Chapter 2638 Granary
The two looked at the surrounding wilderness for a long time with suspicious expressions on their faces, and their expressions became more and more weird.

"Old Yu, that's right, it's the terrain around Lake Baikal.

This is indeed the shore of Lake Baikal, the frontier of our dragon, I can be sure that I have read it correctly. "

"You are right, it is indeed the shore of Lake Baikal. Back then, when His Majesty Jinkou established the border of the country, I led my brothers to the surrounding areas to investigate the topography.

Although many years have passed, I still have some impressions.

Especially when we passed by on a mission the year before last, I paid special attention to the surrounding situation again, and I can guarantee that I did not misread the place.

Take a look at the position in front of you on the right, where the faint reflection of the water should be Lake Baikal of our Dalong.

But since there is nothing wrong with the place, and there is no problem with our marching direction and route, then the green east in front of us... what the hell. "

"What's the matter? Old Su, what are you doing in such a sudden surprise? You still saw a beautiful woman... Oops, I'm such a sucker."

Hearing Lao Yu's exclamation similar to his own, Lao Su held up the binoculars in his hand and swallowed a few times involuntarily.

"Potato seedlings? Sweet potato seedlings? Old Yu, if I'm not mistaken, General, it should be...these two kinds of grains, right?"

"If I hadn't been dazzled too, it should be, bah! Not it should be, but it must be.

When the imperial court ordered the people in Gyeonggi to grow sweet potatoes, my family was one of the first people to grow sweet potatoes. I will never admit that I was wrong.

There are also potatoes. When Haining Hou brought this kind of food back from the West, our old man was also one of the first people to plant it. I even helped out when planting the land! "

"Gudu, Lao Yu, what else did you see?"

"Ugh! Tell me what you saw first?"

"The general saw the dragon banner of our Great Dragon, the banners of the Polu Army and the Hundred War Army, as well as the barracks of the first battalion and a small number of people."

"What I saw was the same, what should we do? Did we not wake up and see it? Are you sure this is not within the territory of Beifu or Xinfu?
Why did the elite soldiers of the two guards who were supposed to be stationed in the north appear in the border area? "

"Old Yu, you lead your brothers to guard here first, and I will go back to my horse and report the situation here to the chief soldier and the deputy chief soldier."

"Okay, go back quickly. I'll lead the two brothers to go over there quietly to find out what's going on. No matter how you go, check out the situation first."

"Alright, be careful, don't be reckless if you encounter any unexpected situation, wait for the brigade to arrive first."

"Understood, if the situation is not right, I will use a flare to warn the rest of the brothers."

"Brothers, immediately turn your horse's head and follow this general back to meet the commander-in-chief, drive!"

"I have to wait for orders, drive."

After half a day, Liu Chengfeng, a group of dragon generals and thousands of dragon cavalry stopped, and looked forward curiously.

As soon as Old Su who was following him stopped, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the green field in front of him.

"Chief soldier, generals, see for yourself whether there are potato seedlings and sweet potato seedlings ahead.

The general's eyes are not blind, so I can't recognize the food our Dalong grows himself?

I may have made a mistake, but not all scout brothers will make a mistake, right? "

Liu Chengfeng and the others heard Lao Su's depressed words, and they all took out the binoculars in the bag, put them in front of them, and looked towards the green field in front of them. After a while, everyone put down the binoculars with astonishment.

"It seems that they are really potato seedlings and sweet potato seedlings, not only these, but also the dragon banner of our Great Dragon, the guard banner of the Polu Army and the Hundred Wars Army.

There can be no more than 500 scouts patrolling the border. It is impossible to have such a large force. What is going on? "

"That's right, it is indeed these two kinds of food, why do these things appear here?

What kind of changes have taken place in the court during the two years we have been abroad? "

"I second, if we are not mistaken, it is indeed these two kinds of food."

Hearing the voices of the generals around him agreeing with each other, Liu Chengfeng immediately turned his head to look at the scouts at the side.

"Brothers, where's Captain Yu? Has he gone to investigate the situation and hasn't come back yet?"

"Back to Zongbing, after Lieutenant Yu brought his two brothers to touch it, he hasn't come back until now?"

"What? Haven't come back until now? Have you received the warning flares from Captain Yu and the others?"

"Returning to the general soldier, we have never seen a warning signal flare. We don't know anything about the situation ahead."

"That's weird, with Old Yu's..."

Before Liu Chengfeng finished his questioning words, he was interrupted by the scout's lookout.

"Chief soldier, generals, look ahead, there are our dragon flags and the flags of the Polu Army, and hundreds of cavalry are rushing towards us.

The distance is still far away, temporarily unable to see who is coming, it is recommended to line up to defend immediately. "

Liu Chengfeng's heart trembled, and he instinctively raised the command flag in his hand and waved it quickly a few times.

"The generals listened to the order and ordered the soldiers of the three armies to line up immediately and wait for the order."

"I have to wait for orders."

After a group of generals drew out their command flags and rushed towards their respective soldiers and horses, Liu Chengfeng and Song Yang raised their binoculars again and scanned the hundreds of cavalrymen who were rushing towards their side several miles away.

"The leader seems to be Zhou... Zhou Baoyu, Uncle Zhou? Next to Uncle Zhou are Captain Yu and the others."

"Looks like General Zhou Baoyu? What's going on?
Shouldn't they be stationed in Xinfu now?How did you come to the border of Lake Baikal? "

When the two of them were a little dazed, hundreds of dragon cavalry had rushed dozens of steps away from the dragon mission, and gradually slowed down.

After confirming that the person who came was Zhou Baoyu and the others, Liu Chengfeng hurriedly put down the binoculars in his hand, and turned to look at the orderly.

"The orderly."

"I'm humble."

"Immediately order the generals of the various ministries to stop defending. Those who come are our own people and not the enemy."


After Liu Chengfeng delivered the order, he immediately put away the binoculars, pulled the rein and steered his horse towards Zhou Baoyu and the others. Seeing this, Song Yang also pulled the rein, and stood by Liu Chengfeng's side tightly. .

Although it was confirmed that the person who came was Zhou Baoyu and his seniors in the army, Song Yang still didn't dare to relax his vigilance without knowing what happened.



Zhou Baoyu looked at Liu Chengfeng on the opposite side with an excited expression. Song Yang and his younger brothers immediately dismounted from their horses and walked towards them with slightly jerky steps.

"Your Majesty, General Zhou Baoyu, who broke the captive army, see His Royal Highness, a thousand years old."

The five hundred soldiers behind Zhou Baoyu also turned over and dismounted in unison, and knelt down on one knee with the handle of the knife at their waists and saluted.

"We will see His Royal Highness the First Prince, thousands of years old."

Liu Chengfeng put away his whip, resolutely got off his horse and walked over, bent down and helped Zhou Baoyu up who was kneeling on one knee and saluted.

"Uncle Zhou, give up the courtesy now, give up the courtesy now, let the evil spirit ride the wind."

"Soldiers and soldiers, please excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After Zhou Baoyu got up, he first looked at Liu Chengfeng, then raised his head to scan the thousands of dragon cavalry in the distance, and couldn't help grinning a few times.

"It's been two years, and in the blink of an eye, it will be two years since you went to Tsarist Russia.

Your Majesty has been looking forward to it for two years day and night, and you are finally back. "

Hearing Zhou Baoyu mentioning his father, Liu Chengfeng's expression tightened suddenly, and he looked expectantly at the cheerful Zhou Baoyu in front of him.

"Uncle Zhou, father, queen mother, and all the concubines, are they in good health?

In the past two years when His Highness was far away from the homeland, did any major changes happen to Dalong? "

"Your Highness, don't worry, Your Majesty's dragon body and the phoenix bodies of all the empresses are all in good health."

Liu Chengfeng suddenly let out a long breath, grinned and nodded.

"That's good, that's good, as long as the father, queen, mother and concubines are all fine.

By the way, Uncle Zhou, what's going on with you?
Why are you here?And what happened to those potato seedlings and sweet potato seedlings in front?Is it all planted by you? "

"Your Highness's insight was planted by the brothers under my command. Now this place is half of our big dragon's granary!"

"Grannium? What do you mean? Your Highness doesn't understand very well."

(End of this chapter)

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