My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2783 Heart is much hardened

Chapter 2783 Heart is much hardened


Liu Mingzhi was hesitant to speak but stopped thinking about what to say, when the little cutie shouted happily from outside the gazebo.

"Smelly old man, smelly old man, Yue'er, mother and aunts are done with their work, come and see how our arrangement is going?"

Liu Mingzhi looked out of the gazebo subconsciously, and saw the little cutie cheering and waving her white, tender and flawless hands at him.

"Understood, it will be over for the father in a while."

Liu Mingzhi casually responded to the little cutie, and looked away at his little sister Liu Xuan with a bitter smile.

"Xuan'er, brother is still hesitating about the matter of girl Ren right now, and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Let's not talk about this matter for the time being, you let elder brother and I think about it carefully. "

"Brother, what else is there to consider?
Now that you have her in your heart, and you in her heart, this is obviously a matter of consensual concubine, what else do you need to think about carefully?
Ordinary people don't have that kind of family background, and one more lady who opens her mouth to eat may make life much more difficult, so careful consideration is required.

But you are different, you are the king of a country today, let alone one more woman suddenly, even ten or eight more women, what is it to you?
Xuan'er couldn't figure it out, do you have any prejudice against Miss Ren, that's why you're so hesitant? "

"Xuan'er, what do you know? It's because I am the king of a country now, big brother, that I have to deal with this matter...

Alas, forget it, tell you these things, you don’t understand, you won’t understand my difficulties and worries, big brother.

Xuan'er, let's put this matter aside for now, the elder brother really needs to think about how to deal with the girl Ren.

However, Big Brother will give you an answer as soon as possible.

Let me put it this way, today is the day of Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, we brothers and sisters haven't seen each other for so long, when you watch the moon at night, you can have a good drink with brother and two glasses of water and wine.

Let's go, let's go and see how your sister-in-law and the others have arranged the venue for viewing the moon. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he adjusted his expression, waved his folding fan and walked towards the gazebo with a faint smile.

Liu Xuan looked at the back of First Young Master Liu walking out of the gazebo, glanced melancholy at the cloth bag containing rouge rice on the stone table, and sighed silently.

Brother, since you took that position, you have considered things more and more comprehensively and thoughtfully.

It's just that your heart seems to have hardened a lot.

How can Xuan'er not understand the difficulties of elder brother, but Xuan'er doesn't know what you will eventually look like if you continue like this.

Brother, Xuan'er is afraid that you will eventually become so that Xuan'er will not recognize you.

The elder brother that Xuan'er wanted was a good elder brother who seemed to be bohemian, but actually had a bright eye.

Xuan'er can understand your painstaking efforts, big brother, but can you understand Xuan'er's painstaking efforts, big brother?
"Little aunt, why are you so dazed in the gazebo? Come here quickly."

Liu Xuan, who was silent, was awakened from her thoughts by the little cutie's greeting, took a few breaths, and walked out of the Qiuyue Pavilion with a smile on her face.

"Little aunt, little aunt, come and take a look, these lanterns were made by Yue'er herself just now."

"It's so beautiful, Yue'er, your craftsmanship is really good."

"You have a good vision, little aunt, unlike my father who doesn't understand anything."

"Then let's ignore him. Your father, a big man, doesn't know what it means to be good-looking or not."

"Yeah, that's a real insight."

First Young Master Liu wandered around, frequently looking up at the moon-viewing venue arranged by Qi Yun and his sisters.

"Yun'er, the gaps here are too dense, and there are too many lanterns.

Once so many lanterns are all lit at night, and the gaps are so dense, the light of the lanterns cannot be emitted.

You said that we were admiring the moon at that time?Still staring at the lanterns? "

"Where? Let me come and see.

Hey, it wasn't arranged by the concubine sisters. When the concubine sisters arranged the lanterns, they all roughly measured the distance with a ruler. The distance between the lanterns is not so close.

Maybe it was added by Yue'er just now, but if there is a little more, let's have a little more. At worst, let's move the table outside to enjoy the moon at night. "

After hearing Qi Yun's explanation, First Young Master Liu turned his head and glanced at the cutie who was bragging in front of her little sister Liu Xuan.


When the little cutie heard her father calling her, she turned and looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"Do you have something to do today?"

The cute and exquisite bright eyes rolled a few times, and nodded heavily at First Young Master Liu.

"Yes, it's very busy, very busy, and Yue'er will be busy later."

Young Master Liu looked at the sly light in the little cutie's eyes, closed the folding fan in his hand with a smile, and groped in the cuff for a few times.

"Yue'er, come here, Dad got a good thing yesterday, do you want to see it?"

"Huh? What?"

First Major Liu took out his right hand from his cuff, clenched it tightly together and gestured to the little cutie a few times.

"Your Uncle Song Qing sent Weifu yesterday, saying that it was a rare item bought from a merchant in An Nanguo, and Weifu didn't know what it was.

Damn girl, don't you think you are well-informed?Come on, for your father, discern and discern what this is.

If you can recognize it, the father will reward you. "

The little cutie subconsciously looked towards Young Master Liu's tightly clenched right hand, and glanced suspiciously at the smiling expression of the old man.


"Of course it's true, come and see."

"You... Father, you open your hand first, and then go over after Yue'er sees it."

"Smelly girl, you obviously don't trust your father and me. If that's the case, forget it. I'd better leave it to your sister Lingyun and the others to see."

After finishing speaking, Young Master Liu didn't wait for the little cutie to react, and directly put his right hand into the cuff of his left hand.

Seeing this, the little cutie showed more and more curiosity on her pretty face, and hurriedly raised her hand as a gesture.

"Smelly old man, just wait."

"Huh? Yue'er, what do you want to do?"

Cutie turned her eyes to look at Young Master Liu's puzzled expression, and then looked at Young Master Liu's right hand that was also staring at Young Master Liu. Qi Yun and the other sisters, who were all curious, nodded with hesitation on their faces.

"Yue'er, Yue'er will tell Dad to identify it first, and we have agreed, if it is really a good thing, it will be Yue'er's mine."

"Of course, dad is not joking!"

The little cutie pinched her cherry lips, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with three stops.

Seeing that the stinky old man was always smiling and waiting for him to pass, and did not make any other movements, the little cutie gradually let out a sigh of relief.

Maybe this girl is really thinking too much. With the skills of the stinky old man, if he wants to find me, he doesn't have to think so hard. After all, if he wants to beat me, I can't run away.

The little cutie, who thought she had guessed Young Master Liu's mind, relaxed, walked up to Young Master Liu carelessly and poked her head towards his right hand.

"Father, stretch out your hand, this girl wants to see what kind of rare thing it is."

Qi Yun's sisters, including Liu Xuan, seemed to have the same thoughts as Little Cutie, and subconsciously looked at Young Master Liu's right hand.

Young Master Liu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and directly opened his tightly clenched palms, revealing the empty palms.

Cutie's curious pretty face froze suddenly, and she secretly thought in a sudden change of mind.

Fuck, soldiers never tire of cheating.

It’s over.

(End of this chapter)

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