Chapter 2636
He Shu saw that Young Master Liu no longer deliberately teased him, but said a normal name, and his phoenix eyes showed satisfaction.

Although his body is very weak now, He Shu still cheered up and tapped Zhenshou a few times.

"Hao... Haoran, Liu Haoran, my husband, I am very satisfied."

Liu Mingzhi saw He Shu's weak and weak appearance even when he spoke, so he quickly stuffed the beautiful woman's wrist into the brocade quilt.

Turning his head to look at the maids who were cleaning up the dirt, Liu Mingzhi waved his hand lightly.

"Come here, change a new quilt for the empress right away."

"Sir, wait a moment, the servants have already got a sister to get a new bedding. After the servants and sisters have cleaned up the filth on the bed, they will change it for the empress."

"Okay, okay, it's well done, I'll watch and appreciate it all later."

"Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie."

As soon as the maids finished speaking, a woman in her 50s carefully embraced the baby and walked over to He Shu's bed with a smile.

"Sir, ma'am, I have already cleaned the filth from the young master's body."

He Shu's eyes lit up involuntarily, and her beautiful eyes stretched out her lotus arms to Granny Deng excitedly.

"Grandma Deng, child, quickly let Ben Gong see my child."

"Hey, ma'am, don't worry, slow down, I will put the young master down right now."

Liu Mingzhi immediately supported He Shu's trembling arm, smiled lightly and raised his hand to reach Granny Deng.

"give it to me."

"Yes, yes, sir, you have to pick it up."

Granny Deng paused, and hastily and carefully handed the swaddle to First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi held the swaddle in his big hand steadily and forcefully, and slowly put it beside He Shu's pillow, stood up and supported the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulders, and looked into the swaddle.

"Slow down, slow down, the child can't run again."

When He Shu saw the baby's tiny hands wriggling gently, the radiance of motherhood instantly appeared in her beautiful eyes, and her dehydrated and dry cherry lips could not help but raise a gentle smile.

"Hao Ran, Hao Ran, your name is Hao Ran. Good son, can you hear your mother calling your name?"

"Sir, ma'am, the young master is really obedient, except for crying for a while when he first came out, when the old man bathed and dressed him, he was honest and obedient.

You don't cry or make trouble now, so you will definitely have peace of mind in the future. "

Liu Mingzhi was sure that He Shu could support his body by himself, so he felt relieved, got up, walked in front of Granny Deng, stopped, smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture.

"Grandma Deng, you have worked hard."

"Dare not dare, this is what the old man should do."

First Young Master Liu looked at Granny Deng with a reserved face, reached out and groped in her bosom, took out a hundred taels silver note and stuffed it into her palm.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you. You can accept the 100 Liangxi money."

Granny Deng was about to burst into laughter when she saw the 100 taels of silver note in her hand, but she still pretended to be polite and declined.

"This... the happy money given by the husband is too much."

"Since it is happy money, it is more or less a wish, so you can accept it."

"The old man will not be polite, thank you sir for the happy money."

"You're welcome, I don't know much about women's affairs, you need to take care of Shu'er and the children, and Grandma Lao Deng.

If you need anything, just ask. "

"Yes, yes, I understand, I will do my best to take good care of my wife and young master, sir,"

"What's the matter? But it doesn't matter."

"Sir, I know that you are worried about your mother's health and want to stay by her side all the time, but your mother just gave birth, and now her body needs a good rest."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Granny Deng's nervous expression, and immediately understood what she wanted to express.

"Okay, I get it, I'll quit after just a few words."

"Thank you sir for your understanding, thank you sir for your understanding."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked to the side of the bed and stopped, raised his hand to straighten He Shu's black and black hair that was wet with sweat.

"Shu'er, you need to take a good rest now, so I won't bother you for the time being, and I will come to see you again after your body recovers."

Although He Shu looked at Young Master Liu with some reluctance, he also understood that he urgently needs to rest now, so he silently nodded and hummed softly.

"Well, the concubine knows."

First Young Master Liu turned his eyes and looked at his infant son who was neither crying nor fussing for a moment, then got up and walked towards Chen Jie who was beside him.

"Jie'er, let's go out, let Shu'er have a good rest first."

"Hey, I listen to you."

"Sister Shu'er, my sister is going out first, you should have a good rest."

"Well, sister, go slowly."

Young Master Liu took out another one hundred taels of silver bill from his cuff and put it on the table, beckoning to the maids who were cleaning up the filth in the room.

"Shui'er, after you are done with your work, you can share this bank note equally among yourself."

"Thank you for the reward, Mr. Xie for the reward."

Seeing the excited faces of the maids, Young Master Liu smiled lightly and waved his hands, took Chen Jie's wrist and walked out of He Shu's boudoir.

Chen Jie looked at the pouring rain in front of her in surprise, and slightly turned her eyes to Young Master Liu who was at the side.

"Husband, it's raining so hard now, how are you going to go back? You can't rush back in the rain, right?"

Young Master Liu silently walked up to the steps and stopped, reaching out his hand under the eaves to catch the rainwater dripping down the bricks and tiles of the roof.

"It's raining a lot, Jie'er, how are you going to go back? Husband remembers that you didn't seem to be in a carriage, either?"

Chen Jie pursed her cherry lips and smiled lightly, raised her lotus arms and pointed to the location of Xiyuan next to He Shu Garden.

"My concubine has already made an agreement with sister Shu'er a few days ago. In order to take care of her daily life, I will stay with her for a while, and the room where I will stay has been prepared for many days.

Not to mention the heavy rain, even older concubines are not afraid, because the concubine does not have to go back.

Good husband, are you surprised?Is it surprising?I don't need to get wet in the rain? "

Young Master Liu couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Jie's somewhat complacent and delicate appearance.

"Okay, you're quite happy to co-author and get wet for your husband, aren't you?"

"Of course...Of course not, otherwise, why should I care about how you get home, right?"

First Young Master Liu shook off the rain on his hand, pulled Chen Jie's wrist again, turned around and walked towards the location of Xiyuan that Chen Jie pointed out just now.

"You always have an umbrella in your room, right? Jie'er, you can't really just watch as your husband rushes back despite the wind and rain, can you?"

"There are umbrellas, but are you sure it will be useful in such a storm?"

"It's better to get less rain if you can, than to have no umbrella."

While bickering with each other, Young Master Liu walked through the corridor and hall to the outside of the boudoir where Chen Jie was temporarily staying in Xiyuan.

Even though the two were walking down the long corridor, the clothes on their bodies were still inevitably wet a little by the rain from the strong wind.

Chen Jie stretched out her hand and pushed open the door, seeing Young Master Liu's somewhat embarrassed appearance, she let out a chuckle.

"I see that even if you have an umbrella, you will probably be drenched when you go back. Wait a minute, I will go get you an umbrella."

Young Master Liu slammed the open door with his heel and closed it straight away, and with a flick of his palm, he directly pulled the door latch. The two movements were done in one go, so unrestrained.

Chen Jie was startled by the muffled bang of the door, subconsciously turned around to look, but before she could turn around, she was hugged by Young Master Liu from behind.

Slightly lowering her eyes, she glanced at the big hands that were embracing her plump willow waist, and Chen Jie raised her elbow to lightly push Liu Mingzhi behind her.

"Be honest, how can I get you an umbrella if you hug me? Don't you want an umbrella?"

Young Master Liu cheerfully exhaled into the beautiful woman's earlobe, and with extremely dexterous fingers, he grabbed the ribbon around the beautiful woman's waist.

"Good Jie'er, I'm not stupid as a husband, even with an umbrella under such a heavy rain, I'm sure my whole body will be soaked when I return home, can't I wait for the rain to subside or stop before going back?

Do you really want to make your husband a drowned chicken?Again! "

Chen Jie shrank her jade neck with a slight heat in her earlobe, and directly pressed Young Master Liu's big dishonest hand on her waist.

"What's more? You can be honest in broad daylight, okay?"

"Hehehe, besides, seeing that Shu'er and their mother and child are safe, and the big stone in their husband's heart has finally landed, they are naturally very happy.

I'm so happy for my husband, don't you think we should do something to add to the fun?
Take a look at the appearance of lightning, thunder, squall and torrential rain outside, good Jieer, don't you think that rainy days are more suitable for giving birth? "

Chen Jie listened to the provocative words that Young Master Liu said in her ear, her jade cheeks were immediately blushed, she spat softly in embarrassment.

"Bah, bad guy, you know what nonsense you are talking about, you better go home quickly, I'll get you an umbrella."

"Really? In order to be worthy of the name, I will show you how bad my husband is."

Young Master Liu directly hugged the beautiful woman by the waist, and walked towards the mandarin duck couch behind the screen with a smile on his face.

"Good Jie'er, the sound of wind, rain, and thunder outside echo each other. If you speak a few steps away, you won't be able to hear it, let alone if it's far away. No matter what happens in the room, no one else can hear it. Oh.

The two of us can let ourselves go today, of course, especially you. "

"Go away, the umbrella is hanging on the wall, you better go home quickly."

"That's up to you."

"I don'"

After a long time, under the heavy wind and rain, the Xiyuan courtyard of the Princess Mansion is already full of spring scenery.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the rain, the sound of the phoenix, the sound is endless.

(End of this chapter)

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