My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2631 Judging the situation and acting by ear

Chapter 2631 Judging the situation and acting by ear

On December [-]rd of the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, Liu Chengqian and his second elder brother handed over the government affairs in the Hall of Ten Kings, and then formally prepared to leave for Lizhou to supervise the snow disaster.

In the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion, Liu Chengqian, who had already packed his travel bags, was bidding farewell to his family members.

The third princess Li Yan held her youngest daughter Liu Yirou who was just over two years old in her arms, and looked at her son Liu Chengqian with her phoenix eyes full of worry.

"Ganer, although Lizhou is only a few hundred miles away from the capital, since there is a snow disaster there, it means that the situation there is not very good.

After you arrive in Lizhou, you must take good care of your body. If you encounter trouble, you must think twice, and you must not act impulsively.

Especially on the way to Lizhou, it is freezing cold outside and the cold wind is howling. You must wear more clothes on the way, so as not to catch the wind and cold.

Try to eat on time as much as possible. If you miss three meals, it is easy to hurt your stomach.

Also, after arriving in Lizhou, if the weather clears up, you must send a letter from the golden eagle to report that you are safe, so that your mother can feel at ease. "

Liu Chengqian quietly listened to his mother's worrying words, and did not show the slightest impatient look.

The mother is worried when the son travels thousands of miles, so he can understand his mother's current mood.of
And after talking with his father, he finally understood how much his mother loved him.

Seeing my mother chattering endlessly as if she couldn't stop worrying, I felt extremely warm in my heart.

The deep love for the calf, this is the deep affection for the calf that my mother has for herself.

Seeing that his mother had finally explained everything she thought of, Liu Chengqian looked at his mother, then at the little sister Liu Yirou who was curiously watching him babbling in his mother's arms, and nodded heavily.

"Mother, my son's trip to Lizhou is only to urge Lizhou officials to deal with the snow disaster, not to fight on the battlefield, and there will be no danger.

Don't worry, when the boy arrives in Lizhou, as long as the weather permits, the boy will immediately send a letter to daddy, you and the aunts to report that they are safe. "

The third princess stretched out her white and tender jade hands and caressed her son's cheek for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.

"No matter what you do, you must be careful, mother, your father, your aunts, and all your brothers and sisters are waiting for you to come back.

Child, mother is waiting for you to come back, take care of yourself. "

"Thank you, mother, my mother's teachings will definitely be kept in mind by the children, mothers, you also cherish your body."

"Hey, mother knows."

The third princess tapped the phoenix head lightly, and her phoenix eyes looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting in the first place.

"Husband, the concubine's identity has been explained."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, put down his teacup and walked in front of the third princess, and took his daughter Liu Yirou who was wearing a thick brocade jacket.

The little girl caressed her father's beard curiously with her restless hands, laughing non-stop.

"Got it! Got it!"

"It's Daddy!"

"To die."

Young Master Liu looked at the smiling little padded jacket in his arms with black lines, and turned around to look around at all the beauties in the hall.

"It's almost time, let's go out to see off the children, don't delay the journey."

The girls immediately stood up and gathered beside First Young Master Liu: "Husband, let's go."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, wrapped the little padded jacket in his arms with a big cloak, walked out of the hall door first, and went straight to the gate of Liu's mansion.

"Come on."


"After arriving in Lizhou with the guards, don't be in a hurry to reveal your identity, and go to the prefectures and counties under the rule of Lizhou for private visits.

To see what the snow disaster in Lizhou is like with your own eyes, you should go to the homes of the affected people more often.

Find out the specific situation of the snow disaster from their mouths, and then secretly ask the people how the local government manages the snow disaster.

It doesn't matter whether the local officials are good or bad officials, and it doesn't matter what they say for their fathers. It has to be judged by the people under their rule.

In addition, no matter what the situation is, just remember the eight characters. "

"Huh? Please teach me, Dad."

"Assess the situation and act according to circumstances."

"Assess the situation and play by ear?"

Liu Chengqian softly repeated the eight words his father said, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, don't think about it now, just think about it on the road."

"Yes, my son has remembered. On the way to Lizhou, my son will think about these eight words carefully."

"Also, when you go to Lizhou, you are the imperial envoy supervising the handling of the snow disaster. Try not to reveal your identity as the prince until necessary, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble and danger.

Low-key life, high-profile work.

My father hopes that you can resolve the Lizhou matter as soon as possible and return home safely as soon as possible. "

"Hail understands. After arriving in Lizhou, Haier will definitely go all out to supervise this matter."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, then turned around and looked at Liu Song who was following him, nodding his head as a gesture.


"Yes, sir."

Liu Song responded immediately, and handed the imperial decree and a printed box to Liu Chengqian.

"Master Chengqian, this is the imperial decree and seal of the young master appointing you as the imperial envoy. You keep it."

"Hey, there's Uncle Lao Song."

"Don't dare! Don't dare! It's a small job."

While the group chatted, they finally arrived outside the gate of Liu Mansion.

Liu Chenggan held the imperial decree and imperial envoy's seal in his arms, and bowed a big salute to First Young Master Liu and many elders.

"Father, mother, all aunts, Uncle Song, stay a while, I'm going to join the guards first, goodbye, baby."

"Go, take care on the way."

"Yes, baby, let's go."

After Liu Chengqian got up, he quickly boarded the carriage that had been waiting for a long time, and finally waved to Young Master Liu and the others.



Looking at the carriage that was crushed by the snow and drifting away, First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief in silence.

The eldest son went on a mission thousands of miles away and has not yet returned for a reunion, and the third son was sent out when the New Year approached. As a father, I am really a bit cruel!
When the carriage completely disappeared at the corner of the street, and there was no trace of it anymore, First Young Master Liu hugged his daughter Liu Yirou with a wry smile, turned and walked into the mansion.

Seeing this, all the beauties also closed their eyes, and followed her husband back to the mansion together in a bad mood.

Seven days after Liu Chengqian rushed to Lizhou, it was December [-]th in the fifth year of Dalong Taiping in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Liu Chengzhi and his wife Li Jingyao offered tea to young master Liu and his elders one after another, and moved into the East Palace together to settle down.

A few days after Liu Chengzhi and his young couple moved into the East Palace to settle down, the only small illusions in Baiguan's mind were finally shattered.

Because His Majesty really didn't intend to appoint His Royal Highness the Second Prince as Crown Prince and Crown Prince, and letting the Second Prince and his wife live in the East Palace was really just living in the East Palace.

Five days after Liu Chengzhi and his wife moved into the East Palace, it was December [-]th, the fifth year of Taiping, when the imperial court began to rest.

"I wish all the ministers and ministers in advance, many lovers, a happy new year."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. The ministers also wish your Majesty, ladies and gentlemen, all Your Highnesses a happy new year, long live long live."

"Back to court, Hugh Mu."

"Your Majesty is being sent off respectfully, long live long live."

Young Master Liu accepted the last memorial document in the hands of all the civil and military officials, and wished some auspicious words for the Spring Festival in advance, and after the order was issued, all the officials congratulated and resigned.

The court's rest period has officially begun.

The imperial court began to rest, which also means that the five years of Dalong Taiping are coming to an end.

"Husband, you are back."

"Yes, Yun'er, go and inform Sister Ya, Lian'er and the others are all here."

"Huh? Did something happen?"

"Get ready, go back to Jiangnan for the New Year."

(End of this chapter)

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