Chapter 2788
Suzaku frowned slightly and walked behind First Young Master Liu and stopped, rubbing his shoulders for him, while thinking carefully.

"Master, Que'er is confused, please ask Master to clarify."

"Que'er, you must know that if a martial arts practitioner wants to achieve a career, he must have experienced the hard work of practicing three times in winter and three times in summer.

Especially those famous knights who have achieved great fame in the Jianghu, the hardships they have experienced are ten times, or even dozens of times, that of ordinary people.

Therefore, it is doomed that most people who practice martial arts are arrogant people, which is unavoidable.

And these knights in the rivers and lakes are like fierce horses one by one. If you want to tame these fierce horses, you must find another way.

For the young master, killing a person is certainly a very simple matter, but if you kill a person in the world, another person in the world will appear.

Can you kill all the people in the Jianghu at once, and even those who may become people in the Jianghu?

If we act like this, the young master and I and the imperial court will become the targets of public criticism.

Moreover, it will also arouse the rebellious psychology of the people in the rivers and lakes. If they rise up to resist, although they are not afraid of the court, they will also cause a lot of turmoil.

There are mixed fish and dragons in the rivers and lakes, and most of them are desperadoes who are on the verge of life and death. It is not a good thing to push them into a hurry.

You must know that dogs will jump over walls when they are anxious, and rabbits will bite people when they are anxious!
The most important point is that once the mob is united, it will be a powerful force that cannot be ignored.

On weekdays, they fought openly and secretly because of their personal fame and sect territory. Without special circumstances, it was difficult for them to unite and twist into a single rope.

However, if my young master and I act according to the method you just said, we will indirectly force them into a single rope to fight against the imperial court.

If such a situation occurs, wouldn't it be against my original intention, young master?
Once these situations happened, it would not be a simple matter for the imperial court to try their best to wipe out these knight-errants who roamed the world and made their homes all over the world.

At the same time, there is no small price to pay.

Let them continue to fight, the martial arts world with constant disputes is the best martial arts world for me, young master.

As long as they do not violate the unwritten rules between the imperial court and the world, do not violate the imperial court, and do not do evil deeds that harm the people, they can fight as much as they want.

The more they fought in private, the deeper their personal grievances, the less likely they were to unite.

I can control the overall situation without paying any price, why would I not do it, young master?

Queer, let's just sit quietly and watch the tigers fight. "

Suzaku's movement of kneading Young Master Liu's shoulders gradually slowed down a bit, and he thought for a long time with his eyes bright.

"Que'er understands, young master Shengming.

What the young master means is that as long as these knight-errants don't fight against the imperial court, let them fight anyway, and we just need to sit back and watch the tigers fight. "

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, and raised his hand to pat the back of Suzaku's hand on his shoulder.

"Que'er, you're still smart, you can see through a little bit."


"Huh? Is there anything else you can't figure out?"

"Que'er was thinking, if this is the case, how can we take these Jianghu people into our own hands?

Just like what you said just now, young master, most of these well-known knight-errants are arrogant and arrogant. Even if they dare not oppose the court, it may not be an easy matter to directly take them into their own hands. what.

Using strong words may arouse their rebellious psychology, and soft words may not be very effective for those who are used to freedom in the world. "

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, spit out the smoke and bent over to knock the ashes in the smoke pot into the brazier under the desk.

"It takes a lot of time to tame a fierce horse, but it takes even more time to tame these rebellious people in the arena.

This matter has to be discussed in the long run, and it is not allowed to act rashly.

Let's put these matters on hold for now, and I'll let you know when the young master has a clue in his mind. "

"Yes, Que'er understands, is there anything else the young master needs to tell Que'er?"

"No, go and pass on the letter I just gave you, Master."

"Yes, Que'er will leave first."

"Okay, that's right."


"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qinglong, you four, don't forget to prepare some moon cakes, drinks, pastries and other food for the brothers who are not busy.

You guys replaced the young master and I comforted the brothers, they worked hard and wandered away. "

"Young master, don't worry, the four of Que'er have already made preparations, and we will not treat the brothers badly."

"Okay, since you are all ready, I won't say any more, young master.

There's nothing else to do, so go get busy first. "

Suzaku suddenly leaned down on the waist of the willow, which was barely enough to grasp, and kissed Young Master Liu's cheek lightly with red lips.

"Master, Que'er will leave."

When Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look, there was no trace of the beautiful woman behind him, only a faint fragrance still lingered around the chair.

"People in the rivers and lakes, alas, the temple is also a rivers and lakes!"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and looked at the open window of the study for a while, put down the pipe in his hand, picked up a stack of documents and put them in front of him, and began to review them attentively.

The gold is falling to the west, and the night is about to fall.

Liu Mingzhi got up, went to the window and stretched, looking at the late sky outside the window, he let out a heavy breath.

"It's still time to get busy, the sky is getting late before you know it, and I don't know how Yun'er and the sisters are preparing."

Whispering a few words to himself, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand and closed the wide open window of the study, turned around and walked to the desk to carefully tidy up the various items on the table.

After confirming that there was nothing missing, Liu Mingzhi directly left the study and rushed to the garden of Liu Mansion.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard of the study, Liu Mingzhi saw at a glance that the inner courtyard had been decorated with lights and festoons everywhere.

The maids who were holding candlesticks and lighting lanterns one by one under the promenade saw the figure of Young Master Liu, and they all gave a blessing.

"The slaves and sisters see the young master."


"Thank you, Master."

"Where are you young ladies?"

"Returning to the young master, all young wives, eldest misses, young masters, and young misses have all gone to the Qiuyue Pavilion in the garden."

"Understood, you guys continue to light the lanterns on the promenade and under the eaves."

"Yes, slaves obey."

"Be careful when you use the ladder, and pay more attention to your feet. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy day for the whole family, so don't hurt your body.

Especially after lighting the lanterns under the eaves, you must carefully check for abnormalities, and don't accidentally walk into the water. "

"Thank you, young master, for your concern. The servant girls and sisters will remember."

"Just remember it, young master, I will go to the garden pavilion first."

"The slaves and sisters send off the young master respectfully."

When there were dozens of steps away from the Qiuyue Pavilion, Liu Mingzhi heard the laughter coming from the pavilion.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the garden which was also already decorated with lights, smiled lightly and quickened his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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