Chapter 2630

Liu Mingzhi really didn't want to see Xiaocutie's affairs with those pretty beauties again, so he ignored Xiaohuicute's shouts and quickened his pace again.

A romantic affair between a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman is indeed a beautiful story, but it must be something that a real gifted scholar and beauty can enjoy.

Little cutie, this 'talented scholar' is completely untrue. Young Master Liu is afraid that his heart will be so stimulated that he can't stand it any longer. Ten years of life may be light.

"My dear sister Chuxue, Brother Luo, I will go to Zuichun Tower to see you when I have time. Right now, brother, I still have some things to do, so I will take my leave first."

The pretty, flushed little beauty watched the little cutie let go of her hands and hastily left. She covered her lips and smiled coquettishly, then walked towards the rouge shop a dozen steps away, accompanied by her maid.

"Father, wait for me, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Hearing the nagging sound of dissatisfaction from Cutie behind him, First Young Master Liu had no choice but to speed up his pace again. With a daughter like Cutie, he really didn't want passers-by to know what relationship he had with Cutie.

What a loss of face!
"Hey, Dad, are you a rabbit? Why do you run faster the more I call you?"

The little cutie complained again dissatisfied with her words, and quickly sped up her pace with all her strength, and finally kept up with Young Master Liu's footsteps.

"Huh... Smelly old man, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Are you in a hurry to go back to the latrine?"

First Young Master Liu glanced at the cute little girl with a pretty face and resentment, and shook his head helplessly, he was too lazy to continue making jokes with the cute little girl.

If you continue to chatter, who knows what this stinky girl will say that will open your eyes.

Secondly, Young Master Liu really doesn't have the intention to laugh and curse with his good girl now.

Just now in the palace, I talked with Xiaocuti about the topic of children, and Young Master Liu once again thought about the situation of the eldest son Liu Chengfeng in Tsarist Russia.

Ever since the eldest son Liu Chengfeng led the Great Dragon Mission to Tsarist Russia, Young Master Liu has been concerned about the safety of his eldest son and the Great Dragon Mission.

However, Dalong's capital is thousands of miles away from Tsarist Russia, even though Young Master Liu and the ladies are worried about their children every day, there is nothing they can do.

With such a long distance, it is not easy to meet each other!

"Master, you are leaving the palace, the small divination stall has already been set up for you in advance, and the stove has already been prepared.

Huh?Young master, why is the cloak on your body gone?You wait for a while, the little one will go to Mrs. Bizhu and the others to get one for you. "

Upon hearing Liu Song's words, First Young Master Liu nodded absent-mindedly in response, glanced at the reclining chairs behind the hexagram booth and walked over directly.

"Ah, Miss Yue'er, you also left the palace with the young master."

When the little cutie saw Liu Song who was about to run to Penglai Restaurant, she immediately smiled and nodded.

"Hello, Uncle Song, you are busy first."

"Yes, Miss Yue'er, you can talk to the young master first, the little one will come back as soon as he goes."

Young Master Liu poured a cup of tea from the pot and held it in his palm to keep warm, and sat leisurely on the recliner, narrowing his eyes and continuing to think about his own affairs.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Keai also vaguely understood that her father was thinking about business, and she didn't have the time to continue making jokes with her.

Self-supporting, he poured a cup of hot tea and held it in his hand to keep out the cold. The little cutie sat down on the side pony saddle obediently and quietly, and reached out to pick up a hexagram book on the low table and began to read it freely.

It has been nearly a year and a half since the eldest son led the Dragon Mission to Tsarist Russia on June 28th last year, and today's November [-]th.

Time has passed in a hurry for more than a year, and I don't know how the child is doing now?What happened to all the officers and soldiers of the Great Dragon Mission?

Since I received their home letter reporting safety, I and the imperial court have never received any news about the Great Dragon Mission in Tsarist Russia.

In the past few months since the letter was sent home, I don't know how he has been in contact with Elizabeth Serena, the little queen of Tsarist Russia?Is it possible to become good friends of Qin and Jin?
This brat, no matter what the situation is, why don't you send someone to send a letter home to say you're safe!

Even if there is no fate between you and the little Queen Serena, and it is difficult to get married in the end, you can at least let your father, your mother and aunts know that you are safe and sound now!
After a letter from home, there is no news. How can you not worry about your father's heart and your mother's heart?
You bastard, you really have no brains at all. When you come back, I will beat you with a training stick so that you can't get out of bed for a month.

Brat, no matter what, you have to return safely. You must return safely with all the officers and soldiers of the Dragon Mission!

The ancestors of the Liu family have spirits in the sky, and they must protect my son and all the officers and soldiers of the Dalong Mission to return to their hometowns safely. They must be blessed.

God, don't let me, Liu Mingzhi, send a white-haired person to a black-haired person!
If something really happened to my son in Tsarist Russia, then - don't blame me for not recognizing people with weapons in my hands.

Although this young master has not fought on the battlefield for many years, it does not mean that this young master can no longer carry a knife.

A gust of cold wind hit, and the cold feeling on his face made First Young Master Liu recover from his daze.

Touching the coolness on his face with his fingers, Young Master Liu gently leaned forward and looked up at the small shed above his head.

Seeing the crystal clear snowflakes dancing with the wind again in the sky, Young Master Liu frowned slightly and sighed heavily.

It's snowing again in the capital, and if you want to come to Beidi, Xinfu, the snow in Beifu will be even greater, so you can imagine what will happen to the snow in Tsarist Russia.

With such a heavy snowfall, the roads must be blocked and vehicles cannot pass through. It is too difficult for the eldest son and the Dalong Mission to rush back despite the wind and snow.

"Hey! The snow is so heavy, it seems that we won't be able to come back this year."

The little cutie who was reading the hexagram book boredly heard what the old man was talking to himself, and subconsciously raised her head to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Ah? Dad, what are you talking about? Why is the snow so heavy that it can't come back."

"It's nothing, just read your book carefully."

The little cutie muttered thoughtfully for a while, then tilted her waist and looked up at the snowflakes flying in the air.

"Dad, are you saying that the snow is too heavy, and the elder brother and the dragon mission will not be able to come back this year?"

First Young Master Liu's lips trembled, he didn't expect the little cutie to guess what was on his mind all of a sudden.

Looking at the little cutie Young Master Liu in surprise for a while, he didn't answer anything, but nodded with a sad face, took a sip of hot tea and leaned back on the reclining chair.

Looking at her father's melancholy face, the little cutie put down the hexagram book in her hand, put her hands on her cheeks and sighed faintly.

"Brother led a mission to Tsarist Russia, and it has been almost a year and a half since he left.

I don't know how he and the mission are doing in Tsarist Russia now?Did you get the little queen of Tsarist Russia and bring her back to be Yue'er's sister-in-law?
The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so it is supposed to be time to come back from the mission!I haven't seen him for so long, and I still miss him, so sad! "

"Master, the cloak is here."

First Young Master Liu reached out to take the cloak that Liu Song handed over, adjusted a comfortable posture and wrapped it around his body.

"Master, the little one is going to take care of the bookstall first."

"It's so cold, and it's snowing again now, if there are really no customers, Xiaosong, you should close the stall early and go home to watch the children."

"Yes, little one understands, I will act according to the situation, then I will pass."


After Liu Song went to the bookstall, Young Master Liu quietly watched the pedestrians coming and going on the street with calm eyes, hoping that there would be customers coming to take care of the business today.

Looking at her father's stunned and motionless posture, Xiaocuti couldn't stand the boring atmosphere, so she put down the teacup in her hand gently.

"Father, Yue'er won't be with you anymore, let's go to the street first."

"Go away!"

"Slightly slightly slightly, goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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