My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2629 The famous Liu Luoyue

Chapter 2629 The famous Liu Luoyue

First Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully after listening to the smug words of the little cutie in his ear.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid, can't I be afraid for my father?

However, don't just be so outspoken in front of your father, if you really have the ability, you can also be so outspoken in front of your mother and your aunts.

If you really dare to go, as a father, I sincerely admire your courage, Liu Luoyue. "

"I... I... Yue'er, I don't have the same knowledge as them.

Smelly father, don't think that Yue'er is afraid of them, this girl is just holding on to her own identity, and she doesn't want to gossip with them.

This girl hasn't seen any kind of turmoil in these years, old man, do you think I'm afraid of my mother's old woman? "

Hearing the cutie's stern words, Young Master Liu nodded with a sneer.

"Yes, yes, you are super brave."

The little cutie naturally heard the meaning of joking from the old man's laughter, but she didn't take it seriously, and instead complacently agreed.

"That's right, Dad, you don't even know who this girl is."

"What you say is what you say, Yue'er."


"When you were in Fu'an Palace, what did you tell your Nangong grandmother? Come and tell Weifu."

The little cutie rolled her big exquisite eyes slyly, grabbed her own hair and fiddled with the corners of the old man's eyes a few times.

"Yue'er can tell you what my grandmother and I talked about, but old man, you have to tell Yue'er first what you talked with your second brother and Xiaosan in the imperial garden.

Smelly old man, you took the two of them to the imperial garden, but you didn't let Yue'er go with you, you must have talked about something shameful.

As long as Dad, you tell Yue'er first what you talked about, and Yue'er will tell you what I talked with my grandmother. "

"Stinky girl, you dare to bargain with Wei father after you grow up?"

"You can get what you give, fair trade, no deceit, this is the truth that you taught Yueer yourself in Shanhaiguan back then.

Wanting to get grandmother's situation from Yue'er for nothing, but not willing to pay the slightest price, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

Let's talk, Dad, you have talked about some shameful things with the second brother and the third brother behind Yue'er's back. "

First Young Master Liu was silent for a moment with his brow raised slightly, and let out a sigh of relief with a nonchalant face.

"Forget it, forget it, father, I feel that I won't get any useful information from you, so it's better not to make a deal.

If you are willing to say it, it doesn’t matter for the father to listen to it. If you don’t want to say it, the father will not force it.

My father has indeed taught you the principle of fair trade and no deceit, but my father also told you that sometimes fate must have it, and there is no reason to force it.

The whispers between you and your grandmother, it doesn't matter if you don't listen to your father. "

Seeing that the old man suddenly changed his tone, the little cutie became anxious immediately, and with a dissatisfied face, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Young Master Liu's ear and turned it a few times.

"Smelly old man, how can you do this? You're changing too fast, aren't you?"

"Hey! This is another principle that my father will teach you today, which is called timely stop loss."

"Bullshit, old man, you are the king of a country today, how can your words of wisdom not count?
Yue'er doesn't care, you have to tell Yue'er what you talked about with the second brother and the third. "

Hearing the little cutie's anxious voice, it was Liu's turn to smile triumphantly this time.

Slightly turning his head to glance at his daughter's pretty indignant face, Young Master Liu smiled and slapped the little cutie on her back forcefully again.

"Smelly girl, you're still too young to play tricks on your father and me. Do you think your father doesn't know what's going on in your heart?
You want to cling to Weifu every step of the way, and go to the Imperial Garden with Weifu, don't you just want to make timely decisions based on the content of the conversation between Dad, me, your second brother and third brother, and their expressions during the conversation? Countermeasures?

The more you want to know, the less your father will tell you.

Do you really want to know what Weifu talked with your second brother and third brother in the Imperial Garden?Then figure it out for yourself!

Don't you claim to be smart, quick-witted and clever?Now is the perfect time to test your ingenuity. "

"You... stinky old man, are you my real father? Is there anyone who treats your good daughter like this?"

"Should I ask your mother, she will tell you the real relationship between our father and daughter."

"Hmph, Yue'er doesn't need to ask, it's obvious at first glance, otherwise, how can a father treat his daughter so excessively?"

"Hehe, you're starting to use the provocative method again? You brat, brat, your father and I are the ones who have experienced all kinds of storms!

Don't embarrass yourself in front of your old man with your little trick that can't be put on the table, you are still young if you want to fight your father and me!
As a father, I can tell you frankly that whether you will take the seat in the future is not up to you.

Your father doesn't want you to sit, but you can't sit if you want to; your father wants you to sit, but you can't sit if you don't want to.As a father, I have some confidence in this point. "

"But...but Yue'er really doesn't want to sit!
If Yue'er hadn't sat before when I was a child, I might still be a little excited, but after I tried that feeling of being lonely, Yue'er resolutely didn't want to do it a second time. "

Young Master Liu could tell from her cute words that she was really not interested in that position, rather than deliberately putting on a show in front of her to please her.

It's just -- can things really go as she wishes?

The burden of the four words Jiangshan Sheji is too heavy, so heavy that many things are always involuntary.

"Girl, many things are unreasonable when you were born in the Emperor's Garden. Even if you are a father, sometimes you have to judge the situation.

The world is a word, someone has to come out to resist!

As for who will carry it in the future, it can only be who is suitable to resist. "

Listening to her father's meaningful words, the little cutie frowned for a moment with her cherry lips, and in the end she just replied gently with her head downcast.

"Oh! Got it."

"Don't be dejected. It's not certain who will inherit the great position, and it may not be you who will inherit the great position in the end and take on the world."

The little cutie's eyes lit up, and she nodded hurriedly.

"That's right, that stinky old man, you have spent a lot of time teaching your brothers and sisters except Yue'er, try your best to pass on the throne to them.

Even if Yue'er doesn't ask for [-]%, you must at least make it [-]% that you can't pass it on to me.

By the way, old man, you should go to the Qingyue Palace on the left first. Yue'er has to go to the Qingyue Palace first? "

"Huh? Is there anything else you need to do when you go to Qingyue Palace?"

The cutie laughed a few times, stretched out the sleeves of her gorgeous palace attire, and waved it in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Of course I went to change into ordinary clothes. I went out of the palace in palace clothes and walked around the street. Dad, are you afraid that others will not know that Yue'er is the current Highness Princess?"

"Hi! That's true, my father is almost confused by your anger.

By the way, where is the dragon robe you wore in Qinzheng Hall?
The meaning of the dragon robe is extraordinary, after you take it off, you have to put it away carefully, if you lose it, it will cause big trouble. "

"Don't worry, Yue'er has already sent someone to send it to Xiao Chengzi, and told him to send someone back to our house."

"That's fine, that's fine, as long as you put it away."

"Come on, hurry up and go to Qingyue Palace."

After half a day, the little cutie changed into a thick light blue scholar's Confucian robe in the palace, wearing a big cloak, and followed her father all the way to the palace gate.

Now it is the weather of the twelfth lunar month of winter, otherwise, the cute little girl with a folding fan really lives up to the words of Yushu Linfeng, romantic and suave.

"We respectfully send Your Majesty, Your Highness Princess, out of the palace."

"Well! Continue to be on duty!"

"We will obey."

After the father and daughter left the palace, they went straight to the hexagram stall outside Penglai Restaurant.

On the main street outside the palace gate, the little cutie wobbled along the street step by step, and walked to the stalls on both sides from time to time to stop for a while.

He casually picked up some gadgets on the booth and looked them up a few times, then the little cutie put them back in the original place, and continued to walk forward in a foolish way with his father.

Once she met a slightly more attractive woman on the street, would the little cutie always blow a whistle in a frivolous manner?
Whether it's a lady who hasn't left the court and Xiaojiabiyu, or a married woman with full of charm, as long as she has a little beauty, the little cutie will always come to her.

Halfway down, the passing women were all ashamed and angry.

The girls who have not yet left the pavilion saw the handsome appearance of the cutie Yushu Linfeng. Although they were molested, they still shyly looked back from time to time to peek at the cutie's wild and unruly figure.

As for the women, they spat secretly one after another, while hastily leaving the side of the squinting cutie, while turning their heads to wait and see a few times, quite a sense of refusal to welcome.

The cutie stood on the street with a smile on her face, waving her palms non-stop at the lady who had just been molested by her.

"Hey, beauty, don't go in such a hurry, how about making an appointment with my brother tonight?"

Hearing the cutie's mean laughter, the girl a few steps away walked even faster accompanied by the maid.

It seems that not all girls like smooth-talking 'men'.

Little cutie's wild and unruly behavior made young master Liu's eyes drop, and he couldn't help but wonder if this dirty-looking 'young man' standing next to him is really his good girl?
Those who knew clearly that she was the current Her Royal Highness the Princess, but those who didn't know thought it was a street slipper who had gone out!
"Stinky boy, what do you look like now?"

"What's wrong with me? Don't I just chat with those beautiful sisters?"

"You... I'm too lazy to talk to you, you should stay away from me immediately, because my father doesn't want to go with you!"

Seeing the back of her father hurrying on the road, the little cutie hastily trotted to follow.

"Father, Yue'er doesn't brag, you go to the street to inquire, anyone who hears my name Liu Luo must give a thumbs up and praise it.

There are sixteen major squares in the capital, hundreds of small squares, and we are also the number one person.

What kind of reputation I have in the capital is well known by everyone.

Yo, isn't this Sister He from Fragrance Pavilion?The weather is so cold, why didn't you stay in the pavilion and rest well, why did you come out?

If this delicate and tender meat is frozen, my heart will be sore! "

"Ah! The slave's eyes are dumb, so it's Mr. Liu Luo!
What are you doing, why don't you go to your sister's place recently?
Sister, I think what you are thinking about is that you don’t think about food and tea, you don’t want to anymore!how?Is it because my sister is so powerful that my body can't take it anymore?

How about my sister tell you some secret recipes for strengthening your body? "

When First Young Master Liu heard the teasing words between the cutie and a beautiful woman who was about [-] years old and looked so charming, the corners of his mouth trembled a few times and he quickened his pace again.

commit a sin!Sin!
"Hey hey... stinky...then who, you wait for me!
Good sister, let's talk next time, next time, let's say goodbye first. "

"Hey—Master Liu Luo, let's talk again!"

"Smelly old man, have you seen it, this girl is indeed well-known in the capital, right?

I'm not bragging with you, I'm Liu... Hey, isn't this sister Chuxue from Zuichunlou?Why did you come out to hang out today?
Did you really want to leave me, brother, and came out to find me? "

(End of this chapter)

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