My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2627 Seems like a long time

Chapter 2627 Seems like a long time

After Liu Chengqian resigned and drifted away, Young Master Liu watched his son's back disappear into the imperial garden, then gently took out two books from his cuffs and silently read them again.

After a while, First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and shook his head, put the two documents back into his cuffs, and strode towards the location of Fu'an Palace with high spirits.

"Come on."

The little maid who was waiting at the entrance of the viewing platform nodded and lowered her eyebrows, and hurriedly looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty? What are your orders?"

"Go and collect the cakes on the stone table of the viewing platform and distribute them to the maids and eunuchs in the harem. They are all clean and untouched top-quality cakes. It would be a pity to waste them."

"Your Majesty obeyed, and I thank Your Majesty for rewarding the cakes."

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the little maid who was looking at him with a grateful face and nodded with a light smile. He carefully looked at the young lady in front of him who was about the same age as his daughter Liu Yaoyao, and Young Master Liu felt softer.

Seeing the nervous and weak appearance of the little palace lady, First Young Master Liu subconsciously stretched out his hand and pinched the delicate cheeks of the little palace lady in front of him, which were a little pale from the cold wind.

"Little girl, you don't have to worry about catching the wind and cold if you wear such thin clothes in the cold winter months.

how?Hasn't the Ministry of Internal Affairs distributed you warm clothes for the winter? "

The little maid herself could not have imagined that His Majesty, who is usually full of majesty, would act so intimately with her, and her pretty pale face was instantly stained with a blush.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty, it's done, it's done.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs distributed winter clothes to the servants a month ago, that's...that's..."

"What is it? Say it boldly? I won't blame you!"

The little palace maid stared at Young Master Liu with a soft smile in her pretty eyes for a moment, but after realizing it, she hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to continue looking at Young Master Liu.

Although looking directly at Mianjun is not a major crime in the Dalong Law, once someone wants to go online, it can also become a disrespectful act.

If it happens that His Majesty is in a bad mood, this kind of behavior that is not considered a crime in the Dalong Law may turn into a serious crime that will kill him.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty, this servant sweated a little while cleaning the snow outside the Great Bright Hall, so she took off her warm clothes.

But I didn't expect that I just received an order to bring drinks and cakes to His Majesty, because the servant was afraid that His Majesty would be waiting, so the servant rushed over without having time to add clothes to keep out the cold. "

Young Master Liu nodded knowingly, looked up and down the little maid's delicate body, and suddenly stretched out her hand to grab the little hands of the little maid.

Cold, nothing but cold, it seems that this little maid has been waiting in the cold wind for a long time.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, slave... slave... slave..."

Young Master Liu let go of the rough hand holding the little maid, took off the heavy cloak on his back, and put it directly on the little maid who was so nervous that she couldn't even finish her sentence.

After fastening the cloak ribbon around the jade neck of the little court lady, Young Master Liu breathed out a sigh of alcohol with a smile.

"I don't eat people, why are you so nervous? After packing up the things on the viewing platform, you little girl, don't forget to go back early and add more clothes.

I haven't lived in the harem for a long time, so I don't know much about your situation.

If the Ministry of Internal Affairs has any deficiencies in your food and clothing expenses, just go to Xiao Chengzi to make adjustments for you.

If Xiao Chengzi dares to put on airs, just tell him that this is what I mean, and he will naturally not dare to deal with it.

By the way, what's your name, little girl? "

"Your Majesty, slave... slave... slave is now called Chun'er, and her common name was Yue Chunniang before she entered the palace to serve His Majesty."

"Chun'er, Yue Chunniang, it's really a good name.

She has the same personality as your little girl, pure, kind, and even a little silly.

Chun'er, I remember your name, and I will say hello to Xiao Chengzi when I find time in the future, and I will transfer you to the Guangming Palace to be on duty. "



"The servant is here."

"Since you have cleared the snow outside the Great Bright Hall, it means you know the location of the Bright Hall. After you change into your warm clothes, don't forget to send my cloak back to the Bright Hall.

When I have the next great court meeting, I will continue to wear it when I change clothes in the Guangming Palace.

As for other cloaks, I will give them to you if I give them to you, but this cloak was bought for me by my good daughter, Princess Yue, so I dare not give it away easily.

Alright, let's finish this first. After you pack up your things, go back early to keep warm. I will go back first. "

After Liu Dashao finished speaking, without waiting for Chun'er to react, he waved his hands gracefully and continued to rush straight in the direction of Fu'an Palace.

Chun'er stared blankly at Young Master Liu's back gradually going away, and then looked down at the thick fox fur cloak on her body after recovering.

I don't know what this little girl thought of, because after wrapping her body in the cloak, her pretty face gradually turned ruddy, looking at Young Master Liu's back became even more ruddy.

It wasn't until Young Master Liu's back disappeared into the imperial garden that Chun'er looked away, and trotted straight to the high viewing platform.

"Slaves see..."

"Hush! Is Princess Yue in the palace of Fu'an Palace now?"

The palace maid looked at First Young Master Liu who signaled her to keep quiet, and hurriedly closed her lips, stretched out her hand and pointed at the location of Fu'an Palace not far away, and lowered her voice to the lowest level.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Her Royal Highness Princess Yue is currently accompanying the Empress Dowager and her old lady in the palace garden..."

"Eh? Smelly old man, why are you here with Grandma Nangong too? Where are the second brother and the third?"

As soon as the little maid finished speaking halfway, she was overwhelmed by the astonished and crisp voice of the little cutie.

"Slaves see Your Highness the Princess."

"Excuse me, please go and serve the Empress Dowager first."

The cutie flicked her wrist nonchalantly, and greeted her father with a smile.

"Yes, the slaves retire."

The palace maid bowed to the father and daughter, turned around and rushed to the palace, the little cutie heard Liu's young master bouncing a few times in front of her.

"Smelly old man, you don't mean to wait for this girl here on purpose, do you?"

Young Master Liu looked angrily at the smiling, cute little girl who didn't look like a daughter, flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked towards the palace gate.

"Hey, old man, what's your attitude? Wait, Yue'er!

Smelly old man, Yue'er has worked so hard to please your grandmother, it's fine if you don't thank Yue'er, why do you still treat Yue'er with such an annoying attitude of ignoring her?

Yue'er didn't make you unhappy, why do you act like Yue'er made mistakes again and again? "

Hearing the little cutie chattering incessantly in his ear, First Young Master Liu sighed helplessly, and quickened his pace again.

"Hey, smelly old...Liu Mingzhi, you've grown up, haven't you? You dare to pretend you didn't hear what this girl said. You're going too far.

Believe it or not, as soon as this girl left the palace, she rushed back to Jiangnan to sue her grandparents and the two elders, saying that you, a father, are disrespectful and intentionally angry with your daughter. "

The little cutie still ignored her when she saw her stinky father, and immediately sped up her pace and made a run-up, rushing towards Young Master Liu's back like a tiger preying on her prey.

Unmistakably threw herself on the old man's back, the cutie's slender jade arms tightly locked Young Master Liu's neck, and put Zhen's head to the old man's ear with a smile.

"Smelly old man, why don't you keep running?"

"Oh! You stinky girl, how old are you and let your father carry you on your back, why don't you come down quickly!"

"No, no, I've been tired for a long time to help you please my grandmother, and you leave the palace behind my back, so what's wrong with me resting my feet?
Smelly old man, you haven't carried Yueer behind your back for many years.

a year?two years?three years?four years?Or ten years?

It seems that it has been a long time, do you really not love Yue'er anymore? "

(End of this chapter)

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