My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2634 Give me some name

Chapter 2634 Give me some name

At about three poles high in the sun, there is a long pavilion ten miles north of Jinling City.First Young Master Liu bowed respectfully to the four elders, Liu Zhi'an and Qi Run.

"Old man, my lord, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, please stop. It's getting late, we have to set off on our way."

Qi Yun and other beauties also stood dignifiedly behind First Young Master Liu, and also gave blessings together.

"Little girl, sister, and others bid farewell to the four elders, and hope that the four elders will cherish them a lot."

"Grandson, granddaughter say goodbye to grandparents, grandparents."

The four of Liu Zhi'an nodded with a sad expression, looked at Young Master Liu and his group of juniors and raised their hands and waved.

"Go ahead, take care all the way."

"Children, Yunxin, Lingyun and the others are still young, you must ask them to wear more clothes to keep out the cold on the way back to Beijing."

"The four of us are all in good health. You don't have to worry about it all the time, just pay more attention to your body."

"Slow down on the road, have a good trip."

Hearing that the four elders had finished explaining their parting words, First Young Master Liu gave a heavy nod as a signal, then got on his horse and waved to the wives, concubines and children next to him.

"Get in the car and set off to return to Beijing."

Qi Yun and the other sisters led their sons and daughters to give a final gesture to Liu Zhian's four elders, then turned and walked towards the chariots and horses that had already been prepared.

A group of people boarded the carriage one after another. The coachman waved his long whip, and the carriage rolled over the snow on the official road and slowly accelerated forward.

Young Master Liu's half-aged children stuck their heads out of the car window one after another, waving their little hands at Liu Zhian and the four of them non-stop.

"Grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma, we will miss you, we will come back to visit you together when we have a chance in the future, you go back first!"

Amidst the yelling of a few little guys, the carriage gradually drifted away, until it left a blurry black spot on the endless official road.

"In-laws, life is mostly a time of getting together and parting. If we part today, we will meet again someday, and we should go back."

"Yeah, what my in-laws said is right, it's time to go back, in order to ease the pain of parting, why don't I invite you to sit down?"

"That's a good relationship, but today it's the old man's turn to invite your in-laws.

The old man and seven or eight old brothers haven't seen each other for many years, how about we go get together today? "

"But it's disrespectful, relatives please."

"Stick to what you want, please and please."

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Qi stared blankly at the figure happily rushing towards Jinling with their shoulders crossed, and looked at each other.

As soon as the children left, there was not even a stick of incense, and the two of you old brothers went to drink flower wine together, and even called it to ease the pain of parting. Is this really good?

In the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, in spring, on January 26, Liu Mingzhi and his family finally returned to the capital again.

Compared with the rush to return to Jinling's hometown, the family on the way back to Beijing was much more relaxed.

After all, there are three more days, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road along the way.

"Yun'er, Yan' take the children back to the mansion first, my husband has to go to the palace immediately to go to the cabinet now.

The imperial court's rest period has ended ten days ago, and now my husband has to go to the cabinet to see if there are any memorial documents that need to be approved by my husband during these ten days.

You go in first, you don't have to wait for your husband if you want to eat or something. "

After entering Beijing, Young Master Liu got off his horse and handed the reins to Liu Song before he could enter the house to rest. He was about to rush to the palace.

Qi Yun's sisters also knew that her husband was worried about state affairs, so they nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

"That's fine, as a husband, you will enter the palace."

After a few sticks of incense, Young Master Liu's figure appeared in the cabinet.

"Everyone, you are busy!"

"His Majesty?"

"His Majesty is back."

"Your Majesty, I will see you, long live, long live, long live."

"Excuse me, please continue to deal with official business, dear friends."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

First Young Master Liu took the warm tea from the eunuch at the side, took a sip to moisten his throat, and then went straight to Xia Gongming who had just sat down.

"Boss, you have all worked hard. I returned to my hometown a few years ago to reunite with my parents and the two elders for a while, but I failed to return in time to go to court. Boss, please don't be sulking at me!"

Xia Gongming put down the ink pen in his hand with a wry smile, got up and bowed to Young Master Liu.

"Let's not say that the old minister is already used to His Majesty's habit of appearing and disappearing. Furthermore, even if the old minister is really angry with His Majesty, what can he do to His Majesty?

Who made His Majesty the king and I the minister?Even if the old minister was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to really commit the crime! "

"Hahaha... the old man was joking, the old man was joking.

My lord, the court meeting has already started for more than ten days. I wonder if there are any first-class memorial documents that need to be personally reviewed by me, waiting for my approval? "

"Returning to Your Majesty, there are currently no Class A memorial documents in the imperial court that His Majesty needs to review personally, but there are two Class B documents that urgently need His Majesty's final approval.

Wait a moment, Your Majesty, the old minister will find it out for your Majesty's review and approval. "

A moment later, First Young Master Liu frowned and looked at the documents in his hand, and sighed helplessly.

"The co-authors of the two books came to ask me for money?"

Xia Gongming also let out a sigh of relief, bowed and picked up the ink brush he used to review documents and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"There is no way. It is a matter of people's livelihood and official administration. It will not work if you don't transfer money. Please give your majesty instructions."

Young Master Liu took the ink brush from Xia Gongming with a stiff face, hesitated for a long time and turned to look at Xia Gongming beside him bitterly.

"My lord, can't your cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs be more streamlined? The treasury is worth millions of taels of silver?
The sixth year of Taiping has just started and less than a month has passed. The spring tax has not been collected into the national treasury, and a huge sum of millions of taels of silver has to be spent first to build people's livelihood and government. Isn't this too much?

Why don't you discuss with Jiang Aiqing again to see if you can streamline some unnecessary expenses. "

"Your Majesty, this is already the bottom line for veteran ministers and other colleagues to streamline.

In order for the prosperity of Dalong Shengshi to continue to flourish, there is no need for His Majesty to delay any longer, please approve. "

Young Master Liu looked at Xia Gongming's appearance of a veteran minister who was really helpless, carefully reviewed the contents of the two documents again, and wrote down two words of Zhun Zuo one after another.

After handing the vermilion pen to Xia Gongming, Young Master Liu took out his own seal from the fish bag on his waist and stamped it on the two documents, and then returned the documents to Xia Gongming's hands.

"Oh, my lord, I am really exhausted when I am an emperor!"

"Hehehe... There is no way, who made His Majesty the wise king.

Since ancient times, a sage king should be diligent in government and love the people, put the world first, and take the country and the country as the foundation.

Is there any reason for your majesty not to work hard in his position and to seek his own government? "

"My lord is right. Since my lord also thinks that I am a wise king, then if I want to ask my lord for something, my lord will not refuse, right?"

"The veteran doesn't dare to promise His Majesty directly and lightly. It's better to ask His Majesty to say what the last thing is."

First Young Master Liu rubbed his nose resentfully, and smiled slightly.

"Then what, since my lord has said that I am a sage king, so why should my lord change the history books that you ruined me a little bit?
Since I became emperor, I have never done anything stupid. You say that it is inappropriate for such a great sage like me to leave such a small amount of infamy in the history books!

Why don't you work so hard, my lord, to retouch the pen and make a slight change in the history books?It also saves me from unnecessary infamy after a hundred years of great practice.

I am a minister first and then a king. It can be said that most of my life has been dedicated to the affairs of the country and the people, and I will die.

Otherwise, my lord, would you give me some nice name? "

Xia Gongming's face suddenly became serious, and he picked up the teacup that Young Master Liu had put on the corner of the table just now, and put it in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Impossible, other things can be discussed, but it is absolutely impossible to ask the veteran to revise the history books.

Although the old minister is dying and has few years to live, but in order to maintain the justice of the history, the veteran would rather die than revise the history books.

Don't say that your majesty has slightly revised a part, even if it's just a word, the old minister won't change it! "

Young Master Liu shrugged helplessly looking at Xia Gongming who was upset.

"Okay, if you don't change it, don't change it, sir, you can record it however you want, right?
When I asked you to assist me, my lord, I promised that as long as your history is fair, my lord, I will never interfere in the slightest.

Take these words today as a joke, my lord! "

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Okay, I don't want to compete with you."

"My dear gentlemen."

"Sir wait."

"Do you have any documents that need to be approved by me? If you have any, please submit them quickly."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is nothing for me to wait for."

"It's fine if you don't have money, you can continue to busy with your own affairs.

Along the way, I rushed back to the capital from the south of the Yangtze River, and I was somewhat exhausted. Since you have no paperwork, I will go back and rest first. "

"I will send you to Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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