Chapter 2640 Liu Chenyu

Although Serena didn't know what the crops in front of her were, they definitely had something to do with food and the like.

After all, she has seen some great dragon soldiers working hard in the fields.

With bright eyes and clear eyes, she scanned the endless green field in front of her quietly, Serena's heart suddenly had mixed feelings, she wanted to say something but didn't know how to express it.

Standing by the side, Liu Chengfeng had already noticed that something was wrong with Serena's face. Although he didn't know the specific thoughts in the lady's mind, he could vaguely guess some of them.

Glancing at Zhou Baoyu, who was gently smiling with his fingers clasped on his forehead, Liu Chengfeng shook his head imperceptibly and sighed silently.

Father, father, you really created a problem for my child!

You are the emperor, and Serena is also the emperor. If you can get along well after meeting, it will be fine. If you are tit for tat, it will be a dilemma for the child to be caught in the middle.

Liu Chengfeng wanted to explain something to Serena, but he himself didn't know the specific situation in front of him, and really didn't know how to describe the scene in front of him.

Do you want to tell Serena yourself that our Dalong is a heavenly kingdom who likes farming and mulberry farming very much, and grows wherever he goes?

There is actually nothing wrong with saying that, but it makes people feel like he is perfunctory if he says so in this kind of scene.

While Liu Chengfeng was hesitating, Serena retracted her gaze and gently touched her sweetheart's wrist.

"Brother Feng."

"Huh? What's wrong, Serena?"

"What are the things planted in the front? Are those the food for your people in Dalong?"

"Yes, not all."

"Ah? What do you mean? What is yes, not all?
It's not that you don't know that Serena's Dalong's speech is not particularly fluent. Many of the words are a little complicated and I am a little confused. Don't say so complicated, okay? "

"Well, what this sentence means is that the grains planted on the ground are just two of the types of grains in our dragon."

Serena nodded with her jade finger lightly on her vermilion lips: "Brother Feng, Serena understands, by the way, what are these two kinds of food?"

Liu Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Zhou Baoyu next to him.

Zhou Baoyu noticed Liu Chengfeng's questioning eyes, and felt a little hesitant in his heart.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are two kinds of crops with high yields. It would not be a good thing for Dalong if outsiders knew about them.

But now the little queen of Tsarist Russia on the side has become the concubine of His Royal Highness, is this her own person or an outsider?

If it is one of their own, he is still the king of Tsarist Russia after all; if it is an outsider, he is the wife of the eldest prince of Dalong Dynasty.

It is an outsider, but also one of our own, should we not talk about it in this way?
Alas, it would be great if His Majesty was here, then this general would not have to be in a dilemma.

Hey, it doesn't seem like a big problem just to tell the little queen of Tsarist Russia the names of these two grains, right?People have never seen this kind of thing, so naturally they don't know how much these things are produced.

Having figured out the key point, Zhou Baoyu nodded imperceptibly.

Liu Chengfeng's expression suddenly relaxed, and he looked at Serena guiltily, he was worried that his hesitant expression would make Serena feel uncomfortable.

"It's potatoes and sweet potatoes."

Fortunately, Serena just nodded indifferently, and did not show any dissatisfaction.

"Potatoes, sweet potatoes, what a strange name!"

"Hehehehe, it's just a custom in a place, there's nothing to be surprised about."

"Brother Feng, are you talking about doing as the Romans do?"

"No, no, these are two completely different meanings. On the way back to Beijing, my husband will slowly teach you the specific meanings of some words."

"Okay, Serena listens to Brother Feng, you have to teach me well on the way, I don't want to lose etiquette because of inappropriate words after I arrive at your home."

"No problem, wrapped in my husband's body..."

"Wow wow wow... wow wow wow..."

While Liu Chengfeng was speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by a loud cry of a baby. The young couple who were talking and laughing tightened their expressions, turned around and ran to the carriage more than ten steps away without hesitation.

When Zhou Baoyu saw Liu Chengfeng, Serena and the young couple ran to the carriage in a panic, looking up at the carriage where the baby was crying.

After a short period of daze, Zhou Baoyu stared blankly at the carriage compartment and twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, feeling a little abrupt in his heart.

"No... no way? Even the baby has already been born?"

Zhou Baoyu murmured to himself with a strange expression, and a little Tsarist Russian girl with fair skin and beautiful long legs came down from the carriage.

The little girl was Serena's close maid Nina. Nina hurriedly walked up to Liu Chengfeng's young couple with a swaddling baby in her arms and stopped.

"Your Majesty, Your Excellency, the little prince has woken up."

"Wow wow wow... wow wow wow..."

Liu Chengfeng took the swaddling baby from Nina's arms, and stretched his big hand into the swaddling baby skillfully.

After a while, Liu Chengfeng smiled lightly and shook his head to Serena in front of him: "Chenyu didn't pee or urinate, he should just be a little hungry."

Serena let out a sigh of relief, raised her lotus arms to take the swaddling baby in Liu Chengfeng's arms.

"Brother Feng, shall I feed my son in the carriage first?"

"No, don't go back into the carriage. It's too depressing to sit in the carriage for a long time. My husband will ask Uncle Zhou to arrange a big tent for you right away. You can go there and feed your son."


"It's nothing inconvenient. There's nothing wrong with my husband and Uncle Zhou. You and Nina wait a moment, and my husband goes to talk to Uncle Zhou."

Liu Chengfeng looked at his crying baby son, and immediately turned around and trot towards Zhou Baoyu who had a strange expression on his face.

"Uncle Zhou, do you have any vacant tents here?"

"Of course, do you need it now, Your Highness?"

With a slightly embarrassed expression, Liu Chengfeng pointed to Selina who was holding a baby in her arms in the distance, and thoughtfully replied softly.

"The child is hungry, the younger lady needs a large tent with no one to feed the child."

Although Zhou Baoyu had already guessed in his heart, he was still a little surprised after hearing Liu Chengfeng's words.

"Really... is it really His Highness's child? Your Highness, you and the little queen of Tsarist Russia already have sons now?"

Seeing Zhou Baoyu's startled expression, Liu Chengfeng nodded in embarrassment.

"Yes, the baby in the swaddle is the child of my nephew and his wife Serena, which made Uncle Zhou laugh.

The dog's name is Liu Chenyu, and it is more than three months old now.

Originally, my nephew was supposed to lead the mission back to the capital last year, but Serena happened to be pregnant, so her trip was delayed, so that she only set off to return to the capital this year. "

"Hiss - awesome."


"Hmm, it's nothing, your majesty and ministers were still worried about whether your majesty and the little queen of tsarist Russia have formed a good relationship between Qin and Jin.

Never imagined, Your Highness, not only have you married Qin Jin, but even the child is three months old.

Be good, it's not that I don't understand that the world is changing so fast, if His Majesty finds out about this, what kind of reaction will he have?

I think His Majesty's expression will be very exciting, and I really want to go back and see him in person.

It's a pity that I don't have this blessing when I have official duties. "

"I made Uncle Zhou laugh. Uncle Zhou should arrange a separate tent for my nephew's wife first."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot about the business. Your Highness, you and the imperial concubine, please come with me. I will immediately arrange a separate big tent for the imperial concubine to feed the grandson...cough give the imperial concubine a rest. .”

"Then I'll have to trouble Uncle Zhou, nephew, I'll go and tell the lady and them to go first."

"Yes, Your Highness please."

After a while, Zhou Baoyu took the lead leading Liu Chengfeng and the others towards the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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