Chapter 2632

On December 28th, the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, outside the gate of Liufu in the south of the Yangtze River.

Liu Zhi'an put his hands inside his cuffs, looked in amazement at Young Master Liu who was standing in front of the door and smiling, and the many wives, concubines and children beside him, his eyes showed both surprise and joy.

It never occurred to him that the eldest son would rush back to his hometown in Jiangnan to celebrate the New Year with a whole family this year.

"Old man, what's the matter with you? Seeing that my young master and I brought a whole family back to my hometown, are you so excited that you can't even speak?

You can't do this!If you get excited all of a sudden and can't get up again, it will be troublesome. I haven't planned to dress you up yet! "

Liu Zhi'an reacted, and the joy in his eyes quickly disappeared after hearing Young Master Liu's words, and he gave Young Master Liu a hard look.

Damn it, a dog can't spit ivory out of his mouth.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so it’s fine if we don’t say some auspicious words of congratulations after the reunion, and we shouldn’t come up with such depressing words as soon as we get together, right?

"Did you eat your breakfast in the toilet?"

Unhappy, he answered Young Master Liu's rebuttal, and Liu Zhi'an cheerfully walked towards Liu Chengzhi, his brothers, sisters and others.

"Good grandchildren, good granddaughters, I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss grandpa?"

"Grandson pays respects to grandpa, everything goes well for grandpa."

"Granddaughter pays respects to grandpa, grandpa wishes longevity and well-being."

"Grandpa, I miss you too."

"Me too, me too, I miss grandpa too."

"Not only do I miss my grandpa, but I also miss my grandma, my second uncle and my aunt."

"I also……"

After Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao and the other mature and sensible children saluted respectfully, a group of middle-aged and small children flocked directly in front of Liu Zhian. Grandpa, grandpa kept yelling.

Liu Zhi'an Laohuai looked at the large group of chattering grandsons and granddaughters in front of him with satisfaction, and patted the tops of their heads one by one with a smile.

"Good good good good good good good good! Grandpa misses you too.

It's so cold outside, all of you are frozen, right?Go home and ask your grandma to make you some hot soup to warm you up. "

"Thank you grandpa, let's go first then."

"Okay, let's go, run slowly, don't fall."

"Got it, grandpa, see you later."

After a group of little guys chased each other into the gate, Qi Yun and other beauties lined up and bowed to Liu Zhi'an in turn.

"Daughters-in-law pay respects to Daddy, Daddy is well."

"Okay, okay, no courtesy, no courtesy."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Although the climate in Jinling is not as severe as that of the capital, it is still cold enough. You have worked so hard on the journey, go home and rest."

"Father, please go first."

"Together, we don't have such vulgar etiquette in our own house, let's all go in and warm up."

Liu Zhi'an greeted his daughters-in-law and grown-up grandsons with a light smile. The granddaughters walked towards the house, but they ignored Young Master Liu who stood aside and was blown lonely by the cold wind.

"Heh... bah!"

When passing by First Young Master Liu, Liu Zhi'an spit in front of First Young Master Liu without grace, and continued to lead a large group of juniors happily into the gate of the mansion as if nothing had happened. .

First Young Master Liu looked at the filth next to his toes with a look of disgust, and walked around to follow clamorously.

"Old man, don't be crazy, and when I return to Beijing, I will announce to the world that spitting is strictly prohibited, otherwise I will be fined ten thousand taels of silver.

I don't believe this young master, I can't cure you! "

"Liu Yuan, immediately close the door for the old man and let the dogs go, forbidding some bastard that the old man doesn't know to step into the gate of our house without authorization.

Let the dog bite first, then beat him with sticks and throw it on the street, killing the old man. "

The old butler Liu Yuan looked at Young Master Liu with a frozen expression and shook his head helplessly, and welcomed Young Master Liu into the mansion with a smile.

"Young master, what can you tell this old slave to say? You two are really enough, when is the time for retribution!"

Eldest Young Master Liu scratched his neck carelessly, watching Liu Yuan speak loudly at the top of his voice on purpose.

"Uncle Liu, don't worry, retribution will come to an end sooner or later, after all, a certain old guy won't be crazy for a few years soon, right?

Uncle Liu, these words came from my mouth and entered your ears. Heaven knows and the earth knows that you know and I know, but you must never let a third person know these words.

You must help me keep the secret, you go on to rest, I will go back to visit my mother first. "

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an's trembling back, chuckled a few times and rushed towards the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion.

"Big brother!"


Liu Mingli smiled lightly and nodded: "Brother, you really came back in time, and younger brother thought that you would not be able to return home until at least a year later!"

"Brother also relied on the convenience of being able to speed up the whip through officialdom, and finally came back in time.

I told you to wait for me to come back together, but you didn't listen. "

"Hey, younger brother, I'm afraid that if I get delayed along the way, I'll just come back, just come back."

"Where's your mother?"

"It should be in the inner courtyard. I'm about to go there."

"Exactly, let's go together."

"Okay, big brother first."

First Young Master Liu casually rolled his eyes, grabbed Liu Mingli's shoulders and walked towards the corridor.

"Brat, put on a show and let's go together."

"Hey hey, younger brother, isn't he afraid of being rude in front of your elder brother, the emperor!"

"Nonsense, no matter how big brother is the king of a country, he is also your own big brother. What's the deal with your own big brother? By the way, Mingjie?"

"Should be bored reading in the study. I don't know too well. I'll just ask our old man later."

"Really, is this kid working so hard now?"

"It's hard to say, it's true that I'm reading a book, but I can't say what kind of book I'm reading."

"Hahaha, this is in line with this kid's character!
By the way, is this girl Xuan'er back?There are two or three days until the Spring Festival, and she should be home by now, right? "

Liu Mingli's face froze, and he shook his head with a wry smile at First Young Master Liu.

First Young Master Liu frowned slightly, and looked at his second younger brother's gloomy face suspiciously: "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"No, no, nothing, the main reason is that my little sister may not come back for the New Year this year."

"Huh? What's the situation?"

"I don't know what's going on with Xuan'er right now, I just know that she sent someone to send a letter home to her parents, saying that she probably won't come back for the New Year this year.

No, she hasn't returned home until today!Nine out of ten I will not come back, and I may spend this festive season in a foreign country. "

First Young Master Liu pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time, gradually suppressed some thoughts in his heart, and patted his second brother on the shoulder cheerfully.

"Maybe this girl doesn't want to be a stranger in a foreign land alone, maybe because something happened and she couldn't make it back in time, or maybe it's too far away from her hometown and there's not enough time to come back.

Since she wrote a family letter to report her safety, it means that the girl Xuan'er is fine now, as long as she is fine, other things are not important.

Let's not talk about this, let's go visit Niangqin and her old man first. "

"Yes, big brother is right. As long as people are fine, other things are really not important."

"Let's not mention Xuan'er, Dai'er, will she get used to it after returning to Jinling with you and Xin'er? If there is any problem of acclimatization, you can't be careless and negligent.

When Jiang He and his younger siblings went to inspect the Western countries, they entrusted the girl Dai'er to his brother. If something happened to this girl, the elder brother really didn't know how to explain to Jiang He and his younger siblings. "

"Brother, don't worry, this girl is really happy!
Fighting with the children below my younger brother all day long, not to mention how healthy they are. "

"After that, that's good, so I can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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