My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2776 Can't resist, just accept it

Chapter 2776 Can't resist, just accept it
When Liu Mingzhi's eyes were just covered, the tip of his nose sniffed the familiar and refreshing fragrance, his face couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.

But when he heard the pretentiously rude words from the visitor next to his ear, the excitement on Young Master Liu's face disappeared immediately, and was replaced by a little helplessness.

"Liu Luoyue, you stinky girl, do you think that if you speak with your voice pressed down on purpose, as a father, I won't be able to recognize that it's your voice?

When did you switch to other types of rouge powder?Hurry up and let go of Lao Tzu's eyes. "

"Master Liu, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? What about Liu Luoyue, Yang Luoyue, I don't know this person at all!

I will give you one last chance, you can guess who I am again, and you will be rewarded if you guess correctly. "

Young Master Liu sighed helplessly, and raised his hand to grab the hands covering his eyes.

"Liu Luoyue, you stinky girl, don't pretend to be confused for my father, I can recognize who you are even if you turn into ashes, your father, let alone your voice of a living person now.

Let go of your hands quickly, because my father has no time to mess around with you. "

While Young Master Liu was speaking, he grabbed the palm covering his eyes and pulled it hard, then turned around angrily and stared behind him.

After Young Master Liu turned around, he was stunned when he saw the charming woman standing in front of him and looking at her smilingly, and the smiling cutie standing next to her.

Staring blankly at the stunning beauty in front of him for a long time, Young Master Liu suddenly grinned, stretched out his hand and patted the beautiful woman's shoulders, his eyes showed a look of excitement that was surprised by unexpected joy.

"Smelly girl, after wandering the rivers and lakes for so long, I finally know to go home to see my brother and your sisters-in-law."

"Since the last farewell, it has been more than one spring, summer, autumn and winter. If you don't come back to see you, brother and sister-in-law, I'm afraid you will be angry, brother."


"Hmm! Although I can't say that I am exhausted physically and mentally, I am still somewhat tired."

"If you're tired, go home and have a good rest. Although Brother Wei doesn't have much ability, it's more than enough to provide you with a place to stay.

When did you arrive home?Why not ask someone to notify Brother Wei? "

"I came back last night. I just heard from sister-in-law Yun'er that you, sister-in-law Shan'er, and sister-in-law Rongrong have already rested, so I didn't let anyone disturb your beautiful day.

Anyway, I'm already home, so what's the difference if I see you one day sooner or later?

If you have to worry about something, it's just the difference between the sun, the moon and the stars turning around again. "

Liu Mingzhi put down the palm on Jiarenxiang's shoulder, shook off the carved jade fan and shook it gently.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, although she was a bit dusty, she couldn't conceal her beauty, Young Master Liu sighed.

"Xuan'er, Brother Wei was just talking about where you are now, but I didn't expect you to appear in front of Brother Wei in the blink of an eye.

This is really talking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! "

As soon as Young Master Liu said this, he directly pointed out the specific identity of the graceful, pretty and beautiful woman in front of him.

The eldest miss of the Liu family, Liu Xuan, the younger sister of Young Master Liu.

Liu Xuan smiled sweetly, and her charming face let out a sigh of regret.

"It's a pity, Cao Mengde is an ancient man after all, otherwise, my younger sister really wants to compete with him to see whose lightness kung fu is better."

Liu Mingzhi burst out laughing when he heard the words, raised his hand and tapped Liu Xuan's shoulder twice with the fan bone, and walked towards Qiuyue Pavilion in the distance, shaking the folding fan.

"Smelly girl, it seems that you have learned a lot in the Jianghu this time, when did you become so glib when you speak.

Let's go, let's go to Qiuyue Pavilion first, sit down and have a good chat. "

"Well, little sister listens to big brother, Yue'er, you follow quickly."

"Understood, little aunt, Yue'er is here."

The cutie responded to Liu Xuan, and trotted towards the old man to catch up.

Raising her hands to hold First Young Master Liu's arm, the cutie looked up at First Young Master Liu with a smile, her light and bright eyes bent into crescent moons.

"Smelly old man, never thought you would have today, right?

Even if the original girl turns into ashes, you can recognize who I am at a glance, bragging, keep bragging! "

First Young Master Liu glanced down at the cute little girl with a smug smile on her pretty face, and hit the little cute girl's forehead with the bone of the carved jade fan.

"Smelly girl, today your Aunt Xuan'er is back, I'm so happy for my father, I don't want to care about you like this.

But don't be too presumptuous, otherwise, it's okay to beat you up for your father. Don't forget, your father and I are your father after all.

Lao Tzu beats children - it's only right and proper.

If you don't want to get angry, you'd better be honest with your father and stop.Otherwise, as a father, I don't mind asking you to come out and have a good intimate communication with your ass. "

The little cutie's smug and pretty face froze immediately, and she let go of her hands holding Young Master Liu's arm and turned to meet Liu Xuan.

"Little aunt, look at my father, he is obviously unreasonable.

Obviously he guessed wrong, why didn't Yue'er say what he said last time? "

Liu Xuan looked at the angry expression on the little cutie's face, smiled lightly and stretched out her hand to smooth her black hair scattered on her shoulders.

"Yue'er, what kind of temper is your father? Others don't understand you, don't you? Listen to my little aunt, we don't have the same knowledge as him.

Of course, if you can beat him now, just be your little aunt. I never said that.

But if you are not his opponent, then you can only accept it. "

Looking at Aunt Liu Xuan's smiling expression, Little Cutie suddenly became dejected.

"Phew, then Yue'er should choose to be submissive, otherwise, Yue'er will probably shout that she will be a heroine again in 18 years."

When Liu Xuan heard the cute and weird words, she covered her cherry lips and let out a muffled laugh a few times.

"Smelly girl, it's no wonder your father dotes on you so much. In terms of the character that you should be cowardly when you are not good enough, you and your father are simply carved out of the same mold."

"That's right, I, Liu Luoyue, have nothing else but to imitate my father."

"The concubines and sisters see the husband."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you husband."

"Little sister Liu Xuan has met all the sister-in-laws."

"Baby Liu Luoyue pays respects to mother, all aunts."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you sisters-in-law."

"Thank you mother, thank you all aunts."

Young Master Liu sat directly on the stone bench, put down the carved jade fan in his hand, took a sip of the tea, looked up and looked around at the arrangement in the gazebo.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, Sister Ya... How are you arranging things for watching the moon?"

"Husband, there is only one last thing left to prepare, and it can be done in about half a stick of incense."

"Husband, you chat with my younger sister first, and the concubine sisters will go over after finishing these lanterns."

"Yes, yes, it's rare for my little sister to come back, so you brothers and sisters should catch up on the old days."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauties who were busy outside the gazebo, and flicked the little cutie's forehead with his fingers.

"Smelly girl, hurry up and help your mothers."

"Oh, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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