My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2775 Guess Who I Am

Chapter 2775 Guess Who I Am

On August [-]th and [-]th in the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Husband, wake up, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion day, the sun has risen for a long time, you should get up too."

"That's right, husband, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, you can't stay in bed anymore."

Young Master Liu opened his sleepy eyes amidst the crisp and sweet voice, and looked at Murong Shan who was leaning over the bed from one left to the other, and Gu Mo Rongrong and sisters yawned.

First Young Master Liu rubbed the filth in the corners of his eyes twice, then sat up straight silently.

"Ah~ Shan'er, Rongrong, what time is it?"

"It's almost sun up."

Liu Mingzhi lifted the brocade quilt, turned over, got out of bed and stretched, looked at the Murong Shan sisters who had bathed and changed at some time, and finished grooming, then turned to look at the hot tub not far away.

"Shan'er, Rong Rong, when and when did you two get married? Why didn't my husband notice it at all?"

"It's been almost half an hour since the concubine sisters got up, and the concubine sisters just wanted to wake you up when they were taking a bath, but seeing that you were sleeping soundly, they couldn't bear to disturb you too early.

But it's getting late now, our sisters couldn't bear it anymore and had no choice but to wake up your husband. "

Young Master Liu nodded with a clear expression, yawned again and again, walked towards the steaming tub, and jumped directly into the tub.

"For my husband, the reason why I got up so late is not because of your two sisters who eat people and don't spit out bones. Otherwise, why would my husband be so tired and sleep until now?"

"Hey, it's obvious that you are lustful, but now you are blaming the sisters who are concubines.

ah!Husband, the concubines and sisters have just used the hot water in the bathtub, and the maids have already gone to prepare new hot water. "

"Yes, yes, I also forgot to remind you, you come out first, and the maids will put on new hot water later, husband, you can start to take a bath."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and shook his head, picked up hot water and splashed it directly on his face.

"Hey, there's no need for that, can you still dislike the hot water that the two of you sisters have bathed in as your husband?
After the maids arrive, you just let them go back, and you can just take a bath with the hot water you used for your husband.

Rongrong, go to the closet and take out that moon-white robe for my husband, I will put it on later, Shan'er, come and rub my husband's shoulders.

Although the postures you sisters used last night were very mysterious, they were also quite tiring. My husband's Yin-Yang and Great Compassion Fu have been cultivated to this level, and it's actually a bit overwhelming. "

When the Murong Shan sisters heard what Young Master Liu muttered, their pretty faces suddenly became embarrassed, and they glared at First Young Master Liu who was taking a bath at the same time.

"To shut up."

"To shut up."

"Don't dare to say that kind dare you talk nonsense, I will ignore you."

"Yesterday was obviously my husband and you insisted on being a concubine... Bah, bad husband."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it for your husband, isn't it okay if you don't talk about it for your husband? Come and rub your shoulders for your husband."

Although Murong Shan snorted softly with a pretty face, she still walked lightly to the outside of the bathtub, raised her slender fingers, put them on Liu Mingzhi's shoulders, and gently kneaded them.

Gu Mo Rongrong walked to the closet a few steps away, opened the closet, and carefully searched for the moon-white robe that the husband mentioned.

"Shan'er, it's boring for my husband to take a bath alone, you can take a bath with my husband."

"No, this concubine has already bathed not long ago."

"It doesn't matter if you wash it again, it will make your skin cleaner."

"Go to hell, with you as a big villain, I'm afraid that the more I wash, the more unclean I will be, so put away your crooked thoughts as soon as possible."

"Oh, well, I feel at ease as my husband alone."

When Murong Shan heard her husband's sigh, she knew in her heart that he did it on purpose, but she still bent down and kissed Young Master Liu's face lightly.

"Husband, it's not that I don't want to bathe with you, but I hope you can pay attention to your body.

What age are you now, you can no longer be the same as when you were young, guarding your concubines and sisters to be "greedy", Shan'er, as your wife, why would you not want to be in love with your husband all the time?

However, you are not in your twenties after all, and I have to think about your body.

Good husband, my sisters hope that you can stay with us until we grow old together. Do you understand my painstaking efforts? "

Hearing the somewhat bitter words of the beauty, Young Master Liu grabbed her hand and nodded vigorously.

"Sister Shan, I made a mistake for my husband, and I know I was wrong."

"It's fine if you know you're wrong, hurry up and take a bath, and I'll wipe your back for you."

About half an hour later, after taking a bath, Liu Mingzhi put on a moon-white robe, and walked towards the main hall accompanied by the Murongshan sisters.

"Huh, what about people?"

"The servants see the young master, and the two young wives."

"Excuse me."


"Thank you young master, thank you two young ladies."

"Qu'er, where are the other young ladies?"

"Returning to the young master, all the young ladies went to the Qiuyue Pavilion in the garden after breakfast, and said that they wanted to arrange things in advance for watching the moon tonight."

"Understood, you go to work first."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

"Shan'er, Rongrong, let's go to Qiuyue Pavilion, the three of us, and see if we can find some pastries to fill our stomachs."

"Yeah, my concubine sisters listen to your husband."

As soon as Young Master Liu and his wife arrived in the garden, they heard bursts of laughter coming from the garden.

Flicking the carved jade fan in his hand and shaking it gently, Young Master Liu cheerfully pointed in the direction of the gazebo.

"Hehe, it's so lively, it seems that Yun'er and the others want to have a good Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Husband, let's go over quickly."

"Husband, my concubine is going to help first, otherwise sister Yun, sister Yan'er, sister Wanyan and the others should make fun of my concubine."

Young Master Liu looked at Gu Mo Rongrong who was trotting towards Qiuyue Pavilion in a hurry, and hurriedly opened his mouth to remind her.

"Okay, okay, slow down, slow down, no matter how urgent you are, don't rush for a while."

"Husband, my concubine also rushed over to help."

Murong Shan informed First Young Master Liu, and immediately trotted towards the pavilion.

Young Master Liu watched the beautiful shadows of the two girls gradually go away, and the movement of shaking the carved jade fan slowly stopped, and his expression became sad and melancholy.

Yun'er, her sisters and others have worked so hard to arrange things for the Mid-Autumn Festival, hoping to have a happy and reunion Mid-Autumn Festival.

However, can this Mid-Autumn Festival really be a happy reunion?

Old man, mother, the two elders have returned to the old house in Jinling, and the second elder Liu Mingli is going to take Song Lei and the other sisters to Uncle Song Yu's house tonight to celebrate the festive season with the two elders.

As for the youngest Liu Mingjie, he ran away two days ago and disappeared, and he didn't know which future old father-in-law he was going to meet.

The younger sister Liu Xuan has also gone wandering in the rivers and lakes, and it is even more difficult to find her. If I don't investigate specially, I don't even know where she is now.

The family members are not present, how can I be happy in such a Mid-Autumn Festival?
Young Master Liu suddenly felt a refreshing fragrance first, and then his eyes went dark, and some pretentiously rough words sounded in his ears.

"Guess who I am."

(End of this chapter)

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