Chapter 2637 Come Back

It was evening and the wind was calm and the rain was light. Under the eaves of the Princess Mansion, there was still the slight sound of water droplets splashing on the stone slabs from time to time.

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the lingering charm on her pretty face, the charming beauty who was sleeping soundly, gently lifted the silk quilt and got off the bed.

Around the time of cupping tea, the neatly dressed Young Master Liu sat on the edge of the mandarin duck couch again, and gently pushed the beauty's fragrant shoulders with creamy skin.



"Huh? What's wrong?"

Chen Jie responded with a charming and languid voice, and looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting next to her with her watery and phoenix eyes half dreamy and half awake.

"Husband, are you going back?"

"Yes, we have to go back, Yun'er and the others are still waiting at home for the news of the husband, and the husband has to go back and tell them the good news that Shu'er's mother and son are safe, so that they can feel at ease.

If I lived with my husband in the past, I would stay here, but today it is really inconvenient.

If your husband doesn't go back and inform them, they don't know what to think about. In order to make them feel at ease, they have to wrong you. "

Chen Jie nodded lazily with her delicate face, grabbed Young Master Liu's palm and rubbed it on her cheek silently for a moment, her half-exposed delicate body shrank directly into the warm bed.

"Don't forget to bring your umbrella. If I'm tired, I'll go to bed first."

First Young Master Liu leaned over and kissed Chen Jie lightly on the forehead, and carefully stuffed the quilt for the beautiful woman.

"Then you have a good rest, and I will go back first for my husband."

"Well. Hurry up on the road, don't get caught in the rain and catch the cold."

"Okay, I see, rest."

Liu Mingzhi backed away gently and slowly, took down the oil-paper umbrella hanging on the wall, and walked lightly towards the door.

Looking back at Chen Jie who was huddled in the brocade quilt and breathing evenly, Young Master Liu put the oil-paper umbrella under his arm and gently opened the door and walked out.

Gently closing the door, Young Master Liu looked at the sky still drizzled with drizzle, held up an oil-paper umbrella and walked silently into the misty rain.

Because of the rainy weather, the first lights on the streets seemed to be a little earlier than usual.

After sizing up the pedestrians on the street with oiled paper umbrellas, Young Master Liu raised his oiled paper umbrella with a cheerful smile and quietly merged into the flow of people.

"Master, you are back, how is Mrs. He Shu?"

"Very good, mother and child are safe, you ask the maids to inform Sister Ya and their sisters to wait in the main hall, Master, I will go to Young Madam's to change into clean clothes first."

"Yes, the little one will pass right away."

Half a stick of incense has passed.

"Husband, you are back, how is sister Shu'er? Son or daughter?"

"Husband, is this concubine polite? Is Sister Shu Er okay?"

"Husband, why didn't you come back until now? Sister Shu'er didn't have anything wrong?"



As soon as Young Master Liu and Qi Yun walked into the main hall, a large group of beauties gathered in front of Young Master Liu and asked questions.

"Stop, stop, stop and listen to my husband."

Qi Yun also hurriedly raised her arm and waved it a few times: "Sisters, don't worry, just calm down and listen to your husband."

Young Master Liu took a sip of the tea that everyone had prepared to moisten his throat, and grinned suddenly as he looked at the expectant eyes of all the beauties.

"Mother and child are safe."

All the beauties were stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at Young Master Liu with pretty faces and asked in unison, "Is this a son? And mother and child are safe?"

"Yes, it's the son, and the mother and child are safe."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Why did my husband lie to you with such a thing?"

All the beauties let out a long breath with a faint smile, looked at the cheerful Young Master Liu, shook their arms at the same time, turned around and walked towards the outside of the main hall, twisting their plump and enchanting bodies.

"Hey? Why are you all gone? My husband hasn't told you the specific situation yet."

"It's enough for people to be safe and sound. Who wants to hear your nagging about the specific situation."

"That's right, which of the concubine sisters has never given birth to a child, what can I say."

"I waited restlessly for a long time. I am already physically and mentally exhausted. It is enough to know that Sister Shu'er is fine. Let's go back and rest first."

"Smelly husband, you should go take a shower earlier, even if you change into a clean robe, it can't stop the smell after you did something bad."

"The concubine waited so long with anxiety, and was also tired, so I went back first."

After a while, there were only Liu Dashao and Qi Yun and his wife left in the main hall of Nuo Da.

"Yun'er, sister Ya and the others, are they going too far? At least wait for my husband to finish talking!"

Qi Yun glanced lightly at the husband with a troubled face, leaned her willow waist and leaned in front of Young Master Liu, shaking her nose and sniffing vigorously.

"Hmm! It really smells like you've done something bad. Just go and do whatever you want. The concubine also went back to rest."

After Qi Yun left lazily, Young Master Liu immediately lowered his head and sniffed vigorously on his body, it seemed that there was some lethargy after love.

After He Shu gave birth and the mother and child were safe, Young Master Liu's leisurely life was on the right track again.

On May 28th, the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, a group of thousands of people was driving rapidly from north to south in the boundless wilderness.

And in the wilderness tens of miles away to the south of the car, dozens of big dragon cavalry who were galloping across the wilderness with big dragon flags on their backs gradually tightened their reins, and gradually slowed down the speed of controlling the horses.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

Dozens of war horses raised their strong front legs high, neighed rhythmically, and gradually stopped on the boundless wilderness, pawing their hooves.

Dozens of scout soldiers on the horses carrying the dragon flag on their backs let out a long breath, and stared at the endless green a few miles away with astonishment.

"Old...Old Su, did we go the wrong way? I vaguely remember that when we passed by here the year before last, it didn't look like this?"

"Hiss—I remember that this place doesn't seem to be like this, Lao Yu, did we really go the wrong way?

It shouldn't be, we followed the compass and map along the way, so we shouldn't go the wrong way!
Besides, the terrain here is so familiar, I can be sure that we walked here the year before last, but why did the front turn into this way? "

"Come here, get the map and compass."


"General Su, General Yu, here comes the map and compass."

Around the time of cupping tea, the two school lieutenants and generals got together and compared the surrounding terrain with a map compass in their hands.

"The direction is correct, and the route is not wrong. We did pass by here the year before last, and there will be a slight deviation, but it will definitely not deviate too much."

"Come here, this general's binoculars."


"Bring the general's binoculars, too."


After the two school lieutenant generals took over the binoculars, they got on their horses and straightened up to scan around with the binoculars.

(End of this chapter)

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