My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2777 Entrusted by an old friend

Chapter 2777 Entrusted by an old friend

Seeing that the little cutie was already walking out of the gazebo, Liu Xuan straightened up the fringed sleeves on the silk shirt, revealing a pair of flawless jade arms.

"Brother, Xuan'er also went to help the sisters-in-law, one more person will do more."

Seeing Liu Xuan's eagerness to try, Liu Mingzhi immediately reached out to stop her.

"Xuan'er, you don't need to go to help anymore, it's just to get some small things, it's just a trivial matter to your sister-in-law and the others.

You just came home last night and haven't had a good rest yet, so there's no need for you to help.

Come, sit down and have a cup of tea with Brother Wei, your sister-in-law and the others will be done in a while. "

The lotus feet that Liu Xuan was about to lift were silently retracted, she turned around, walked across to First Young Master Liu, and sat down gracefully.

After sitting down, Liu Xuan nodded and tucked her fingernails with lowered eyebrows, as if she didn't dare to sit and look at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting across from her.

"Okay, since you don't want my little sister to help, big brother, it's fine if my little sister doesn't go."

Liu Mingzhi looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan thoughtfully, picked up a teacup with a light smile, lifted the teapot, poured a cup of herbal tea and placed it in front of Liu Xuan.



"What are your plans when you come back home this time? Do you plan to stay at home for a long time? Or are you going to leave again after the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Liu Xuan raised her eyes and looked at the eldest brother who was playing with the teacup in her hand, she pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a long time.

"Xuan'er hasn't thought it through yet, she might stay at home for a while, and spend some time with you, elder brother, and sisters-in-law.

It is also possible that she will be leaving after the Mid-Autumn Festival. At first, Xuan'er thought that her parents and the two elders were also in the capital, so she hurried all the way back to the capital with a meal and a sleepless night.

But after returning home last night and meeting Yun'er's sister-in-law, Xuan'er learned from her that her parents and the others had returned to live in the old Jinling residence not long ago.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, no matter how powerful Xuan'er's lightness kungfu is, it's too late to leave and rush back to the old Jinling house.

That being the case, Xuan'er can only accompany her eldest brother, sisters-in-law, and many nephews and nieces to celebrate this year's Mid-Autumn Festival with your family. "

After Liu Mingzhi listened to his younger sister Liu Xuan's words, he looked up at the dazzling sun in the blue sky.

"The sun is already in full swing, even if you fly back to the south of the Yangtze River in the form of a golden eagle, you will not be able to accompany our old man and mother to eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon today.

It seems that it is inevitable for you to spend the holiday with your elder brother and your sister-in-law. "

"Yes, it is inevitable, but Xuan'er is considering whether to rush back to the old Jinling house to accompany her parents and the elders after spending the Mid-Autumn Festival with all of you.

Because the younger sister has already returned to Jinling after the year, and she has stayed at home with her parents for a while, so the younger sister is still hesitating about what to do better. "

"Since you haven't thought about it clearly, think about it slowly.

By the way, what about Jiu Niu?Why didn't I come back with you for the holidays? "

Hearing the big brother's question, Liu Xuan couldn't help showing a more charming smile.

"Brother Jiu Niu took his future wife back to his hometown, and said he wanted to go back to his hometown to see if he could find some traces of his relatives.

It is estimated that they should have reached their hometown by now. As for whether he can find the whereabouts of his relatives and friends, then I don't know.

The world is so big, it is not so easy to find a few relatives who have not seen each other for more than ten years.

Let's hope he doesn't come away disappointed. "

Liu Mingzhi suddenly stopped wanting to drink tea, and looked at his little sister Liu Xuan, who was feeling emotional, in astonishment.

"Xuan'er, what are you talking about? Jiu Niu, Jiu Niu has found the woman he likes?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's dumbfounded expression, Liu Xuan rolled her eyes angrily.

"Brother, what expression do you have, brother Jiuniu is not too young now, what's the matter with finding a lady?
What's the matter, you, Liu Mingzhi, the elder brother, are only allowed to start a family and start a business with both sons and daughters, but Brother Jiu Niu is not allowed to marry a wife and have children, and continue the incense? "

Seeing Liu Xuan's dissatisfied expression, Liu Mingzhi waved his hands generously.

"No, no, of course not, brother, how could I have such a domineering idea.

Xuan'er, let me tell you the truth, brother, I have long wanted to help Jiu Niu talk about a marriage, but you are also aware of Jiu Niu's tall and strong physique, and it is really unfair to want to find a good match for him not easy.

With his physique, if he stood outside, let alone a woman of his age would fall in love with him, it would be good if he wouldn't scare him into tears.

In addition, since many years ago, Jiu Niu has followed Xuan'er to travel around the rivers and lakes, and the number of times I have seen him in a year can be said to be very few.

Therefore, the matter of helping Jiu Niu marry a wife and have children has never been mentioned as a brother in these years.

Now hearing Xuan'er you say that Jiu Niu has found a woman he likes and is willing to stay with him for the rest of his life, he is surprised and at the same time a stone in his heart has fallen to the ground. "

Liu Xuan snorted tenderly, took a sip of the tea that Young Master Liu had poured for her.

"It's almost there."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Xuan's soothed expression, and he couldn't help but think of Jiu Niu's tall and strong body, and when he thought of the scene of an ordinary woman standing beside him, his expression became weird.

With Jiuniu's height as tall as a small mountain, coupled with his big arms and round waist, if his future wife is not taller than eight feet, the two of them will not be too harmonious standing together.

Among his many wives, the tallest one is Rong Rong, a beauty full of the style of the Western Regions, followed by Shan'er, and the two sisters, Yun'er and Wanyan, who are almost the same.

The tallest beauties of their sisters stood beside Jiu Niu, and they might not be as tall as the weapon that Jiu Niu used, the mace that looked creepy.

Therefore, if his future wife's figure is slightly lower, then she will be a combination of Beauty and the Beast.

Be good, don't dare to think, don't dare to think!
First Young Master Liu silently stopped his imaginative behavior, and looked at Liu Xuan on the opposite side with a curious expression.

"Xuan'er, hurry up and tell me the specific situation of Jiuniu, the future lady. Who is the matchmaker? Where is the girl from? My brother is really curious."

"No one is a matchmaker. This girl is from the Western Desert. When the Wumeng was expanding towards the Western Desert, Brother Jiu Niu, who was the pioneer, happened to be acquainted with her.

As for the specific situation, Xuan'er is not too clear. I heard from the brothers in the league that the situation is quite complicated. How did they get together later, and Xuan'er didn't ask carefully.

It is said that this girl seems to be the first... Oh, anyway, Xuan'er can't say clearly, so when you see Brother Jiuniu, you can ask him yourself.

Let's not talk about Brother Jiu Niu. Xuan'er came back this time and brought you some good things. Brother, take a look. "

Liu Mingzhi suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and looked at Liu Xuan with puzzled eyes: "What good thing?"

Liu Xuan slightly bent her waist, lifted a delicate cloth pouch under the stone table and put it on the table.

"Hey, brother, see for yourself!"

First Young Master Liu took a careful look at the delicate cloth pouch on the table, and glanced at Liu Xuan curiously.

"what is this?"

"Can't you see it yourself?"

"To make things mysterious."

Young Master Liu muttered a word, put down his teacup, got up and untied the cloth bag in front of him.

Looking at the delicate dark red rice grains in the cloth bag, Young Master Liu looked towards Liu Xuan in surprise.

"Hey, rouge rice, this is really a good thing! Where did you come from, little girl?"

"My little sister ran into an old friend who asked me to bring it to you when she was traveling through the rivers and lakes and passing through Shu."

(End of this chapter)

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