Chapter 2641
Zhou Baoyu led Liu Chengfeng and the others to stop in front of his big tent, raised his hand and waved to the guards on both sides of the tent.

"Immediately withdraw from the patrolling camp eighty paces away. Without this general's order, no man other than Your Highness is allowed to step closer to the camp. Those who violate the order will do so according to the military law."

"We have orders, and we will retire."

After dozens of soldiers stood up, they neatly divided into four rows and trotted away towards the big tent without hesitation.

"Uncle Zhou, how can this be? You gave up your big tent to my nephew's wife, where do you live?"

"Your Highness, you don't have to be polite. You are an old man, just find a tent to make ends meet. It's the right thing to settle down with the concubine and grandson first."

"This...then I would like to thank Uncle Zhou."

Zhou Baoyu nodded cheerfully, stretched out his hand and opened the big tent, and nodded to Liu Chengfeng and the others.

"Your Highness, imperial concubine, you go in first, and the minister also retreats first."

"Uncle Zhou, go slowly, and I will look for you after my nephew and I have settled down with our wife and children."

"Okay, I will wait for Your Highness at any time, and I will leave."

After Zhou Baoyu and a few others walked into the big tent, they gently lowered the tent door and rushed straight to the outside of the big tent.

"Come on."

"Humble position, General?"

"You go to send an order to the Huotou Army, no one is allowed to take the initiative to deliver food to the big tent without His Highness's order, and everything waits for the order before doing anything.

After passing the order, you will go to Lieutenant General Ji's tent immediately.

If the last letter has not been sent out, tell Vice General Ji to let him write another letter and send it to the capital.

Let him report to His Majesty the emperor that His Royal Highness has married the Little Empress of Tsarist Russia and gave birth to a little grandson.

If it has already been sent, then send the golden eagle biography again, and the news must be delivered to His Majesty as quickly as possible without any mistakes. "

"I have to order, I will resign from my humble position."

After the personal soldiers left, Zhou Baoyu glanced back at the large tent of the Chinese army in the distance, and walked out of the camp silently, holding the handle of the knife at his waist.

"Song Yang."

"Hey, Uncle Zhou, why did you come out so soon?"

Zhou Baoyu looked at Song Yang with a surprised face, laughed loudly and slapped Song Yang on the shoulder several times.

"Good boy, it seems that you haven't suffered much in Tsarist Russia for more than a year! Don't say you have lost weight, you are much stronger than when you passed by Xinfu a year ago when you were an envoy. "

Song Yang laughed a few times, and cheerfully punched Zhou Baoyu.

"Hehehe, Uncle Zhou praised you, to tell you the truth, boy, not only did I not suffer much in Tsarist Russia, but I lived a rather nourishing life.

By the way, Uncle Zhou, how are my parents and the elders in the capital now? "

"Okay, it's very good, we old brothers who were born and died, your father's life is the most chic and comfortable, don't worry, kid."

"That's good, that's good, as long as their elders are in good health, I can rest assured."

Since he was on the mission, the boy has been thinking about the situation at home all the time. However, the mountains are high, the rivers are long, the roads are difficult and dangerous, and it is not easy to write a letter from home.

In addition, some unforeseen things happened in Tsarist Russia, so the boy couldn't often send letters to Hongyan to report his safety.

I hope my father and mother can understand the difficulty of the boy, and won't blame the boy for it. "

"Hahaha, you kid, just put your heart in your stomach, your father is not the kind of person who can't take things lightly, he will definitely not blame you.

Brat, tell me quickly how you have spent more than a year in Tsarist Russia, and what happened? "

"It's not that the kid doesn't want to tell you, Uncle Zhou, it's that the kid doesn't know what to say. Let him explain to you, Uncle Zhou, when the chief soldier is not busy."

"Roughly speaking, it's okay to say it?"

"Generally speaking, it's definitely fine. Uncle Zhou, why don't we find a place to have a few drinks? Is it convenient for you?"

"It must be inconvenient before you come back. Now that you have returned from your mission, it's okay. Let alone a few drinks, drinking to your heart's content is not a problem."

"That's a good relationship. It's been a long time since I've had home-cooked food, so I won't be there..."

"Uncle Zhou, Second Brother, what are you talking about cheerfully?"

"My minister Zhou Baoyu sees His Highness."

"The last general, Song Yang, sees the chief soldier."

"Excuse me, uncle Zhou, second brother, why are you being so polite when no one else is present? I'm not happy to be so polite again.

Like my father, I don't like this set of common etiquette very much. From now on, when no outsiders are present, we will just use private addresses. "

"This...that minister is bold."

"What and what! Let's not talk about this, what were you two talking and laughing about just now?"

"Back to Your Highness, I'm about to ask Song Yang to tell me about your time in Tsarist Russia! Unexpectedly, Your Highness, you just came out.

how about it?Your Highness should make proper arrangements for the imperial concubine and the imperial grandson, their mother and daughter, right? "

"The arrangement has been made. My nephew asked Serena's maid Nina to serve her and feed the child, and then came out first."

"After the arrangements are made, the minister can rest assured. Is Your Highness hungry? How about we go eat some food first?"

"That's great, my nephew will follow your arrangement, Uncle Zhou."

"Then please move, Your Highness, you brothers. Let's go directly to Huihuijun's place. Just let them cook whatever you want to eat, and you can also take the opportunity to have a few drinks."

"That's a good relationship. Uncle Zhou, let's go together. Don't be polite to anyone. It's really unnecessary."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After an incense stick of time, the three of Liu Chengfeng were already sitting at an open-air dining table.

One of the three of them held a fragrant roast leg of lamb and tasted it with great gulps, and from time to time they raised the wine glasses in front of them to drink from each other.

"Uncle Zhou, Second Brother, let's have another drink."

"Please, Your Highness."

"Respect, Commander-in-Chief."

Liu Chengfeng put down his wine glass, pouted his mouth at the endless green field outside the tent, took a piece of mutton with a small blade, and slowly sent it to his mouth.

"Uncle Zhou, what's the situation with the potato seedlings and sweet potato seedlings outside the camp? Why do you plow the fields and grow food in this place?"

"Your Highness doesn't know, it's His Majesty's order that led the soldiers to act like this, and it's been going on since last year."

"What? My father ordered you to act like this?"

"Of course, otherwise, without His Majesty's will, how could I dare to mobilize the soldiers and horses under my command to leave the territory of the new mansion!"

"What is my father thinking? I ordered you to plant tens of thousands of acres of grain in this desolate place. Will there really be any harvest?

I know that potatoes and sweet potatoes are both very productive, but that also deserves credit, right?
When my nephew led the mission to pass by this place the year before last, it was a barren land, and it didn't look like it could grow food at all.

You have rashly planted tens of thousands of acres of potatoes and sweet potatoes here, and if you fail to harvest, it will be a year of hard work in vain. "

"Return to Your Highness, if it can be planted, it was planted last year."

"Huh? Can food really be grown here?"

"Yes, we can really grow food, and the harvest is quite impressive. Although the harvest is not as good as the three inner mansions in my Dalong territory, it is not bad.

Although only one season of grain can be harvested a year, with this grain, the treasury can save a large amount of money for the construction of people's livelihood and government.

Last year we planted all potatoes, and we only planted sweet potato seedlings this year. As for whether we can harvest something, we can only get it in season.

Regardless of whether it works or not, we have to give it a try. It would be better if there is a harvest, and it’s not a big deal if it doesn’t.

This year, tens of thousands of acres of grain will be grown, and next year our Dalong will be able to add tens of thousands of newcomers.

For the sake of the long-term peace and stability of my Dalong's country, let alone a barren land before, we have to give it a try even if it is a pile of stones. "

"But there are also many wilderness plains in Xinfu. Why don't you farm there, but come to the far side of Lake Baikal?"

Zhou Baoyu paused slightly while eating the barbecue, glanced at Liu Chengfeng who looked surprised and curious with a complicated expression, and let out a long and heavy breath.

Liu Chengfeng looked at Zhou Baoyu's hesitant expression, seemed to understand something, chuckled twice with complicated eyes, picked up the jug and filled the wine glasses of the three of them one by one.

"Uncle Zhou, it's okay to say it's inconvenient, don't make things difficult, my nephew will just ask Father Emperor himself after he returns to Beijing."

Zhou Baoyu nodded with a wry smile, raised his wine glass and gestured to Liu Chengfeng and his brothers.

"Your Highness, I offer you a toast."

"Let's have a drink together, cheers."

Zhou Baoyu put down the wine glass in his hand, and sighed with regret.

"Your Highness, there is actually nothing that cannot be said. The reason why His Majesty ordered his ministers to plant potatoes and sweet potatoes here is to protect the safety of you and the soldiers of the mission."

"Protect our safety?"

"Yes, in order to protect Your Highness and your safety, I don't know how to describe the specific situation to His Highness one by one.

Your Highness, you should ask His Majesty yourself after you return to the capital, and His Majesty will explain the whole story to you. "

"Since Uncle Zhou has said so, my nephew will stop asking, drink and eat meat."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding, and I offer you a toast."

"Have a drink together."

Three days later, under the leadership of Liu Chengfeng, the Dragon Mission left Zhou Baoyu's military camp after a short rest, and embarked on the journey back to Beijing again.

On the eighth day of June in the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, the study in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

Young Master Liu sat on the chair, looked at the golden carving biography in his hand several times in astonishment, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

"Gudu... gudu..."

After a long time, Young Master Liu slowly put down the letter in his hand, picked up the tea with trembling arms and sent it to his mouth.

"Willow... Liu Song."


"Ben...Young Master Ben has become a grandfather."

"Ah? What is it grandpa?"

(End of this chapter)

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