Chapter 2778 Is It Her?

Hearing Liu Xuan's words for the first time, Liu Mingzhi didn't seem to take it seriously, he casually grabbed a handful of rouge rice and held it in his palm and began to fiddle with it with his fingertips.

"Come on, Xuan'er, do you have any old friends in Sichuan?
When you were a child in Jiangnan, you followed Brother Wei every step of the way. After you grew up, you settled in the capital for many years, and you almost never left my brother. All the friends you made told me, how could I? Don't you remember that you have an old friend who was born in Shu?
Now that you have grown up, you know how to be filial to elder brother, obviously you got the rouge for brother Wei... come... come..."

Liu Mingzhi's words gradually became a little stuttering, he grabbed the rouge rice in his hand, and suddenly raised his head to look at Liu Xuan who was opposite.

Liu Mingzhi stared at his younger sister Liu Xuan for a long time without looking sideways, looked at the teasing expression on her pretty face, lowered his head slightly, and fell silent with a melancholy expression.

A slim and graceful figure involuntarily surged into my heart, causing Liu Mingzhi's eyes to gradually become a little blurred, as if caught in some unforgettable memories.

Da Guoguo, who is leading the horse in front, wait a moment, is this playing in Yingzhou?

Of course it's Yingzhou, don't you know how to read?What are you doing here, a kid from Shu, running to the North?

Da Guoguo, what are you doing there, what a melon!

Da Guoguo, who is you? Why are you in this family?

Girl, Master Ben will ask you one last time, are you a human or a ghost?
Da Guoguo, why do you have such a brain?I always said that I have a shadow, but it might be a ghost.

Have you ever seen a ghost?How do you know ghosts have no shadows?
It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable, I don't know if ghosts have shadows or not.

Stop, what do you think this is, come and leave whenever you want.

Oh, Da Guoguo, what are you doing, what are you doing by pinching others?
You... are you really alive?

Oops, my head hurts, Da Guoguo, don't you seem to be in a daze?People have said it many times, I am really a human, a human.

Didn't Da Guoguo want to do something?

doing what?what can I do?Just follow your heart.

Da Guoguo, how about helping the younger sister with a divination?You can figure out what's missing in my little sister's life.

Do I have to obey your arrangement and marry him as a wife before you are satisfied?

Of course not, I just hope that you can achieve a happy marriage.

It wasn't me who was haunting him.

That woman is Ren Qingrui, but it's not me.

The reason for forcing two originally irrelevant people together is because of your kindness.

Liu Mingzhi, don't you think your kindness is too cruel?
If I can keep the secret you don't want to be known by outsiders, Qingrui is willing to die.

You are too stubborn.

You have no regrets about the path you choose.

Love is impermanent like wind and snow, but it hurts when it moves.

The younger sister didn't want to stay with the king, but only wanted to accompany you on the end of the world.

However, such a simple request seems to have made Da Guoguo tireless.

That being the case, it is not the most beautiful ending for one to separate and two to live in peace.

Da Guoguo, after a few years, my little sister has been bothering me a lot.

Maybe after this farewell, I really won't go back to the capital again. I think Da Guoguo should be very happy in the days when there is no little girl chattering around.

The rest of my life is well.

What are you doing here?
Girl, you and Brother Wei have met for a while, and now you are going to return to your hometown. Now that Brother Wei knows, how can you not come to Shibali to see you off.

Didn't you come to keep me?
What do you think girl?My brother is afraid that you will not be determined to go, and you will suddenly regret it and turn back halfway, so I came to Shibali to see you off.

Only when I personally watch you go and make sure you go, can I really feel relieved in my heart.

Liu Mingzhi, I am Ren Qingrui, I am really Ren Qingrui.

But I'm not the Ren Qingrui who made you worry about me.

You big bastard, why do you want me to bear the mistakes made by others?
You are unfair to me.

I hate you, hate you forever.

The last scene of that beautiful woman "gritting her teeth" and crying farewell on the official road outside the capital came to mind, and Liu Mingzhi suddenly woke up from the memory.

After taking a few breaths heavily, Liu Mingzhi put the rouge rice in his hand back into the cloth bag a little at a loss, lifted the teapot directly to his mouth, and began to drink freely.

It wasn't until the cold tea in the pot bottomed out that Liu Mingzhi put down the teapot and casually wiped the tea overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and sat down on the stone bench a little weakly.

If Xuan'er didn't mention her today, he seemed to be about to forget that in his life, there was such a person who had walked through his life for many years.

However, have I really forgotten about her, or have I deliberately kept it in my heart, deliberately not mentioning it, not thinking about it?
If he had really forgotten, why would he clearly remember the scenes of getting along with her in the past?
Before I knew it, I had been separated from her for more than a year, almost two years.

I haven't seen each other for so long, and I don't know how this girl is doing now?

'Maybe after this farewell, I really won't go back to the capital again. I think Da Guoguo should be very happy in the days when there is no little girl chattering around. "

It will be two years since the last farewell, and for more than a year, I have never seen her again.

Could it be that this girl really won't come back after this farewell?

I thought it was just her angry words, but is it going to come true?

How can I think these things?What do I think these are for?What the hell am I thinking?What am I thinking?
Back then, I had clearly told her that I didn't want her to come back, so why did I feel an inexplicable disappointment in my heart now?

Maybe it's because I feel nostalgic and can't see my old friends, so I feel lost.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, Liu Mingzhi casually found a reason to convince himself.

As for whether he can really be persuaded by this reason, only he himself knows best.

With a calm expression, Liu Mingzhi slowly raised his head to look at the little girl, and let out a silent breath, as if he had asked the question in his heart with great difficulty.

"Is... is it her?"

Seeing that First Young Master Liu had been silent for a long time, Liu Xuan was quietly sipping the tea in the cup, when she heard her eldest brother suddenly ask a question, she instinctively froze for a moment.

"Huh? What, what is she?"

"Xuan'er, is that the old friend you met in Sichuan that you mentioned just now?"

Liu Xuan finally understood Liu Mingzhi's question, and put down the teacup in her hand teasingly with narrow eyes.

"Who is it? Younger sister doesn't seem to understand your question very well."

First Young Master Liu glared at Liu Xuan angrily, picked up another pot of tea and poured a cup of tea.

Don't pretend to be confused for me, brother, you know in your heart who the brother is asking.

"Brother, the more you talk about my younger sister, the more confused I become, and my younger sister is not pretending to be confused.

It's just that the generalization you just asked is too broad, and I really don't know who you are asking for a while, little girl.

Ming people don't say dark words, brother, if you want to ask anything, just say it clearly. "

"Ren Qingrui, Ren girl."

"That's right, it's her, this bag of rouge rice is Miss Ren who entrusted my younger sister to bring it back to you, elder brother.

People say that sending goose feathers from thousands of miles away means that gifts are light and affection is heavy.

Sending rouge rice for thousands of miles, the affection is so light.

how about it?Now you know what's going on with the family, right?

It's just, it's a pity. "

Upon hearing Liu Xuan's pointed words, First Young Master Liu picked up the teacup and sent it to his mouth, so as to hide the complicated meaning in his eyes.

"What's the pity? What you said is simply inexplicable.

Whether she is good or not has nothing to do with brother Wei, what you are talking about is all nonsense.

But, after all, it was an acquaintance, and it can be regarded as a good friend. After not seeing each other for so long, I still miss this girl somewhat.

Since you met her by chance, tell me how she is doing now. "

Liu Xuan's narrow and teasing expression suddenly sank, and she caressed the tea lid in her hand with a hesitant expression.

"She...she...she now..."

Hearing Liu Xuan's hesitant tone, First Young Master Liu subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at his younger sister.

"Huh? What's wrong with her now? You should keep talking!"

"Brother, Miss Ren seems to be getting married."


(End of this chapter)

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