My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2633 Take it easy

Chapter 2633 Take it easy

"Boy Liu Mingzhi pays respects to my lord, wishing my mother a long life and good health."

"Boy Liu Ming pays homage to my mother-in-law, wishing my mother good luck and a long life."

Mrs. Liu, who was exchanging greetings with Qi Yun and the other sisters, hurriedly turned around when she heard the salute words from the elder and younger brothers Liu.

Mrs. Liu saw First Young Master Liu standing in front at a glance, and hurriedly walked over with kind eyes.

"Get up, get up, get up, both of you.

Zhi'er, you are a real kid, why didn't you send someone to send a letter to tell your family before you got home?

In the early morning, mother was still thinking about whether you could rush back to celebrate the New Year with the second and third brothers this year, but as soon as you turned around, you were already at the door.

If it weren't for a large group of children rushing in chirping, Wei Niang would still be muttering now! "

"The child is unfilial, and the mother is worried."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as you get home safely, as long as you get home safely, you don't have to worry about it all the time as a mother."

"Thank you, mother."

"I heard from Yun'er and the sisters that Chengfeng did not return from Tsarist Russia this year? Not only did Chengfeng not return, but you also sent Cheng Gan out on business again?"

Young Master Liu gave his arm a pause, and nodded helplessly when he saw his mother's disappointed expression.

"Mother, the child is also..."

"Okay, okay, my mother understands you, and I also know that you have your difficulties, and you have your own difficulties.

I don't blame you for my mother, I really don't blame you for my mother!
It’s fine if you don’t come back this year, I hope our family can truly reunite next year.

As my mother is getting old, I just want you to be by my side, and I don’t ask for anything else. "

"Hey, baby, thank you mother for your understanding.

If Chengfeng doesn't lead the mission back to Beijing next year, Hai'er will send people to Tsarist Russia to see what happened.

As long as they are safe and sound, let them come back to visit you as soon as possible. "

"It's good if you have a plan in your heart. If you have a plan in your heart, you won't worry about your mother anymore."

Liu Zhi'an looked at Young Master Liu who was extremely honest and filial in front of his wife, and his heart suddenly became unbalanced.

Why?Mother is my mother?Isn't dad a real dad?This attitude is too one heaven, one underground, right?

"Hehe, you actually walked in. I think you came in after biting a dog?"

Mrs. Liu didn't know what happened to the two of them outside the mansion earlier, seeing Liu Zhi'an's eccentric speech after seeing the eldest son, she was immediately unhappy.

"You bad old man? Are you looking for trouble in the early morning?

My son finally came back to celebrate the Spring Festival with our old couple. Who are you referring to when you speak so eccentrically?
If there is any dissatisfaction, you talk to the old lady, what kind of skill is it to vent your anger on your son? "

Liu Zhi'an was immediately stupefied by his wife, seeing his wife's upside-down brows, the corner of Liu Zhi'an's mouth twitched and pointed at Young Master Liu.

"Old man... old man... madam, it's obviously..."

"What do you mean? What do you want to do to your son?
After returning to the south of the Yangtze River, your old lady hasn't figured out what happened to you in the Misty Rain Pavilion, and you want to find some excuses for my old lady to get angry, don't you? "

As soon as Mrs. Liu finished speaking, everyone in the hall immediately looked at Liu Zhian.

Grandpa is always strong!
The sword is not old.

A man is a teenager until he dies!

A role model for grandchildren.

Husband is right, the Liu family is really broken from the root.

Grandpa is shy.

Tsk tsk tsk, Yue'er feels ashamed.


Feeling the strange eyes of everyone, Liu Zhi'an slapped the table heavily and walked toward the back of the hall with a sigh.

"Oh, that's obviously the father-in-law who insisted on dragging the old man to the Misty Rain Tower to clean up the old man, but the old man really couldn't go because of the hard kindness.

How could the old man be blamed after the incident?It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable!
I won't tell you anymore, the old man has to take a breather. "

Liu Zhi'an didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, although his voice was not loud, it was just right enough for everyone present to hear him clearly.

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to Qi Ya and the Qi Yun sisters again, the narrowness in their eyes was self-evident.

The two sisters Qi Ya and Qi Yun looked at each other and could only smile awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Mrs. Liu originally wanted to rescue the eldest son, but she didn't expect to make the two daughters-in-law so embarrassed in the end, so she hurriedly opened her mouth to smooth things over.

"Ya'er, Yun'er, your old dad knows nonsense, so don't take it to heart.

It must have been hard work for you to hurry all the way back to the south of the Yangtze River. Go back and rest first, and mother will immediately arrange a banquet to welcome you. "

"Thank you, mother."

"Thank you grandma."

"It's time to see someone else, let's all go to the room arranged for you to rest first."



"You immediately arrange for someone to go to your in-laws' house, and inform them that you and the elders have returned Jinling for the New Year, and ask them to come over and have a reunion."

"Mother, just after entering the city, the child asked Liu Song to notify the father-in-law and mother-in-law, so don't worry."

"Hey, it's good that you have been notified, then you should go back and rest first."

"Okay, mother, just prepare a little food, don't be too extravagant."

"I know, it's all for the Chinese New Year. It's not too extravagant."

"That's fine, the child will go to rest first, thank you for your hard work."

"Silly boy, go back and rest."

When it was getting late, the first reunion dinner for Young Master Liu and his party after returning home began in the main hall of Liu's house.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, as if the end of the fifth year of Taiping was reached in the blink of an eye.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year in the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, Young Master Liu, who was still sound asleep, was dragged out of the bed by a group of wives and concubines.

"Husband, it's getting late, get up quickly and take the children to set off fireworks in the front yard.

After the fireworks are over, I will come back quickly to have a reunion dinner with my parents and the two elders. "

"Ah~~ Got it, get up, get up."

First Young Master Liu yawned, Mimi stared and began to put on the clothes that Qi Ya threw all over him.

"Boy Liu Mingzhi, congratulations to the old man, mother has a happy new year."

"Boy Liu Mingli, congratulations to father and mother for a happy new year."

"Boy Liu Mingjie congratulates parents for a happy new year."

"Daughter-in-law Qi Yun."

"Li Yan."

"Wanyan politely."

"Huyan Yunyao."


"Murong Shan."

"Grandson Liu Chengzhi."

"Liu Zhenghao."


"Granddaughter-in-law Li Jingyao."

"Granddaughter Liu Yiyi."

"Liu Feifei."


"I wish my grandparents a happy new year, all the best, good luck and longevity."

"Okay, get up, get up, grandpa and grandma will give you red envelopes, line up, and you'll have everything."

"Thank you, grandpa and grandma."

"No courtesy, no courtesy, sit down and have a reunion dinner."

"Children, you don't have to be so polite in our own house. Sit down and eat."

On the tenth day of the first month of the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, Young Master Liu stopped on the high platform and looked away at the children playing in the garden, then turned and walked towards the martial arts field of Liu's mansion.

After First Young Master Liu walked into the martial arts arena, the figure of his old man Liu Zhi'an, who was playing health-preserving boxing on the martial arts arena, came into view directly.

"Hehe, is the old man playing health-preserving boxing again?
What's the matter?Did the young master's mother provoke another little goblin who eats people and doesn't spit out bones?

I said, old man, you must take it easy.

As far as your body is concerned, it's not a big deal if you take a rest and recuperate for a while, but if that thing gets on a woman's belly, you'll be ashamed. "

"A dog can't spit out anything like ivory. If it has something to say and farts, it can roll as far as it has nothing to do."

"It's nothing serious, I just came to tell you that my young master has to go back to Beijing."

Liu Zhian stopped punching suddenly, turned around silently and looked at Young Master Liu up and down for a moment.

"It's only the tenth day of the lunar new year, why are you in such a hurry to go back? I didn't abuse you!"

"He Shu was pregnant in early April last year, and she will give birth soon after counting the days. If there is a delay on the road, there will be more than a month after returning to the capital.

She is pregnant at this age, she is already considered pregnant.

I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen when I'm not around on the day she gives birth. Although the chance of this is not high, just in case, I still plan to rush back early to be by her side. "

Liu Zhi'an stroked his beard and nodded in silence for a moment.

"That's true, if you are pregnant at this age, you really need to take care of it.

Anyway, these days, you have met the people you should meet, and you have not been rude to those who should come to the door. There are almost no trivial matters that you need to deal with.

Since you need to go back to the capital in time, then go back, have you told your mother? "

"No, why don't you, the head of the family, be notified first!"

"Come on, I know, go to your mother's place!"

"Okay, you can continue with your health-preserving boxing."

After Liu First Young Master walked more than ten steps, he suddenly turned around and looked at Liu Zhi'an with a serious face.

"Old man!"

"What are you doing again? Can't you finish talking at once if you have something to do?"

"You're already so old, you should take it easy, what my young master said the day he came back was not a joke for you.

I really didn't plan to dress you in mourning!
You, as well as this young master and my father-in-law, please restrain yourself a little bit.

Father-in-law and his family have finished all the things that need to be done, but our girl Xuan'er has not left the cabinet yet!
Besides, the eldest brother is like a father, but when the day comes, it will be better for her father to send her out than the eldest brother to send her out, isn't it?
Get some rest and don't be so tired. "

The corner of Liu Zhi'an's mouth could not help but raise a smile, but he waved his hands in a nonchalant gesture.

"Asshole, get out of here earlier.

I know, I don't need your education. "

(End of this chapter)

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