My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2791 The burden on me is too heavy

Chapter 2791 The burden on me is too heavy
Liu Mingzhi, Qi Ya and his wife teased softly, and the group finally arrived at the brightly lit moon viewing place.

Liu Xuan walked into the gazebo first, opened the first chair and looked at Young Master Liu who had also stepped under the flower stand.

"Brother, sit down."

"Xuan'er, big brother can come by himself, you don't have to be so polite with big brother."

"Brother, this is not that my younger sister is being polite to you, but the rules that my younger sister must abide by.

No matter how we are a family, the younger sister can't be separated from the younger ones, please sit down quickly. "

"Okay, okay, brother, can't you sit down, you can sit down too."

Just as Liu Mingzhi sat down, Liu Xuan smiled and looked at Qi Yun and the other beauties

"Sisters-in-law, please sit down too."

All the beauties nodded in response without showing their teeth, and Shi Shiran sat down in their respective seats.

"Little sister, sit down too."

After all the sister-in-laws sat down, Liu Xuan also sat on her own chair, and looked at Little Cutie, her brothers, sisters and others with a faint smile.

"Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Serena, Chengzhi, Jingyao, Yaoyao, Yue'er... whoever of you can drink, sit down and have a few drinks with my little aunt.

Aunt, I haven't seen you guys for so long, girl, I miss you so much, Aunt!

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it is rare for our family to be reunited. You have to make my little aunt and me happy. "

When Liu Chengfeng's brothers and sisters heard Liu Xuan's words, they first nodded to Liu Xuan, the little aunt, with a smile on their faces, and then turned their eyes to Liu Mingzhi who was sitting in the first place.

Although they are all adults and can drink alcohol, but whether they can sit down and drink with Liu Xuan depends on their father's wishes.

Even though Liu Chengfeng and Liu Chengzhi have already married and established a family, and Liu Chengfeng has become a father, they still dare not ignore the expression on their father's face.

A little fear is only a small aspect, more of it is my own virtue and upbringing.

Just like Young Master Liu, even though he has become the king of a country now, he is still tamed and docile in front of his old man Liu Zhi'an.

This is not because Liu Mingzhi is really afraid of Liu Zhian, but because of his own virtue and upbringing, he respects Liu Zhian as his father from the bottom of his heart.

First Young Master Liu felt the gazes of all the sons and daughters, and nodded with a light smile.

"Chengfeng, you guys just listen to your little aunt, sit down and have a few drinks with her.

As for Yunxin, Zhengran, Shuang'er, Keke... you guys just sit down at the other two tables, and eat whatever you want. "

"Yes, my child obeys."

After Liu Chengfeng and his brothers and sisters saluted in unison, they immediately divided into three teams and walked towards their own chairs.

After Liu Chengfeng, his brothers, sisters and others took their seats one after another, Liu Yiyi, who was the only one who hadn't taken a seat, walked behind Young Master Liu with a smile and stopped.

"Father, why don't you pour wine for mother, aunts, little aunts and younger brothers and sisters first?"

"Okay, let's drink peach blossom wine first."

"Hey, Yiyi knows."

Liu Yiyi nodded with a faint smile, picked up the jug in front of her father and filled a glass of wine, and then walked towards Qi Yun and the other beauties.

After a while, Liu Yiyi walked to her seat with the wine jug that was about to bottom out and sat down.

The little cutie who was sitting under Liu Yiyi immediately took the jug from her hand and poured a glass of wine for Liu Yiyi.

"Sister Yiyi, Yue'er will also pour you wine."

"Well, then I'll have to thank you."

"Sister Yiyi, haven't you met Yue'er? You've already poured wine for Yue'er. What's wrong with Yue'er pouring you a glass of wine?"

Liu Mingzhi casually glanced at the wine glass on the table, and cheerfully picked up the wine glass as a gesture.

"drink wine."

"Brother, sister, I would like to offer you a toast."

"Husband, I offer you a toast."

"Boy respect daddy for a cup."

"Drink together, drink together."

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, poured a glass of wine from the pot on his own, and then looked at the eldest daughter-in-law Serena next to him.

"Girl Selina, you have been in Dalong for so long, are you still used to water and soil?"

After living in the Liu Mansion for so long, Serena has already become familiar with Liu Mingzhi's character, and she no longer has the restraint and fear she had when she first met Young Master Liu.

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's question, he hastily put down his wine glass and nodded.

"Serena thank you for your concern, my daughter-in-law has already gotten used to it."

"It's good to get used to it, it's good to get used to it, if you feel bored at home, let Chengfeng take you to the streets for a while.

If this kid dares to bully you, you can directly complain to the father, and the father will definitely vent his anger on you. "

"Yeah, although Brother Feng won't bully Serena, Serena still has to thank Daddy again.

Daddy, Brother Feng has carefully taught Serena about the rules of Dalong. Serena knows that it's time for me to toast you.

Dad, my daughter-in-law would like to offer you a toast. "

Liu Mingzhi saw Serena holding up the wine glass in a serious manner, and immediately raised the wine glass and lightly touched her with a big laugh.

"Okay, okay, let's have a drink."

"Well! Serena does it first and respects."

"Drink together, drink together."

"Serina, you can just pick up whatever dishes you want, and if you can't reach them, let Chengfeng pick them up for you."

"Okay, my daughter-in-law understands, thank you daddy."

Serena put down the wine glass, skillfully picked up a piece of braised chicken leg with chopsticks and put it in Liu Chengfeng's bowl.

"Brother Feng, try this chicken drumstick first. Our mother taught me how to make it."

"Okay, you eat too, you eat too."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the loving young couple Liu Chengfeng and Serena, smiled thoughtfully, and looked at Li Jingyao who was next to Serena.

"Jingyao girl."


"You are two people now, you must pay more attention to your body.

Cheng Zhi and you two have already moved to live in the East Palace, so you can just ask the Imperial Dining Room if you want to eat.

If there is no food in the imperial dining room, let Chengzhi buy it for you. As long as you don’t have a taboo, you can buy whatever you want, and don’t treat yourself badly. "

"Thank you dad, my daughter-in-law knows."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, and raised his glass again: "Continue to drink."

On the top of the willows on the moon, the garden of Liu Mansion is still full of laughter.

"Lingyun guessed it. It's fish. The answer is fish. Third brother, drink quickly."

Liu Mingzhi cheerfully held the wine glass in his hand, and was drunkenly looking at the children who gathered together to make lantern riddles and guess riddles, when he suddenly felt someone tugging at his sleeve.

Subconsciously withdrew his gaze, Liu Mingzhi turned his head and looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan who was gently tugging on his sleeve.

"Xuan'er? What's wrong with you?"

Liu Xuan nodded slightly, and pouted her lips in a subtle manner towards the moonlit garden.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, put down his wine glass and coughed a few times.



"For my husband, I drank too much. Go to the garden with my younger sister to sober up. You sisters can continue to accompany the children."

Qi Yun got up immediately, raised her hand to take a lantern from the shelf next to it, and handed it to Young Master Liu.

"Husband, little sister, pay attention to your steps."

Liu Mingzhi took the lantern, got up and walked towards the moonlight path in the garden.

"Understood, you sisters continue to chat."

"Sisters-in-law, we will see you later."

A moment later, the figures of brother and sister Liu Mingzhi appeared on the path deep in the garden, walking unhurriedly under the moonlight.

"Brother, I've made up my mind. I'll leave home in a few days."

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi frowned tightly, and sighed with embarrassment after being silent for a long time.

"Xuan'er, you have grown up and have your own opinions.

Now that you've thought it through, big brother won't keep you anymore. "

"Xuan'er, thank you, brother, for your understanding. By the way, how are you thinking about Miss Ren?"

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the bright moon in the night sky and thought for a long time, then turned his head to look at Liu Xuan who followed silently beside him.

"Xuan'er, did you drink too much?"

"I'm a little drunk, but I didn't drink too much, what's wrong?"



"Innately angry,"

"Oh well."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl who had started to circulate the true qi in his body, grabbed her by the shoulder and let out a heavy breath, the whole body was suddenly filled with a strong wind of strong qi.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the boundless starry sky, stamped his right foot on the ground and jumped, the figures of the brother and sister were like flying arrows, shooting straight towards the night sky with hazy moonlight.

In the blink of an eye, the silhouettes of the brother and sister appeared under the night sky nearly twenty feet above the ground.

Although Liu Xuan didn't know what his elder brother meant by this move, she still immediately circulated the true energy in her body to linger around her body, staying in mid-air like a flying bird.

Liu Mingzhi saw the appearance of the little girl surrounded by true energy, and lightly released the palms holding her shoulders behind his back, then lowered his head and looked down.



"Look under us."

"it is good."

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi sighed heavily, and looked up at the young girl next to him who was also flying in the air.

"Xuan'er, what did you see?"

"It's so beautiful to see the dim lights of Wanjia."

"Do you know what I saw, brother?"

"Wish... would like to hear the details."

"Xuan'er, what elder brother sees is the country, the country, and the common people.

And when these things are added together, it is the whole world of Dalong.

Xuan'er, big brother is carrying too much weight.

It was so heavy that the eldest brother seemed to be relaxed, but in fact he was almost out of breath. "

(End of this chapter)

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