My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2787 Wrong payment

Chapter 2787 Wrong payment

Liu Mingzhi murmured softly, walked to the back of the desk and sat on the chair.

Putting his hands together on the table, he was silent for a long time. Liu Mingzhi picked up a pen and dipped in the ink for a while to think, then took out a piece of rice paper and spread it on the table to write.

Not enough time for a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi put the wolf hair in his hand on the brush washer, took up the rice paper with both hands and blew the wet ink on it.

Quietly staring at the content on the rice paper and re-examining it, Liu Mingzhi's expression was both complicated and helpless, but also full of sadness.

Regarding the matter between himself and this girl Ren Qingrui, it really created a dilemma for himself.

After the ink on the rice paper was completely dry, Liu Mingzhi opened the drawer and took out an envelope and his own personal seal.

Putting his personal seal on the lower corner of the rice paper, Liu Mingzhi slowly folded the letter paper together and put it into the envelope with a look of confusion.

Staring at the envelope in his hand with a hesitant expression for a long time, Liu Mingzhi gritted his teeth and got up and walked towards the window sill.

Opening the study window casually, Liu Mingzhi made a few gestures towards the empty courtyard, held the envelope with his fingertips, stood on the window sill, and waited quietly.

"Oh, girl Ren, girl Ren, you have been wronged to give your heart."

About half a stick of incense time, a beautiful figure with foresight and nearness leaped towards the study with graceful and light movements.

After several seven months, that beautiful shadow seemed to stop outside the window where Young Master Liu stopped in the blink of an eye.

"Subordinate Suzaku, see the young master."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Master."

After Suzaku got up, he directly propped a pair of lotus root arms on the window sill, leaning his willow waist and approaching Young Master Liu with a smile like a flower.

"Master, why are you looking for Que'er here?"

Looking at Suzaku's watery and enchanting eyes, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to pinch the beauty's cheek, and handed the envelope in front of the beauty.

"Paint this letter with wax and pass it on to the relevant officials in Shu."

Suzaku raised her eyebrows, raised her wrist and gently took the envelope in Young Master Liu's hand, and blew a breath of fragrance on Young Master Liu with her charming and narrow eyes.

"It's about the chance meeting between Miss Ren and the eldest lady, right? No, to be precise, it should be about Miss Ren alone."

First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, looked at Suzaku with a playful expression and asked softly, "Que'er, do you know everything?"

Suzaku's rippling watery eyes gave Young Master Liu a resentful glance, and she nimbly turned the envelope in her hand. The ordinary envelope was like a butterfly dancing among the flowers under her fingertips, which was breathtaking. dazzled.

"Que'er just found out, before you signaled your brother to tell Que'er to come to see you, young master, Que'er just saw the information about Ren Qingrui's encounter with Miss Ren and Missy.

At first, Que'er thought that you were looking for something very important to me, but when you handed this letter to Que'er, the young master, and said that it was passed to Brother Shu, Que'er understood what was going on. . "

Feeling the beauty's resentful eyes, Young Master Liu nodded slightly and kissed Suzaku's red lips lightly.

"Why, are you jealous?"

"Jealous is not jealous, young master, you have a bird in your heart, why should I be jealous.

However, my heart is still somewhat sour, young master, there are so many stunning beauties around you, Yingying, Yanyan, each with their own merits, and only Que'er lives in the dark all day long, and cannot be as bright and upright as her sisters, young master.

For the sake of the young master, you birds can bear it, and you can live in secret all your life without complaint to solve the young master's problems.

The only thing Que'er feels regretful, sad and wronged is that she can't give birth to a son and a half daughter for the young master to continue the incense like her other sisters.

Master, sometimes Suzaku really envies Sister Yun, Sister Ya, Sister Lian'er, envy each of them.

Que'er knew very well that no matter what, I shouldn't have such thoughts.

But I really can't help it, can't help but envy them. "

Liu Mingzhi listened to Suzaku's low and bitter words, grabbed the beautiful woman's shoulders with both hands, and lifted her into the study through the window sill.

Sighing softly, Liu Mingzhi embraced Suzaku into his arms with a look full of guilt.

"Suzaku, I really wronged you. After all these years, I, Liu Mingzhi, have owed you."

Suzaku silently leaned on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, blinking her misty eyes in a subtle way.

At this time, there was only clear and bright color in her eyes, and at the same time, there was a little sadness and regret, those charming or enchanting expressions had long since disappeared.

Perhaps, this is Suzaku's truest appearance.

"Master, will Que'er still have a chance to give birth to a son and a half for you in this life?

Que'er also wants to hear the child call me mother, Que'er also wants to see her child playing and playing under her knees, and Que'er also wants to have a child of her own. "

Liu Mingzhi vigorously stroked Suzaku's black hair that had fallen to his waist, and nodded heavily.

"I will, I will."

"When Que'er heard the young master say that, she felt much better.

Don't worry, young master, Que'er will definitely cultivate a qualified successor as soon as possible, a successor who is as loyal to you as young master, and will never hesitate to die.

After this successor can take over all the affairs of Suzaku Division, Que'er will be able to retire, and spend the rest of his life with you, young master, with love and love. "

Liu Mingzhi rested his chin on the beautiful woman's shoulder and rubbed it lightly a few times: "Okay, as long as you find a suitable successor, the young master will let you take down the position of the head of the department concerned, and accompany the young master in a fair and honest manner." A husband and a child.

Now the world is gradually stabilized, many officials in the state capital are still in their positions to seek their own government, and the people are gradually living and working in peace and contentment.

As the world gradually stabilizes, the burden on the two secret agents of your two divisions can also be lightened.

You four, Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu, have been with me for almost 20 years, and you deserve a lot of credit! "

Suzaku gently wiped the corners of his eyes twice, straightened up from Young Master Liu's arms, then took out a neatly folded rice paper from his cuff and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Master, this is the general situation after Miss Ren and Missy met by chance, Que'er has sorted it out, you can take a closer look at it later.

Because earlier, young master, you ordered Que'er to order the brothers to revoke the order to investigate the eldest lady's whereabouts, so the content of the information is not particularly detailed.

Most of the content described in it is the situation of Ren Qingrui and Miss Ren after she left Shu, so I won't give you the details about Que'er, you will know it at a glance. "

Liu Mingzhi took the information from Suzaku and put it on the table casually: "I'll see later, is there any other information besides these information?"

"Yes, but they are all unimportant information, most of them are information about Jianghu and Wulin.

Maybe the world has been peaceful for too long, and those martial arts practitioners in the Jianghu martial arts world are starting to move again. They will start several fights of different sizes every month for the so-called territorial power.

Que'er had already informed Qinglong to order the brothers of Qinglong Division to control these things.

The method is still in accordance with the method you originally set, young master, allowing them, the powers of the rivers and lakes, to compete in private, but it must not disturb the peace of the people.

Anyone who dares to violate the order will be shot to death. "

After listening to Suzaku's words, Liu Mingzhi turned around and sat on the chair, frowning and fell into deep thought.

"It seems that these martial arts practitioners in the Jianghu martial arts are very energetic!
For that bit of territory and power, it is life and death, and the continuous fighting is short-sighted.

It seems that they have to find something to do. "

"What do you mean, master?"

"These knight-errants and martial arts heroes are always on the verge of life and death, so it is most suitable for them to act as scouts for investigating news.

It's just that most of these knight-errants are good-looking and high-minded people.

Young master, if I directly passed the decree to let them serve as scouts of the imperial court, they would feel somewhat uncomfortable. "

"They dare, if they dare to criticize the young master, criticize the government, Quer, I will immediately notify Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu and the three of them to send troops to personally wipe out these sects that claim to be heroes of the rivers and lakes.

Young master, you don't move them because you treat them as your subjects, young master, with a heart of benevolence.

However, this does not mean that this is their wanton capital. "

Immediately, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand as a signal, untied his dry pipe and filled a pot of shredded tobacco in the smoke pot.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi put away the fire bag and lightly exhaled smoke.

"Que'er, your thinking is a bit extreme."

(End of this chapter)

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