My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2780 Became a Story

Chapter 2780 Became a Story
Liu Mingzhi secretly sighed in depression, looked back at the quiet courtyard that had been empty for a long time, smoked the dry cigarette silently and didn't say anything else.

In fact, it wasn't that Liu Mingzhi didn't want to ask Liu Xuan about Ren Qingrui in detail, he was full of questions in his heart, but he didn't know how to ask them.

If Ren Qingrui is still staying in her boudoir, it seems reasonable for her and her younger sister to have a closer look at the details of her marriage.

After all, the two of them met after all, and they can be called close friends.

As a former confidant and friend of Ren Yatou, I care about her current situation, and it makes sense anyway.

Whatever the little girl said, she would not be left speechless when asked.

However, girl Ren has already left the court to marry someone, and has become a bride who stays with others, and she has become an outsider, and she is no longer qualified to ask about her.

If you continue to ask carefully, the final result is nothing more than knowing whether she is happy or not, whether she is happy or not, and whether she is happy or not.

But even if you know yourself, what can you do?What can be changed?

Now that I have become an outsider, I can't let myself go...


Even if you continue to ask, it seems that there is no point.

After the shredded tobacco in the smoke pot turned into embers, Liu Mingzhi looked away with nostalgia, and stopped looking at the quiet courtyard in the distance that once reverberated with countless laughter.

The matter has come to this point, even though there are thousands of words in my heart that I want to say, it is a pity——

It's too late. .

Liu Mingzhi raised the arm holding the cigarette rod, and knocked out the ashes in the cigarette pot to the pillar next to him.

Sighing with eyes like a pool of stagnant water, Liu Mingzhi slowly wrapped the brocade bag containing shredded tobacco around the tobacco stem, caressing the lines on the tobacco stem in silence.

Da Guoguo, let me pack the shredded tobacco for you.

You can also load shredded tobacco, it seems that you have some skills.

I have never eaten pork, haven't I seen a pig run?Seeing that you have pretended so many times, I will see it.


Girl Ren, come on, put the shredded tobacco on Brother Wei.

If you don't pretend, you have to pretend to be yourself.

Hey, girl, what's the situation with you, weren't you the most willing to fill this young master with shredded tobacco before?what is it today?This young master doesn't seem to have offended you, does he?
Could it be something happened?Then I have to stay away, the women who come here are scarier than tigers, I can't afford to provoke this young master.

This girl has already been there... Bah, you bastard, if you dare to talk nonsense again, this girl will break your cigarette stick for you.

That is how the matter?Tell me quickly, who messed with you?If you are not a strong character in the background, the eldest brother will reluctantly help you out.

It's nothing, and no one has offended me. I only found out a few days ago that smoking too much dry tobacco is not good for your health.

Now that I know that smoking too much of this stuff is bad for your health, how dare this girl fill you with shredded tobacco.

Your status is very ordinary, if you choose something good or bad, this girl will be a regicide...cough cough...and get a reputation for murdering money and murdering her!

I want to pretend to be myself, anyway, this girl is not pretending.

Well, I wanted to take a couple of sips to pass the time. Hearing what you said, it seems reasonable. My young master will not smoke today.


Smoke again, smoke again, this girl is still sitting next to you, why don't you smoke less, don't you know that the smell of smoke on your body is very pungent?
One pot, just one pot, this young master is thinking about things, smoke a pot to calm down.

No, it can only be half pot, and take out half of the shredded tobacco inside.

Hey, why do you care more than this young master's wife, you've crossed the line!

You think I think, who made you smell so bad after smoking.


Yo, what's going on?Girl, why did you take the initiative to fill this young master with shredded tobacco today?

This young master should take a good look at the sky, is this the sun coming out from the west?

This girl has figured it out, anyway, I can’t persuade you, you should smoke or you can smoke, in this case, there is no difference between packing the shredded tobacco yourself and me packing the shredded tobacco for you.

If I come to pretend, I can specially decorate it for you, so that you can smoke less.

Good guy, it turns out that this is what you girl thought.

Hehehe, this performance is wisdom. The old man from Meier's family praised me for my wit since I was a child.

Girl, your sister-in-law Qinglian is half from Miaojiang. I have been to Miaojiang several times myself. Do you think I can't understand Shu dialect?
I know Sarah, if you can understand it, you can understand it, what else can you do to me.

Yes, yes, you are good enough, Hamapi.

what?What do you mean by the surname Liu Lei?

Cough, cough, smoke, smoke, light a fire for big brother.

Smoke, smoke, smoke you to death sooner or later, come over and light the fire, I am not your servant girl.

Huh~ girl, you filled this pot of shredded tobacco for my eldest brother, if I really smoked this pot of shredded tobacco this time, you will be blamed.

You really beat me to death, aren't you afraid of being accused of regicide?
You are also a person who has read books, and you should know what kind of crime is regicide, and what kind of terrible results it will have.

I recognize this girl, I am a mere weak woman, if I can be buried with you Young Master Liu, even death is worth it.

No matter what, this girl died after you.

Don't worry, if you really smoke to death later, this girl will run back to your house immediately, and take poison to kill yourself before the forbidden army comes to arrest me.

Even if I am buried with you, I will die in your family.

I'll go, girl Ren, you are so vicious!
It is necessary, don't you know what the most poisonous woman's heart is?
This girl is being polite, you really pushed me, I'll go straight to your ancestral grave.


Good luck tricks people, Yaomeier who filled Daguoguo with shredded tobacco back then.

In a trance, it turned into a story.

There are good and bad stories in the story. When I was gray-haired, I recalled this somewhat unbeautiful and embarrassing story.

Probably, it is not worth living in vain.

Liu Mingzhi blinked his sour eyes a few times, put the pipe away from his waist, raised his arms and stretched gently.

Sliding his throat vigorously a few times, Liu Mingzhi patted the purse on his waist without any trace.

"Xuan'er, since girl Ren has already left the court to get married, she won't say anything anymore as a brother.

Men should be married when they are colleges and girls should be married when they are colleges. Ren Yatou is already in her prime this year, and it is a matter of course for her to get married.

It is a blessing in life to be able to find someone you like and stay with you until you grow old together.

Very good, very good.

She didn't send us an invitation to her wedding banquet, so let's just pretend we don't know about it.

After all, we can't go and make up the gift for her now, there has been no such saying since ancient times.

However, after all, we are friends, so let's wish her silently in our hearts.

It is not in vain to know each other for many years.

Then... so what, the eldest brother suddenly remembered that there are still some things to deal with in the study, and I have to rush there.

When your sister-in-law and the others come over later, don't forget to tell them. "

Liu Xuan looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing on the edge of the gazebo, moving his hands and feet lightly, reached out and grabbed a handful of rouge rice from the cloth bag, and walked towards Young Master Liu lightly.

"Big brother."

Liu Mingzhi directly put down his raised arms, turned around and looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan who was walking by his side.

"Well, what happened?"

Liu Xuan smiled, and gently stretched out her arms in front of Liu Mingzhi and opened her palms, revealing the dark red rouge rice in her palms.

"Your heart is messed up."

(End of this chapter)

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