My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2782 It's not too late

Chapter 2782 It's not too late

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer Liu Xuan's question directly, but fell into silence again with a thoughtful expression.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked towards the stone table where the rouge rice was placed, reached out and grabbed a handful of rouge rice from the cloth bag, looked at it carefully for a while, then put it back again.

"Xuan'er, where did you meet girl Ren?"

When Liu Xuan heard Eldest Young Master Liu's answer, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment. After realizing it, she walked to Eldest Young Master Liu and stopped, and casually put the rouge rice in her hand back into the cloth bag.

"Brother, Xuan'er asked you just now whether you want to take Miss Ren back, but what are you talking about?

Compared to the important matter of whether you can renew your relationship with Ms. Ren, what happened where Xuan'er and Ms. Ren met is not worth mentioning at all, okay?

Don't you think that your answer is a bit off the mark?
Tell me quickly, do you want to bring her back?I don't know if you miss her little sister now, but my little sister can tell that she misses you so much!
Miss Ren, as a girl who is waiting for her, she has paid so much for you regardless of certain prejudices in the world. Can't you be a little courageous as a big man?
Xuan'er, if I were you, I would immediately send someone to take Miss Ren from Shu to... No... I would personally take someone to Shu to bring her back to the capital.

Miss Ren has been away from the capital for more than a year this time, and she has been young for two years, but she has never forgotten you.

Don't you miss her at all?
As the saying goes, men chase women's interlayer mountain, and women chase men's interlayer gauze.How did it become so difficult when you came here?
If you are a man, tell me quickly, do you want to bring Miss Ren back? "

Liu Xuan talked a lot, and then stared at Liu Mingzhi's face intently, as if she wanted to see something from his expression.

Feeling the unabashed gaze of his little sister Liu Xuan, Liu Mingzhi threw off the carved jade fan in his hand and began to shake it gently.


"It's over!"

"Then you tell elder brother, where did you meet girl Ren?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's indifferent and calm demeanor, Liu Xuan couldn't help stamping her foot.

"Oh, my dear brother, do you know what the point of this matter is? Is it important to you where Xuan'er and Miss Ren met?"


"Then it's fine. Since it's not important, why do you insist on asking about it? What you should consider now is how to continue the marriage between you and Miss Ren.

Xuan'er really doesn't understand if you are really confused, or if you are deliberately pretending to be confused for Xuan'er.

Which is more important, why can't you tell the difference? "

"Since it's not important, why didn't you tell Big Brother?

As for the other issues you mentioned, the eldest brother knows what he is doing, so you don't have to worry about me.

Tell me, where did you meet girl Ren? "

Liu Xuan looked at Eldest Young Master Liu's firm gaze, and remained silent for a moment with hesitation on her face, before uttering four words softly.

"Ningzhou station."

The excitement in the depths of Liu Mingzhi's eyes disappeared in a flash, and then his eyes returned to that calm look.

"The Ningzhou post on the official road leading to the capital?"


"What about her? You met by chance at the Ningzhou post, and now that you're home, she should have arrived in the capital too, right?"

Liu Xuan shook her head with regret on her face, and sighed with her cherry lips slightly parted.

"After Xuan'er and Miss Ren met in Ningzhou Station, she gave this bag of rouge rice to Xuan'er and asked me to bring it to you, and then took the carriage back to Shu.

It has been about six or seven days, and she should have returned to the territory of Shu by now. "

"What? You're going back again?" Young Master Liu couldn't help but accentuate his tone, then immediately coughed twice, and shook the folding fan in his hand in a calm and breezy attitude.

"Ahem...Since she has already reached the boundary of Ningzhou, why did she go back again? Isn't this unbearable?

Didn't you tell her and let her go back to Beijing with you? "

Liu Xuan sighed heavily, turned around and sat down on the stone bench, picked up some tea and moistened her throat.

"Why didn't Xuan'er say it? Not only did Xuan'er say it, but she said it more than once.

But Miss Ren told me that even if she arrived in the capital, she still planned to entrust someone to hand over the bag of rouge rice to you, and she didn't plan to deliver it to you in person.

Because she doesn't know if you want to see her, she is worried that you will be unhappy if she suddenly appears in front of you.

I told her brother, if you see her, not only will you not be unhappy, but you will be extremely happy and excited, but she still hesitates.

Later, we lived in a room and chatted until midnight, during which time Xuan'er made side-talking remarks, so to speak, her lips were almost worn out, but she still couldn't persuade her to change her mind.

Otherwise, this bag of rouge rice would not be handed over to you by Xuan'er, but she returned to the capital with Xuan'er and handed it to you in person.

In the end, she forced the cloth pouch to Xuan'er outside the post station, thanked her, and returned to Sichuan in a carriage.

Xuan'er wanted to persuade her a little more, but she said it all that night, and she really didn't know how to persuade her.

She really doesn't want to come to Beijing, Xuan'er, I can't beat her unconscious and forcefully bring her back to the capital, can I?

In case at that time, as Miss Ren said, you will not be happy to see her, Xuan'er, I have "offended" you, brother, and offended her after beating Miss Ren unconscious.

It's not a person's name to drop two ends.

In desperation, my little sister and I can only watch her ride in a carriage on the official road, until she disappears at the end of the official road.

The reason why Xuan'er told you that Miss Ren is getting married just now is because she wanted to see what you really think about Miss Ren?

If I knew you wouldn't be angry, but still cared about her so much, Xuan'er just knocked her unconscious and forced her back to the capital to see you.

I really regret it now, why do I have to take the Ningzhou official road if there are so many official roads?
Otherwise, Miss Ren should already be in the capital by now.

After she entrusts others to bring the rouge rice to you, big brother, even if she leaves immediately, how far can she go in one night? If you want to catch up, there must be time.

Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now. "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a long time with hesitant eyes, then glanced lightly at Liu Xuan next to him.

"Apart from the content of the chat between you and this bag of rouge rice, didn't she tell you anything else?"

"No, whenever the two of us first talked about the important things in her life, she would answer irrelevant questions just like you did just now, Gu Zuo said that he didn't talk about it in depth at all.

Xuan'er asked a little more bluntly, so she intentionally changed the subject.

She doesn't want to talk about this matter, so Xuan'er can't open her mouth to force her to ask, can she?
Brother, it’s not too late to fix the situation!
You go and bring Miss Ren back now, everything is still too late. "

(End of this chapter)

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