My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2792 The poison of rights

Chapter 2792 The poison of rights
When Liu Xuan heard her elder brother's suppressed words, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she instinctively raised her head and looked towards Liu Mingzhi.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi standing beside her beside her, Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes were full of worry.

I have been by my elder brother's side since I can remember. As I said before, my elder brother watched me grow up, so why didn't I watch my elder brother grow up?

Inadvertently, I and my eldest brother have been siblings for 26 years, nearly 27 years.

In the past 20 years, this is the first time I have seen my elder brother so melancholy, and it is also the first time I have heard my elder brother's tone of depression.

During the years when I left his side to wander the rivers and lakes, my eldest brother has experienced things that I can't understand.

Where he can't see, where he can't touch, what kind of pressure does his elder brother bear.

Liu Xuan asked herself in her heart, and her expression became a little gloomy.

"Brother, you alright?"

Hearing the younger sister's worried words, Liu Mingzhi looked sideways at her slightly, seeing the obvious worry in the younger sister's eyes, Liu Mingzhi didn't answer her question, but his body shook slightly, The whole body's true energy surged towards the night sky in the direction of the palace.

"Come with big brother."

When Liu Xuan saw the fierce figure of her eldest brother piercing the sky like a flying sword, the hesitation on her delicate face disappeared for a moment, and the majestic innate qi in her veins immediately circulated like a shooting star. Liu Mingzhi, who was already a hundred feet away, chased after him.

Relying on their incomparably deep true qi, the two brothers and sisters leaped towards the palace in the direction of the palace with ethereal silhouettes like ghosts and ghosts.

About half a cup of tea time, the silhouettes of the two brothers and sisters have already appeared above the tall towers of the palace gate.

Liu Xuan looked at the big brother who had already stopped under the night sky, and hurriedly circulated the true energy in her body to stop beside Liu Mingzhi, looking towards him with doubts in her brisk eyes.

"Big brother?"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and glanced at the still brightly lit city tower below, as well as the street houses in the distance outside the palace gate, before falling down as lightly as a feather.

"Go down."

"it is good."

Although Liu Xuan was a little puzzled, she obediently followed her elder brother and flew towards the top of the tower.

The figures of the two brothers and sisters had just landed on the top of the city tower for a few breaths, when the shrill gong sounded suddenly on the palace wall below.

"There are assassins."

"Bold rebel, dare to break into the palace without permission, death penalty!"

"The gunners are ready."

"Archer ready."

"All horses lined up to meet the enemy, slowly advancing to surround the city tower, and firing guns and arrows immediately if there is any movement."

"Come on, hurry up and ring the bell to warn."

Hearing the noisy but undisturbed shouts from under the tower, Liu Mingzhi immediately turned around and looked straight at the soldiers of the Forbidden Army who were approaching the tower in full swing on the palace wall.

"Is the general of the forbidden army on the city wall Cao Qing?"

General Cao Qing of the Forbidden Army, who was directing the soldiers of the Forbidden Army under his command to surround the city tower, was shocked when he heard Young Master Liu's inquiry, and looked towards the city tower with a look of surprise.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty? Your Majesty, is that you above?"


Hearing Young Master Liu's familiar echo, Cao Qing immediately raised his right hand and shouted.

"All officers and soldiers obey the order and stop their actions immediately."

The officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army on the palace wall who performed their respective duties stopped immediately when they heard Cao Qing's words, and turned to look up the tower.

Although he had already received a response from First Young Master Liu, the vigilant look on Cao Qing's face still did not fade away.

Cao Qing stared at the figures of the two brothers and sisters on the tower for a while, then bowed with fists in both hands.

"Your Majesty, I need to set fire to confirm your identity. If you are rude, I hope your Majesty will forgive you."

"It's okay."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live long live."

"Come on."


"fire star."

"As ordered."

Cao Qing took the Fire Meteor handed over by the soldiers of the Forbidden Army, bowed his bow and set an arrow, and shot it out into the night sky.

A stream of light flew towards the night sky, and in the blink of an eye, it exploded with a bang under the moonlit night sky. A dazzling light instantly illuminated a distance of dozens of steps from the palace wall, and the tower above the tower Brother and sister Liu Mingzhi directly revealed each other's true colors under the bright light.

The moment Cao Qing shot the Fire Meteor, he hastily raised his head and stared at the two figures above the tower.

When Liu Mingzhi and his sister revealed their true faces under the fireball, Cao Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and knelt down on one knee holding a bow and arrow.

"Cao Qing, the commander of the Imperial Guard, sees His Majesty, long live long live."

"We see Your Majesty, long live long live long live long live."

"All officers and men are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You continue to patrol, don't bother me, I will leave soon."

"Yes, we obey."

In a short while, the soldiers of the Forbidden Army on the palace wall dispersed step by step.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, looking at the brightly lit palaces and pavilions in the palace with a calm expression.



"What do you think of the palace in front of us?"

"Majestic and majestic, one can't help feeling heroic at first glance, and a feeling of looking down on the world arises spontaneously."

"Yes! It is majestic, tall and magnificent, and you can't help but feel heroic in your heart.

Then do you know why elder brother brought your sisters-in-law and children out of the palace and back to live in our house? "

"Xuan'er doesn't know, please enlighten me."

"Because it is too tall, it is so tall that it will blind a person's eyes, it is so tall that it is easy for people to lose sight of the sufferings of people's livelihood in the world, and it is so tall that people will lose their true nature inadvertently."

"Ah? Brother, this... what kind of explanation is this?"

"Xuan'er, this is not an explanation, but a fact.

The imperial palace is not only a magnificent high-rise building, but also not just a gorgeous pavilion.

Rather, it represents rights, a supreme right, a right that will make people lose themselves and lose their nature.

There are more than tens of millions of chairs in the world, but why do countless people want to sit on that chair in the Hall of Qinzheng, because when they sit on that chair, they can control the power of life and death, and grasp the power of supreme authority.

This is the real reason why big brother moved out of the palace, because big brother, I don't want to lose my mind by that chair.

I don't want to be lost by this palace that means power. "

"This... this... Xuan'er seems to understand something, but she always feels a little unclear."

"You won't understand, and if you haven't sat in that chair, you will never understand how big brother feels.

Do you know why elder brother seldom wears dragon robes and crowns after he moved out of the palace with his family? "

"Little sister...Little sister still asks elder brother to enlighten me."

"Because the dragon robe will lose a person's mind more than that chair."

"Brother doesn't live in the palace, and he doesn't wear a dragon robe. He just wants to remind myself all the time that I'm just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who can't leave the world.

Wearing a dragon robe and a crown on top, it is indeed very exciting, and it is involuntary to feel excited.

It was a kind of excitement that you couldn't control at all, and it came from the heart.

The elder brother was afraid that if he lived in the palace for too long, he would gradually be unable to get out, and he was also afraid that if he wore the dragon robe for too long, he would gradually be unable to take it off.

Xuan'er, the people at the top of the mountain cannot hear the cries of the people at the foot of the mountain.

Brother, I'm really afraid that one day, I will become a person who doesn't even know myself.

Brother, what I said is about the poison of power.

That's why my eldest brother is freed between the palace and the outside of the palace. I act like this to remind myself all the time, don't be eroded by power to my heart.

Brother, I have gone through that step myself, and I know how difficult it is to get out of that step.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is difficult.

However, not everyone is a big brother.

Not everyone can get out of the shackles of rights, and not everyone can maintain their own nature.

Once a person is stuck in something, it is extremely difficult to get out of it.

Can you understand Big Brother's difficulty?Can you understand the difficulties of the elder brother? "

(End of this chapter)

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