Chapter 2793 No Choice
Liu Xuan stared blankly at the brightly lit imperial palace in front of her, and her charming face was silent for a long time.

"Brother, the person you are talking about should be Miss Ren, right?"

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment with complicated and melancholy expression, then he silently closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"Yes, it is Ren girl.

Xuan'er, elder brother, why don't I understand in my heart that the way I deal with her is very unfair to her regarding the matter of Ren girl's feelings for elder brother.

It was so unfair that it broke her heart, and it was so unfair that it made her feel sad.

For so many years, my elder brother has failed Ren Yatou's true love for me more than once, and hurt her sincerity for elder brother more than once.

Regarding the matter of Ren Yatou, the eldest brother knows everything, and understands everything. More than anyone else, the eldest brother wants to give her an explanation and give her the answer she wants.

Seeing her sad and dejected appearance, how can the eldest brother not feel uncomfortable, how can he not feel pain.

Let’s say she said goodbye to me last year, on the trip back to Sichuan from Beijing, on the official road in Gyeonggi, she bid farewell to my elder brother with tears in my eyes.

She stops every three steps, looks back every five steps, I know that she is just waiting for my elder brother to ask me to ask her to stay.

How is the eldest brother not clear about this?Why don't I want to keep her and let her be with your elder brother forever like all your sister-in-laws.

For so many years, whether it's in Yingzhou, northern Xinjiang, side by side with the palace, or in Liufu in the capital, my elder brother has already gotten used to the days when she is by my side chattering.

At the beginning, my eldest brother saw her chattering by the divination booth every day, and wished to let her go as far as possible, and stay wherever it was cool, but when I gradually got used to it, if she didn’t Come to the hexagram booth to harass me, but my eldest brother is not used to it.

If she doesn't tell me in advance one day and disappears without warning, my brother will be thinking wildly at that time, and I will be inexplicably worried in my heart, wondering if she has encountered some trouble, whether she is Nothing happened.

Therefore, the eldest brother will send someone to secretly search for her whereabouts and find out where she is.

It wasn't until I saw her again that my hanging heart would relax.

This girl is quite stupid, really stupid.

She is different from your sister-in-laws. When your sister-in-laws know that elder brother is in a bad mood, they will try their best to enlighten me, persuade me, and talk to me.

This girl is different, she knows about my elder brother's discomfort, she will find another way, and use a method that my elder brother can't even think of, to make me happy wholeheartedly.

Although this can't solve the problem that my brother and I are facing, it can make my brother calm down and concentrate on thinking about something.

The most stupid thing about her is the days when Tao Ying just left me. "

When he mentioned the word Tao Ying, Liu Mingzhi's tone trembled slightly, and there was a deep sadness in his eyes.

Liu Xuan'e frowned slightly, and turned her head to look at Liu Mingzhi's gloomy expression, with a hint of curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

"Tao Ying? Is it the concubine of Li Yunlong, the former King of Shu, who is buried in the accompanying tomb of your eldest brother?"

"Yes, it's her, Xuan'er, you actually know about this?"

"A few years ago, I heard about you and her from our parents, but I didn't know the details. At first, my younger sister wanted to ask my elder brother what happened to you, but Xuan'er thought about it for a long time. , I was worried about mentioning your sadness, brother, so I had no choice but to pretend not to know.

Later, the little girl overheard that sister-in-law Yun and sister-in-law Lian'er had mentioned something about Tao Ying, so the little girl couldn't help asking about her.

Sister-in-law Yun and sister-in-law Lian'er sighed one after another. They only said that Tao Ying was an old friend of your eldest brother, and didn't say much else.

It's a pity that they didn't know that the younger sister had already known something about Tao Ying from her parents in advance, but the younger sister saw that the two sister-in-laws were unwilling to say more, so I didn't continue to ask.

After a long time, the little girl gradually put this matter behind her.

Now when I hear you suddenly mentioning Tao Ying's name, my little sister brought back some old memories.

Brother, looking at your expression, I think you are still obsessed with Tao Ying's matter, brooding on it!
Regarding the matter between you, my younger sister is very curious about what is going on, can you briefly mention the past between you two with my younger sister? "

Hearing Liu Xuan's curious words, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a long time, and nodded gently.

"Actually, the story between eldest brother and Tao Ying is not complicated. If you talk about it carefully, it can be regarded as a love-hate relationship caused by revenge.

The root cause of this matter is Li Yunlong's rebellion, which was the first time since he proclaimed himself emperor..."

Liu Mingzhi's tone was flat, and he quietly told his little sister about the past between him and Tao Ying.

After about two sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi roughly told Liu Xuan the story between himself and Tao Ying.

"It's a pity that Tao Ying never showed any clues that she would die for Li Yunlong in front of elder brother. Otherwise, elder brother would never have brought Chen Jie to Donghai to meet Li Ye."

When Liu Mingzhi finished speaking the last words, intentionally or unintentionally, he looked at Liu Xuan's pretty face beside him, as if he wanted to see something from her expression.

However, there was no abnormal reaction on Liu Xuan's face, she just sighed with regret.

"What a loving and sexual woman! It's a pity."

"Oh, she's so stupid.

So stupid that she couldn't get out of the shackles that bound her heart, she walked away completely heartbroken, but made my elder brother regret it for the rest of my life.

If she hadn't done something stupid, both of our kids would be about... hey... stop talking, stop talking.

Things have passed for so many years, and nothing can be changed.

If it wasn't for the matter of girl Ren, the eldest brother would have almost forgotten her. "

"Brother, you don't have to pretend to be calm in front of my little sister. If you really forget about her, you won't remember the past events between the two of you clearly. gone."

Liu Mingzhi fell silent, raised his head and stared at the starry night sky silently for a long time without speaking.

"Let's not talk about Tao Ying, let's talk about the girl Ren.

During the days when Tao Ying had just left, the eldest brother was numb at that time.

I couldn't figure it out, let alone figure out why Tao Ying would do that, why would she do such a stupid thing.

alive, okay?

During those days, all your sister-in-laws knew that my elder brother's mood became very low because of the set-up, and they all tried their best to comfort me and relieve me.

But Ren Yatou regarded herself as Tao Ying, because she had met Tao Ying, and they were very familiar with each other.

Therefore, she transformed herself into Tao Ying, and accompanied me with Tao Ying's habit of being by my side in the past.

Until I gradually got out of Tao Ying's matter, I stopped thinking about it deliberately.

When she left the capital, the eldest brother was in a state of confusion and wanted to ask her to stay several times, but he still couldn't find a reason to persuade him to keep her.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

It's just helpless, big brother has no choice! "

"Brother, are you worried that after a hundred years, Miss Ren will affect Chengfeng, Chengzhi... how many brothers are they because of her rights?"

"That's right, brother is really worried.

Xuan'er, in front of the people of Dalong, a country of hundreds of thousands of mountains and rivers, the love of children is not unimportant, but no matter how important the love of children is, the eldest brother has to make a choice that cannot be controlled by himself.

The eldest brother's choice is not only a matter of the relationship between the eldest brother and Ren Yatou, but also concerns the great cause of the successor king.

My eldest brother never doubted the feelings of girl Ren for me, nor her love for Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, Zhenghao, Zhengzheng and their brothers.

However, some things are involuntary!

Once the situation reached a certain level, Ren Yatou didn't want to go to that step, and with the help of the general trend, she had to go to that step,
Just like my elder brother, I only wanted to protect myself back then, and never thought of rebelling.

But in the end, I couldn't raise my troops to rebel and proclaim myself emperor.

In fact, the eldest brother didn't want to rebel, but when the situation reached that point, it would be impossible for the eldest brother not to rebel.

Because the situation at that time was beyond my control, and it was beyond my control.

I had no choice but to rebel.

Ren Yatou is too young. When I am a hundred years later, I am afraid that she will be like me, involuntarily embarking on a path that she never wanted to walk.

She can be selfless, but can the court be selfless?Can the civil and military officials in the court be selfless?

And once the situation reaches that point, the officials in the court will make a big fuss by taking advantage of the identity of Ren Yatou.

Who was in trouble at that time?It's not girl Ren who is in trouble, but the children under the elder brother!
Xuan'er, everyone said that the emperor's family was ruthless since ancient times.

Big brother tells you, the emperor is not ruthless, but has to be ruthless!

Because every word and deed of the emperor is closely related to the country and the country, and they are inseparable!

There are many things, brother, I can't tell you.

Brother, my attitude towards girl Ren, you will think that brother is too cruel and unfeeling.

But the pain in the elder brother's heart, who knows! "

(End of this chapter)

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