My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2639 Are you polite

Chapter 2639 Are you polite

Zhou Baoyu looked at Liu Chengfeng's bewildered look, raised his arm and pointed to the position where the big dragon banner faintly fluttered in the direction of the guide.

"Your Highness, this matter is a long story, you must be quite tired after traveling all the way, let's go to the minister's camp to rest first.

After arriving there, I will tell you the details here slowly. "

"Okay, Chengfeng will listen to Uncle Zhou, but before we go to your place to rest, we have to trouble Uncle Zhou, you and the soldiers to wait for a while."

"Huh? What's the matter? Is there anything else His Highness needs to take care of? Do I need to call some people to help Yi Er?"

Seeing Zhou Baoyu's serious look, Liu Chengfeng waved his hands hastily.

"No, no, the junior is just going to pick up some people. Uncle Zhou, you must not mobilize the crowd."

Zhou Baoyu nodded clearly, raised his hand and punched Liu Chengfeng.

"I understand. Since Your Highness does not need your assistance, then I will just wait here honestly with my brothers. Your Highness, you go to work first."

"Thank you, Uncle Zhou, I will come back as soon as I take the wind."

"I respectfully send you off to Your Highness."

Liu Chengfeng nodded to Zhou Baoyu as a signal, then turned and walked towards his horse. Song Yang who was beside him smiled and nodded, then turned and followed.

Zhou Baoyu didn't understand why he looked at the figures of the two brothers riding away on horseback, raised his big hand and waved it gently a few times.

"Deputy General Ji."

"The end is here."

"You immediately rush back to the camp, and the golden eagle sends a letter to His Majesty to report that His Highness the First Prince and the soldiers of the mission have returned from Tsarist Russia.

Remember, some other things are not important, and the content of the safe and sound return of His Royal Highness the First Prince and the soldiers of the mission must be the focus of the narrative.

His Majesty has been worried for two years. Once he knows the news of His Royal Highness and the others returning safely, he will surely be delighted! "

"I will understand in the end, I will leave in the end."

"and many more."

"General, what orders do you have?"

"Don't forget to hold a banquet. On the premise of not affecting the food and grass supplies of all the soldiers in the camp, the banquet should be as big as possible, so that the First Prince and the brothers of the mission can have a good aftertaste of the taste of our Dalong hometown."

"The end will be ordered, and the end will be resigned."

"Well! Go!"


Liu Chengfeng, Song Yang and the others naturally didn't know Zhou Baoyu's order after they left. Under the slightly puzzled eyes of the officers and soldiers of the mission, the two brothers rode their horses and galloped all the way north.

"Ride the wind."

"Ah? What's wrong, second brother?"

"Brother, we haven't figured out why General Zhou and the others appeared here at the border, so it's too hasty to go directly to pick up the brothers and sisters?
I think it's better for us to go to General Zhou's camp first, and then take the siblings over after we figure out what's going on. "

"Hahaha...Second brother, don't you believe in Uncle Zhou?"

"Chengfeng, it's not that I don't believe in the character of General Zhou, but it's really abnormal for them to appear here, I think we should be more cautious.

Not afraid of [-], just in case, brother means in case..."

"Second brother, you are worried that Uncle Wan Zhou and the others rebelled against the father and the court, right?"

"Yes, although Brother Wei really doesn't want to say that, but this is exactly what Brother Wei thinks in his heart.

Even if it is for the brother to measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, we must not be careless. It is okay for us to make a mistake, but you must not make the slightest mistake.

It's been two years since we left our hometown, we don't know anything about the current situation in the imperial court, it's always right to be careful.

After all, you are not only the Chief Envoy of the Great Dragon Mission, but also the eldest son of my Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty.

If you make the slightest mistake, all of us guards will bear the blame. You should be able to understand the difficulty of brother, right? "

"Second brother, I can understand your worry brother, but brother, I believe that Uncle Zhou is a man, he will never rebel against the father.

Not only Uncle Zhou Baoyu, Uncle Cheng Kai, Uncle Feng Buer, Uncle Ye Baotong, Uncle Ning Chao, and Uncle Duan Buren who died young.

The six elders were cultivated by his father alone, brother, I will never doubt the loyalty of the six of them to his father.

In the past, when the world was not yet unified, they fought with their father in the south, north, east, and west. During more than ten years of life and death, they have already established an indelible life-and-death friendship.

But today the unification is underway, each of them is a founding hero, with meritorious service, brother, I really don't know why they would go out and rebel against their father.

Especially Uncle Zhou Baoyu and Uncle Cheng Kai, the two brothers, were one of the first generals of the Six Guards who followed his father.

To put it a bit exaggerated, my brother and I may rebel against the father, but the two of them will definitely not rebel against the father.

The most vivid example is like the old man in Yunyang who died for his country in the past.

And when the Three Kingdoms were at war, Cheng Zhi and Cheng Zhi and I, the brothers, went out with the army, and I knew very well what kind of people Uncle Zhou and the other six were like.

Although it is unreasonable for Uncle Zhou and the others to appear here at the border, brothers and I still believe in Uncle Zhou's loyalty and believe that he will not harm me.

To put it another way, instead of saying that I believe in Uncle Zhou and the others, brother, I believe in Father Huang and his old man. So you should understand, second brother, right? "

"Understood, as long as you don't worry in your heart, we will all obey your orders without any objection."

"Second brother, don't worry, I still know who my father is."

"Understood, look quickly, brothers and sisters and their cars are driving towards us."

"Ah? It's really Serena's car!

This silly woman is really disobedient. Didn't I tell them to wait obediently earlier?He still rushed over. "

"Okay, don't complain, the reason why the brothers and sisters came here must be worried about your safety."

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

The horses and horses on both sides stopped slowly at a distance of about [-] steps. In the car opposite Liu Chengfeng and his brother, Elizabeth Serena, the little queen of Tsarist Russia, jumped out of the carriage and ran to the horse on the horse without hesitation. Liu Chengfeng and his brothers on the back.

"Brother Feng, second brother, what's going on ahead, did you find the enemy?"

Liu Chengfeng got off his horse and rushed up to meet him, looking at Selina who was frowning slightly, Liu Chengfeng sighed angrily.

"Selena, didn't my husband tell you to wait honestly?"

"Brother Feng, didn't I rush here because I was too worried about you?

You have been away for so long and there is no news, can I not worry?

By the way, what happened in the front?Did you encounter bandits blocking the way? "

"No, no, don't think about it.

The reason why my husband didn't send someone back to inform you of what happened is because I saw one of our uncles and couldn't help talking a little more, so I wasted some time. "

"Uncle? Then he is a relative, that is to say, everything is fine?"

"Yeah, nothing at all.

Serena, as long as there are uncles and the others here, let alone encounter trouble, looking around the world, there are not many people who can touch our couple. "

"Ah? So... so powerful?"

"Hahaha, of course it's amazing. You'll know when you see her. Let's go there quickly. I'll pick you up when my husband comes back."

"Okay, Serena listens to your husband."

Liu Chengfeng patted Serena's fragrant shoulders, turned around and waved to Song Yang who was riding on the horse.

"Second brother, set off to meet Uncle Zhou and the others."

"Okay, my brother will lead the way for you right away, drive!"

Half a day later, Zhou Baoyu, who had been waiting for a long time, looked at Elizabeth Serena who was standing beside Liu Chengfeng with wide-eyed eyes, with a hint of astonishment and confusion in his eyes.

"His... Your Highness, who is she?"

Liu Chengfeng looked at Zhou Baoyu's dumbfounded expression with a smile, and gently took Serena's bright wrist.

"Uncle Zhou, have you forgotten the purpose of riding the wind to Tsarist Russia? Who do you think she is?"

"Hiss—she is the Empress of Tsarist Russia? Are you really married to Qin and Jin?"

"Yes, Chengfeng has lived up to his father's expectations, and he and Serena will be married.

Uncle Zhou, let's go to your big camp first. To be honest, we are really exhausted physically and mentally from the long journey. You have to treat your nephew and his wife well. "

"Your Majesty, please, please, Empress of Tsarist Russia... um, please, Imperial Concubine!"

After a stick of incense, Serena stared dumbfounded at the boundless green field in front of her, and gently slid her snow-white jade neck a few times.

Dalong, are you polite?

Without the Queen's knowledge, you have planted all the land at the doorstep of our Tsarist Russia?
If the empress hadn't followed brother Feng back to see this scene this time, would you have planted them outside the empress' palace in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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