Chapter 2774 Too Fast

Liu Mingzhi changed into a sky-blue Confucian robe in the harem, and the master and servant walked out of the city gate in a leisurely manner after the little cute siblings, Duan Dingbang and his party left the palace one after another.

The officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army who were on duty outside the palace gate hurriedly nodded and saluted when they saw First Young Master Liu coming out.

"We see Your Majesty, long live long live long live long live."

Young Master Liu withdrew his deep gaze from the direction of the long street, and gently waved the folding fan in his hand.

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"I'm going back first, you guys continue to be on duty."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Liu Song carefully put the bundle with the bright black dragon robe in his hand into the compartment of the carriage, led the carriage and looked at Liu Mingzhi who was standing outside the palace gate.

"Master, the little one has already brought the carriage over, please get in the carriage."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head lightly, waved the jade fan in his hand and walked straight towards the long street.

"Since the dragon robe has been replaced, my young master won't take a carriage, it's better to take a walk to exercise your muscles and bones.

It's getting late now, and it's probably past the time for dinner at home, so let's go directly to Penglai Restaurant to fill our stomachs. "

Liu Song looked at Young Master Liu who had walked more than ten steps, and immediately pulled the rein in his hand to follow.

"Hey, young master, you can do whatever you say."

After about half a stick of incense, the figures of Master Liu and his servant had already appeared outside Penglai Restaurant.

"Young master, you go in first, and I will find you after I fasten the horse's bridle."

"Okay, pay attention to the position of the carriage, don't block the passers-by and the guests who are eating in the restaurant."

"Young master, don't worry, the little one has already made perfect."

Liu Song led the carriage and walked towards the horse-holding posts on the right, looking for a horse-holding post that was convenient for stopping the carriage. .

Young Master Liu smiled lightly, and walked straight into the restaurant, shaking the jade fan in his hand.

Seeing Xue Bizhu who was fiddling with the abacus behind the counter, Liu Mingzhi walked over with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, leaned over the counter and knocked on the counter with his fan bone.

"Beauty, I'm not done yet! Looks like today's business is good."

Xue Bizhu heard the very familiar joking words in his ears, and immediately stopped moving the abacus, raised his head with a smile and looked at Young Master Liu who was leaning over the counter.

"Husband, you are gone."

Young Master Liu closed the folding fan casually, got up and walked to the counter.

"Yes, it's gone."

"Have you had lunch yet?"

"Didn't my husband come here with an empty stomach to find food for you and Lingyi? Come, let me see how many accounts you have left, and I will settle it for you."

The couple have been in love for many years, and Xue Bizhu naturally knows how good Young Master Liu is at settling accounts. Hearing that her husband wanted to help her settle accounts, she directly pushed the abacus and account book in front of her husband with a smile on her face.

"I still have about [-]% of the accounts left. Husband, please help me to do the calculations. My wrists are tired."

First Young Master Liu took the account book handed over by the beauty and casually flipped through a few pages, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hey, is the business of the restaurant so good today?"

Xue Bizhu took advantage of the cover of the counter, pinched the willow waist with both hands and twisted her hips vigorously a few times, her delicate face moaned softly with a hint of tiredness.

"Well! The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Not only are there more and more people returning to Beijing for family reunion, there are also more and more guests passing through the capital from south to north. Visible increase.

There are more and more guests in the restaurant, and the accounts will naturally increase a lot.

Since four or five days ago, the concubine and sister Lingyi have been busier every day, and they will probably be even busier in the next ten days. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauty's delicate face with a slightly tired look, and his eyes showed distress.

Subconsciously, he wanted to knead Xue Bizhu's shoulders, move his muscles and bones, but when he thought that he was in a restaurant with many customers, Liu Mingzhi immediately dismissed his thoughts.

"Bizhu, Lingyi, if the two of you sisters are tired, you should close the door and take a good rest for a few days. You won't lose your body just to make money."

Xue Bizhu shook her head hastily, her beautiful eyes softly scanned the guests in the restaurant who were pushing and changing glasses.

"Silly man, we are open for business, so why not keep customers away?
The concubine also knows that our family does not lack the little money earned by the concubines and sisters, but the concubine and sister Lingyi are idle at home, why not open a restaurant to earn some money to buy more things for the children to use in life .

The concubine sisters are different from Sister Yun, Sister Yan'er, Sister Wanyan, and Sister Yunyao. They can neither help you with government affairs, nor can you give your husband much help.

The only way is to earn some money to subsidize the family. "

As Xue Bizhu spoke, she raised her hands and grabbed Young Master Liu's wrists, shaking her delicate body a few times with a soft tone.

"Husband, sisters who are concubines really like this kind of life. Although they feel a little tired occasionally, they are very fulfilling."

"Oh, well done, if you like to find something to do, then go ahead and do it.

But don't forget what Wei Fu said just now, if you feel tired, you must take a good rest to rest your body.

As for the husband, it’s okay to earn money, but you must take care of your health. "

"Hmm, I know.

By the way, husband, if you and Liu Song want to eat something, I will ask Ling Yi to prepare it for you immediately. "

"Just look at the preparations. My husband is not picky."

"Hey, then husband, you should settle the accounts for the concubine first, and the concubine will go to the kitchen in the backyard and inform sister Lingyi."

"Okay, tell Lingyi not to worry, it's okay to wait a little longer for your husband."

"Hey, I see, the concubine will go first."

Accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, Xue Bizhu rushed directly to the backyard of the restaurant.

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze and looked down at the ledger on the counter. After a while, Young Master Liu quickly fiddled with the abacus with his fingertips.

Unworthy of a cup of tea, Young Master Liu casually picked up a pen and wrote a line of numbers on the account book, and closed the account book in his hand with a graceful movement.

"Husband, the concubine has already told sister Lingyi that she has already started preparing meals for you.

Ah, husband, you have already finished the accounts, haven't you? "

"What do you think, with just a few accounts in total, you can still count for half a day as a husband?"

Xue Bizhu immediately went to the counter and opened the ledger, then turned to look at the abacus on one side, and then looked at Young Master Liu who was smiling beside him with amazement.

"Husband, although I knew you would be fast, I didn't expect you to be so fast. Your speed is too fast."

"Hmm, the speed of being a husband is not fast at all, Bizhu, you should be very clear about this!"

Xue Bizhu was stunned for a moment, then her pretty face flushed, she rolled her eyes and spat secretly.

"Bah, don't talk nonsense, what my concubine told you is not the same thing."

Young Master Liu chuckled, raised his hand and quietly touched the catkin that the beauty put on the counter, and slid it in the palm of the beauty's hand with a smile.

"You'll find out if it's the same thing later, Bi Zhu, I'm tired for my husband, can you accompany her to the second floor to rest for a while?"

Xue Bizhu felt her husband's strong eyes, her delicate face became more and more bright red, and even the roots of her ears felt a little hot.

"Virtue, don't go, I have to guard the counter to pay customers."

Young Master Liu raised his head and pouted at the accountant in the distance, grabbed the beautiful woman's delicate wrist with his backhand, and led the beautiful woman out of the counter with a little force.

"There's a cashier, and besides, there's Liu Song.

When he comes in later, he will go over to help when he sees no one at the counter. "

Xue Bizhu pretended to struggle a few times, secretly looked at the guests in the restaurant who were pushing glasses and changing glasses, and let her husband drag her to the boudoir on the second floor, which was usually used for rest.

I don't want to work at Zhancha, the guests are like a cloud, and there are faint notes of other things in the restaurant full of people's voices.

(End of this chapter)

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