Chapter 2779 Missed

Liu Mingzhi spit out a sip of tea, and coughed so hard that he almost didn't catch his breath.

Taking a few deep breaths, First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Xuan, who had a pretty face and a helpless face, in astonishment.

"What? What did you say? Tell me again what happened to Ren girl?"

Liu Xuan took out a delicate handkerchief embroidered with orchids from her cuff, and wiped the water stains on her cheeks and hair with a depressed expression.

"Brother, isn't it that Miss Ren is getting married? Are you so shocked?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the helpless little girl with an embarrassed expression, hurriedly took out his handkerchief, got up and walked towards Liu Xuan, helping her wipe the tea sprayed on her cheeks and hair.

"Xuan'er, don't be angry, don't be angry.

Accident, it's purely an accident, big brother didn't control his emotions for a while when he heard the news you said, don't be angry, don't be angry. "

Liu Mingzhi helped Liu Xuan wipe off the water stains on the black hair, walked to his seat with a sullen expression and sat down.

"Accident, really an accident."

Liu Xuan casually put the handkerchief back into her cuffs, combed her tea-wet hair a few times with her slender fingers, and gave Young Master Liu an angry look.

"It's normal for a male college to marry, and a female college for a female college, so it's normal for a girl to marry her?

You yourself said just now that Miss Ren is just a good friend of yours.

Since Miss Ren is just a good friend, isn't she just out of the court to marry someone?Why are you making such a fuss?

Brother, don't you think your reaction is a little too abnormal? "

Hearing the little girl's questioning words in a bad tone, First Young Master Liu picked up the teacup and handed it to his mouth, but when he handed the teacup to his mouth, he realized that the tea in the cup had already bottomed out.

Putting the teacup back to its original position, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to untie the tobacco pouch around his waist, took out the shredded tobacco from the pouch and stuffed it straight into the smoking pot.

"Brother...Brother...Brother hasn't seen Ren Yatou for so long. After all, it was an acquaintance. I was a little surprised to hear the news that she is going to get married suddenly from you.

This is human nature, completely human nature.

When you suddenly know that an old friend you haven't seen for a long time is getting married, or when you get married, you will have the same reaction as Brother Wei. "

Liu Xuan listened to Eldest Young Master Liu's specious explanation, and nodded lightly: "Maybe it's what you said, but Xuan'er still thinks that your reaction seems a little too extreme."

"Hey, I told you, human nature is human nature."

First Young Master Liu casually responded to Liu Xuan's words, took out the torch and lit the shredded tobacco in the smoke pot, and puffed out a few puffs of light smoke forcefully with his lips.

Gently exhaling the smoke that was lingering in his mouth, Liu Mingzhi put away the fire bag, got up, walked to the edge of the gazebo and stopped, and couldn't help looking at a certain courtyard in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

Staring at the long empty courtyard in silence for a long time, Liu Mingzhi suddenly took a puff of dry cigarette.

"Ren girl, she's really good, we've known each other for so many years, even if we're not close friends, we're still close friends.

She didn't know that she sent someone to send an invitation to inform us about such an important event in her life.

Even if we can't go to the banquet in person, at least we can send someone to give her a congratulatory gift to express our affection.

It turned out to be a good thing, if it wasn't for Xuan'er, you came back to the capital for the festival and told me the news, brother, I wouldn't have known about her getting out of the court to get married.

That's all, since they didn't send someone to inform us about this, let's just pretend that we don't know about her getting married. In this way, we can save several congratulatory gifts!

Alas, it seems that this girl doesn't regard her eldest brother and your sister-in-law as friends at all!

After all, it was just a chance meeting and friendship with her, there was nothing to care about, nothing to care about. "

"Yeah, brother, you're right, she didn't even send an invitation to marry someone, so she definitely didn't treat us as friends.

That being the case, we really don't have anything to care about. It's better for you to see it openly, and the younger sister admires it. "

Liu Mingzhi's face froze when he heard Liu Xuan's echoing words, and he smoked the shredded tobacco in the smoking pot into ashes in one breath.

The soot was knocked out on the sole of the shoe, and Young Master Liu skillfully filled a pot of shredded tobacco and lit it with a torch.

"Actually... In fact, what we said may be too arbitrary. The reason why girl Ren didn't send us an invitation may be due to other reasons.

For example, the land of Shu is too far away from the capital, she actually sent us invitations, but the person who came to send the invitations is still on the way, another example... another example..."

"Brother, it was three months ago when my younger sister met her by chance.

It has been three months now, no matter how far Shu is from the capital, the person who sent the invitation will not be able to reach the capital for more than three months, right?
In my opinion, it must be Miss Ren who didn't send us invitations at all. "

"What? It's been so long?"

"Of course, what do you think?"

"Then the day you ran into each other in Sichuan, did she tell you when she would get married?

Did I tell you who her future husband is?How is a person's moral conduct?How is your family?

She has lived in the capital for so long, and she doesn't know if she can adapt to the local environment after she gets married.

Especially the character of the other party, although Ren Yatou is extremely intelligent, if she is blinded by her emotions, she will marry a hypocrite.

Also, she has lived in our family for so many years without worrying about food and clothing. If her future husband's family situation is not good, will she not get used to that kind of hard life after she gets married? "

"It seems that she told me about the auspicious day of her marriage, but she didn't tell me anything else."

"When... when will we get married?"

"Xuan'er can't remember the exact date, she probably said it was the first day of August, oops, it's been more than three months, and I don't remember exactly.

It seems to be around the beginning of August.

According to the time, it seems that she should have been married for many days now, and she is already married, but we have not received her invitation, she must not regard us as friends. "

Don't mention her, don't mention her, brother, you let her live in our house for so long, I can't think of her being so ignorant of the slightest friendship.

A person like her is not worth talking about between us brothers and sisters. "

Liu Mingzhi's arm holding the cigarette rod trembled slightly, and with a lonely expression, he withdrew his gaze from gazing at the distant courtyard.

"Already... already married?"

"That's right, today is August [-]th, and the auspicious day for her coming out of the cabinet is on the first day of August, so she must have become a man's wife by now.

Maybe, now she is with her husband, you and I are preparing to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival! "

Liu Mingzhi kept pursing his lips, and his eyes swallowed complicatedly.

It seems like a world away, but I still missed it after all!

Perhaps, this kind of result is a good thing for both of them, at least I can fully understand my knot.

(End of this chapter)

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