Chapter 2635 Liu Haoran

On the sixth day of February in the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, in the inner courtyard of Princess Yunchang's mansion in the inner city.

Although a few days have passed since the day when the dragon raised its head on the second day of February, the sky above the capital today still has the feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city.

The sky in the capital was extremely dark. Although there was no heavy rain pouring down, it was covered with clouds, lightning and thunder, making people feel a little out of breath.

Amidst the flashes of lightning and thunder that exploded in the sky from time to time, the inner courtyard of the Princess Mansion also faintly echoed the woman's slightly painful moans.

With an anxious expression, Liu Mingzhi occasionally looked up at the cloudy sky covered with lightning and thunder, but most of the time his eyes were fixed on the door of He Shu's boudoir.

Hearing He Shu's moaning in pain continuously from the boudoir, Liu Mingzhi wandered back and forth in the courtyard, beating his clenched hands together non-stop.

"Why hasn't it been born yet? Why hasn't it been born yet?"

Chen Jie also stared anxiously at the boudoir where her sister gave birth, and when she heard Young Master Liu muttering to herself, she immediately looked back at Young Master Liu.

Lianbu walked up to First Young Master Liu, Chen Jie raised her hands and gently grabbed Young Young Master Liu's hands.

"Husband, don't worry too much. How can it be easier for women to have children than you men imagine? After all, it will take some time.

Although Sister Shu'er's cries of childbirth have not stopped, this just shows that her current situation is not too bad.

If we can't hear Sister Shu'er screaming outside, then it's really bad.

The concubine knows that you are very worried about your sister's safety, but no matter how worried we are, we have to continue to wait.

Silly husband, don't worry too much, if you wait with peace of mind, the baby should be born soon. "

Listening to Chen Jie's comforting words, Young Master Liu hurriedly took a few deep breaths to suppress his anxiety.

"Jie'er, you understand everything you said as a husband, but Shu'er is no longer a young lady in her teens or twenties.

Even if she is in her early thirties, she is not so restless as a husband.

However, she is already 42 years old this year, giving birth at this age, how can Jieer, your husband, not worry about her physical condition?
Jie'er, my husband can tell you frankly, my husband's heart is almost jumping to my throat now. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's distraught appearance, Chen Jie was sincerely happy that she and her sister had met such a man who loves them both, but at the same time she was a little speechless.

"Husband, listen to my concubine, it's not the first time for my sister to give birth, she knows how to relieve her pressure.

You just wait honestly now, my heart was quite calm at first, but after seeing your reaction, I couldn't help becoming nervous.

Don't worry, don't worry, it will be fine. "

Young Master Liu looked at the comforting eyes of the beautiful lady, raised his hand and patted his forehead, and took a few deep breaths to calm down his anxious mood.

"Okay, my husband will listen to you, Jie'er, so you can wait a little longer with peace of mind!"

After about two cups of tea, He Shu's screaming in the boudoir suddenly stopped, and after a few breaths, the baby's loud cry came out.


When First Young Master Liu heard the baby's cry, his tense heartstrings immediately fell, and he looked excitedly at Chen Jie.

"Great, it's born, it's finally born.

It's okay, it's finally okay. "

Chen Jie smiled sweetly and looked at Young Master Liu who seemed relieved, and nodded her phoenix head a few times.

"Yeah, it's finally born, silly husband, you can feel at ease now."

The cry of the baby echoed in the courtyard, and there was a sudden thunderclap in the gloomy sky, and then a winding lightning flashed between the clouds, and the bean-sized raindrops suddenly fell from the sky without warning.

Young Master Liu felt the coolness on his cheeks, and the moment he looked up, the raindrops had already mercilessly fell on himself and Chen Jie.

After quickly wiping the rain off his face, Liu Mingzhi immediately raised his sleeves and put them on top of Chen Jie's head, holding the beautiful woman's shoulders and hurriedly ran towards the corridor outside the room.

Seeing this situation, the servant girls who were waiting on the side also immediately looked for shelter from the rain in groups of three or four.

Just as everyone ran away from the courtyard, the pouring rain poured straight towards the ground, splashing beautiful jade beads on the floor of the courtyard.

Young Master Liu flicked his sleeves a few times, looked at Chen Jie who was panting lightly and smiled lightly.

"Jie'er, didn't you get wet?"

Chen Jie's phoenix eyes were slightly blurred, and she quietly stared at Young Master Liu with a little ecstasy.

"Jie'er, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

Chen Jie came back to her senses and tapped the phoenix head a few times with a smile, glanced at the servant girl who was cleaning the robes in the corridor in the distance, and quickly tiptoed to kiss the corner of Young Master Liu's mouth.

"My concubine didn't get wet, my husband,"

Young Master Liu pushed his sleeves to his wrists, and looked at Chen Jie who was hesitant to speak with doubts.

"What's the matter? Jie'er, why are you suddenly hesitating?

If you want to say something, just say no. Is there anything inconvenient for us and my wife to say? "

Chen Jie's phoenix eyes quietly stared at Young Master Liu for a long time, her slender and slender jade fingers were tightly intertwined and writhed non-stop.

"Hu... husband."

"Huh? What's the matter? Jie'er, you can just tell Weifu what you want to say, and you are hesitating, Weifu is a little worried!"

Chen Jie bit her red lips with her white teeth and said silently, then suddenly raised her head to look at First Young Master Liu.

" love my concubine and my younger sister more than your elder brother.


The concubine said these things not to flatter your husband, but because you really want to love the concubine and sisters more than he does.

You also know that when the father and the emperor were still in power, the sisters and sisters who were concubines were just side concubines and concubines.

At that time, it wasn't that the sisters who were concubines didn't want to become the crown prince, but that the father, the emperor, had already appointed his late husband, Xiao Xi, as the crown prince... Sigh...

As long as the prince's concubines are not the main concubines, they are no better than ordinary concubines in the families of high officials and dignitaries.

When my deceased husband was still alive, although he did not treat concubines and sisters badly, he never did this..."

Liu Mingzhi covered the beauty's cherry lips, looked at Chen Jie's somewhat lonely phoenix eyes and shook his head gently.

"Good Jie'er, the past is the past, don't mention it."

Chen Jie, whose cherry lips were covered by Young Master Liu, was unable to speak, and could only stare at Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes and nodded her head as a signal.

The door of the room opened suddenly, and a servant girl ran from the room in front of Young Master Liu and the two of them with a pink face and joy.

"Sir, the empress is safe and sound now, mother and child are safe."

First Young Master Liu quickly let go of the palm covering the beauty's red lips, and looked excitedly at the little maid with a happy face.

"Mother and child are safe? Are you all right?"

"Yes, nothing happened, mother and child are safe."

Young Master Liu let out a long breath, grabbed Chen Jie's wrist and walked towards the room.

"Hey, sir, the filth of the mother's childbirth has not been cleaned up! You can't go in now, you can go in after the servants have cleaned up the room!"

Young Master Liu waved his hands nonchalantly: "It's okay, you just do your own thing."

"But the servant..."

Young Master Liu didn't wait for the servant girl to finish speaking, and grabbed Chen Jie's wrist and broke into the bed behind the screen.

"Sir, why are you coming in now, filth or something..."

"Don't worry about me if you are busy with yourself, don't bother me with nagging."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Young Master Liu walked to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed without hesitation. Seeing He Shu's sweaty and weak appearance, he grabbed his sleeve and wiped it for him.

"Shu'er, is there any discomfort? Do you need to send you a doctor for your husband?"

"The concubine... huh... the concubine is fine, it's just that I'm a little out of strength, and I'll be fine after a few days of recuperation.

The concubine has heard what Granny Deng said just now, the concubine gave birth to a son, and the concubine gave birth to your husband, you have a son, husband, are you happy? "

"Silly Shu'er, no matter whether you give birth to a son or a daughter, your husband will be happy."


"Of course it's true. As a husband, I never care about whether it's a son or a daughter. As long as it's our flesh and blood, I like it regardless of whether it's a son or a daughter."

"Then... the concubine can rest assured, husband, you can... give our son a name."

First Young Master Liu held He Shu's jade hand tightly, and listened to the sound of the pouring rain outside the window, pondering for a moment.

"When this boy was born, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and the movement was not ordinary! How about calling him Liu Loulou? What do you think, Shu'er?"

Although He Shu was delicate and frail, when he heard the name given by Young Master Liu, he still frowned and shook his head generously.

"No, no, this is too ugly."

Young Master Liu looked at He Shu's delicate face, and hooked his fingers on the beautiful woman's straight nose.

"Hehehe, silly Shu'er, I am teasing you for my husband, our son must not be able to use this kind of name, you really agree, even my husband can't finalize it!"

"Bad...bad guy."

"Thunderbolt, you have great righteousness! This kid was born with thunder, lightning and heavy rain, and he will definitely be extraordinary when he grows up.

Haoran is upright, Haoran, his name is Liu Haoran, right?Shu Er, you should be satisfied now, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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