the third son Liu Chengqian, raised his hand and patted the kid on the shoulder, and walked down the stairs of the viewing platform first.

"Silly boy, it seems that you still haven't really figured it out! Don't be in a daze, we two are talking as we walk."

Liu Chengqian was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly turned and chased after his father who had already walked down more than ten steps.


First Young Master Liu casually glanced at the third son who was following up quickly, and controlled his pace casually and unhurriedly to walk on the steps below.

"Brat, you just said that the reason why you want to compete for that position is not because you are greedy for power, but you just want to prove to your mother that you are not a mediocre person, right?"

Liu Chengqian seemed very worried that his words would cause conflicts between father and mother, so he nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Yes, that's what Hai'er said, and it's also Hai'er's sincere words. The fundamental reason why Hai'er wants to compete for that position comes from this."

Sensing the tension in his son's words, Young Master Liu smiled and shook his head.

"Brat, do you know in your heart why your mother keeps teaching you what you complained about just now?
Filial piety, patience, tolerance, family affection, normal heart, your mother has said these words for many years, do you think she will not feel bored?
But any individual will feel bored if he repeats some words over and over for many years. Your mother is also a person, so she will naturally feel bored.

But since she also feels bored, why does she take the trouble to nag on you?Have you ever thought about this question? "

Liu Chengqian frowned when he heard his father's calm questioning words, neither sad nor happy, his eyes were slightly confused and he shook his head.

"Huh? The child is confused."

"You're right, your mother never praised you, this father can prove that what you said is true, she never praised you once.

Not only did she never praise you, but she also taught you a little more severely than your other aunts taught your brothers and sisters.

But child, have you never thought about why this is? "

Liu Chengqian stared blankly, looked at his father with a slightly dull expression and shook his head in a daze.

"I... my child is stupid, please teach me."

"Stupid child, father asks you, besides being the son of your father and mother, what kind of identity do you have?"

"Huh? Apart from being the son of your father and your mother, the baby...has no other identity?

Father, besides this, does the baby have other identities? "

Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned his head to look at his bewildered son with a smile that was not a smile.

"Really? Think about it again, what other identity do you have besides being the father and mother of our husband and wife's son?
Think carefully about what you said for your father, it is your identity! "

Liu Chengqian's heart trembled, he nodded and lowered his eyebrows and fell into deep thought, and began to think carefully about all the words his father had just said.

After a long time, Liu Chengqian seemed to have realized something, and tentatively looked at the old man beside him.

"Father, besides your status as the son of your mother, my son is also the third prince of the current dynasty, the biological flesh and blood of the third princess of the previous dynasty, and the grandson of Grandpa Ruizong."

Young Master Liu's expression was immediately relieved, he raised his hand with a light smile and patted Liu Chengqian's head a few times.

"Well! It seems that you are not too stupid, brat, as long as you can think of these.

Then do you know what it means once these identities of yours are superimposed together?

Do you know what kind of uproar will be caused in the court once you show signs of fighting for the throne?

But do you know what will happen to you once something goes wrong?

Silly boy, your mother is not the kind of woman you said who has no opinions. The reason why she has been teaching you those concepts is to protect your safety!

Have you ever thought carefully about the dire consequences once your identity is used by someone with a heart? "


"I can't figure it out for a while, right? Since you can't figure it out yourself, then as a father, I will tell you directly.

The result is that you may become an orphan of the previous dynasty, or a remnant of the previous dynasty.

Once you, Liu Chengqian, are given these two titles by someone with a heart, even if it won't kill you, you still have to pay a price to settle the matter.

At that time, even if Father Wei wanted to help you settle the impact of the matter, he had to be concerned about the feelings of others. This other person was not a civil and military official of the Manchu Dynasty, nor was he a commoner in the world.

It's all your brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters you live with day and night.

Because once there is a problem that can cause big waves on your side, father will definitely help you solve the trouble, and then the balance that father treats all your brothers and sisters equally will be completely broken.

If something goes wrong at that time, it will not be a small problem, but will cause a chain reaction of big troubles.

Although you, Liu Chengqian, are nothing by yourself, you, Liu Chengqian, will become a sharp knife that breaks the balance.In some special situations, the balance that had been painstakingly maintained for the father for many years was broken in one fell swoop.

Brat, at this moment, do you still think that your mother has no idea?And is it the kind of woman who only hangs around your father and your many aunts?

She has been silently protecting your safety with her painstaking efforts!It's a pity you don't understand! "

Liu Chenggan's body shook suddenly, and he turned his head to look at his father, who kept swallowing his saliva.

"Father, I... I didn't think about this,"

"Oh, silly boy, your mother is the original third princess of the dynasty, and she grew up in the imperial garden full of intrigues and deceptions since she was a child.

Growing up in the Emperor's Garden since childhood, and being favored by your grandfather Ruizong Li Zheng, you actually think that your mother is a person who has no opinion?

Father, I really don't know what you think!Perhaps, this is the so-called obsession of the authorities, let the bystanders know! "

The corner of Liu Chengqian's mouth trembled suddenly, and the words and deeds of his mother for more than ten years gradually emerged in front of his eyes, and his eyes gradually became moist.

"Father, I... I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong.

Dad, the boy wants to know, how did you see that the boy is hiding his clumsiness on purpose?The boy didn't feel that he had revealed anything. "

"Hey! There's nothing worth elaborating about at all.

Brat, every time you handle the documents, the contents of your elder brother, second brother, sister Yiyi... Li Tao and one of them have the same instructions.

Once is a coincidence, twice can be called a coincidence, even ten times can be regarded as a coincidence, even dozens of times can be forced to be a coincidence.

But it's been a few years, if it's always been such a coincidence, isn't it a bit unreasonable to be a coincidence?

This is also the case today, do you think you peeked at the paperwork your second brother has reviewed through the cover of the printing box, do you really not see anything?
Civil and military officials knelt on both sides and there were dragon cases on both sides to block the line of sight, but the father was in the center of the hall. Even though it was not particularly clear because of the angle, he could still see a little bit!
Each of you brothers and sisters has a different personality, so how can the contents of the written instructions be possible... Forget it, let’s not talk about these past events.

As a father, you understand it in your heart, and you understand it in your own heart.

Brat, just be yourself in a down-to-earth manner in the future, and stop thinking about useless things all day long.

You are you, there is no need to learn from others, let alone worry about unnecessary situations. "

"Yes, the child understands, thank you for your teaching.

Father, if there is nothing else, the boy wants to go back to the mansion to see his mother first, and then go to the Palace of Ten Kings to deal with government affairs.

Therefore, the government affairs of the Palace of Ten Kings may be delayed for a while, please forgive me. "

Young Master Liu looked at his son's red eyes, closed his eyes and nodded lightly.

"Hey, go! It's good to spend more time with your mother."

"Yes, baby retire."

(End of this chapter)

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