My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2796 someone is waiting

Chapter 2796 someone is waiting

Liu Xuan squinted her eyes and nodded half-understanding, leaving a word and trotting towards Qi Yun and the other sisters.


"Sister-in-law, wait for Xuan'er."

"Wait, wait, don't worry."

"Sister-in-law, when we get to the lantern festival, let's compete to see who can guess more lantern riddles, shall we?

Xuan'er remembers that when I was young, every time I went to the lantern festival to enjoy the lanterns, the eldest brother and the second brother would help Xuan'er take down several lanterns.

Xuan'er still remembers the most frequent time when my eldest brother brought back eighteen lanterns for me in one go, and he attracted many envious eyes along the way.

It's a pity that after so many years, those lanterns don't know where to go.

This year our family finally got together, Xuan'er had to see how many lanterns I could get with my own skills. "

"Okay, it's up to you, then let's compete to see who can guess more lantern riddles."

"Little sister, if you lose, don't cry and say that sisters-in-law are bullying you together."

"That's right, Xuan'er, don't really cry."

"When the two sisters mentioned this, I remembered it. I vaguely remember that when Xuan'er was 11 or 12 years old, the lantern that she had dreamed of was taken by others, and she cried so sadly.

It took a long time for the husband to persuade her, Xuan'er, don't let the old things repeat itself. "

"Oh, oh, sister-in-law Yunyao, sister-in-law Qingshi, sister-in-law Lian'er, you guys are too bad, Xuan'er fought with you.

At that time Xuan'er was only a little older, now that Xuan'er is no older, how could she cry just because of a few lantern riddles like she did when she was a child! "

"Hehehe...Smelly girl, take your hand away quickly, if you dare to tickle me again, sister-in-law will be rude to you."

"Xuan'er is afraid of you, we will see who will beg for mercy first."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the group of ladies who were playing with the younger sister together a dozen steps ahead, and the graceful figure who laughed like silver bells from time to time, shook his head helplessly and hummed twice, Hui moved his hands The carved jade fan quickened his pace.

When passing by the table and chairs used to enjoy the moon not long ago, Liu Mingzhi picked up a small jar of unopened peach blossom wine from under the table, and followed the frolicking beauties and gradually left the house.

After Liu Mingzhi and his party left the mansion, they watched all kinds of dazzling and dazzling lanterns on both sides of the street, and whispered to each other while slowly rushing out of the city.

On both sides of the street, there are countless vendors, large and small, waving their playthings and shouting loudly for the goods in their hands. Groups of guards patrolling the city shuttle endlessly on the criss-cross streets, maintaining Peace in the city.

The long street is brightly lit and people come and go, and the identities of the pedestrians are different.

There is a family going out together, there are talented scholars and beautiful ladies accompanying each other, there are literati and poets traveling together, there are small and small groups of beautiful women in green jade who gather together in their youth and youth, and there are also children who gather together and run around.

The gathering of these characters with different identities directly outlines the scene of Dalong's flourishing age.

"Husband, hurry up, if you slow down, the beautiful lanterns at the lantern festival outside the city will be picked out by others."

"Come on, come on."

Half a day later, the figures of Liu Mingzhi's family appeared at the lantern festival that stretched for several miles outside the east gate of the capital.

A group of beauties looked at the colorful and lively lanterns at the lantern festival not far away, gathered together and talked softly for a few words, and then rushed forward immediately.

"Husband, we won't wait for you anymore. The concubine sisters and younger sisters are going to the Lantern Festival first, so don't lose track of us later."

"Husband, if you can't keep up with our footsteps, go around by yourself."

"Understood, you go to watch the lanterns by yourself first. If you lose your husband, you can go back first after the lantern festival is over, and you don't have to wait for your husband."

"Okay then, my concubine sisters know, let's go and guess the lantern riddles first."

"Brother, why don't you come with us, it will be more lively if there are more people."

"No, no, you go first, brother, I will go to the periphery for a while."

"Okay, let's go first then."

"Well, go ahead and be careful."

Liu Mingzhi watched Qi Yun and the others merge into the crowd of the Lantern Festival, held the wine jar in his hand, looked up at the bright moon in the sky like a white jade plate, and sighed long and faintly.

Yun'er, the sisters and the younger sisters gathered together full of laughter and laughter, and spent the Mid-Autumn Festival in a happy, happy and joyful way.

But under the moonlight in the suburbs of Beijing, there is still a lonely person waiting for me to accompany him!

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze from looking up at the bright starry sky, turned his head to look at the beauties who had disappeared among the tourists, and walked eastward silently with his arms around the wine jar.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi's figure had disappeared under the moonlit night sky outside the city gate.

No one noticed his departure, and no one knew where he went.

Outside the city, the lively scenes of the Mid-Autumn Festival continued amidst the noise.

After the Lantern Festival was over, everyone who was traveling returned to the city one after another, except Young Master Liu who didn't know where he went and still didn't return.

Qi Yun and the other sisters waited for their husband to no avail, so they had no choice but to disperse and go back to their rooms to sleep peacefully.

It wasn't until the east saw white and the sun was rising that Liu Mingzhi, who looked a little haggard, returned to the Liu residence.


On August [-]th, the sixth year of Dalong Taiping, the period of rest and bathing for the Mid-Autumn Festival has ended.

According to the regulations of the imperial court, today is the small court meeting of the imperial court.

When the sky outside the room was still hazy, Ling Wei'er, who was sleeping soundly under the brocade quilt, was disturbed by the sound of water from her sweet dreams.

Ling Wei'er slightly opened her sleepy eyes, turned her head lazily and looked at her husband who was standing not far away before changing the washing rack and had already started to wash, and asked in a dreamlike voice.

"Husband, are you going to court?"

"Yes, today is the small court meeting, and it is also the day when the soldiers and horses of the second route go out to fight. Husband has to get up early."

Ling Weier nodded with a clear expression, and hurriedly sat up from the bed.

"It turns out that this concubine got up to help you change your clothes. By the way, my husband, do you want to wear a dragon robe, or do you want to wear ordinary clothes?"

Liu Mingzhi put the hot towel in his hand on the washing rack, turned around, looked at the beautiful woman who was about to get out of bed to help him change, smiled and waved his hands.

"Weir, you don't need to get up."

"Ah? Why? Husband, don't you want my concubine to help you change clothes?"

Liu Mingzhi straightened his clothes and walked towards Ling Wei'er, who was dazed and dazed, stretched out his hand to grab the beauty's naked body wrapped in a brocade quilt, and gently pushed it back on the bed.

"Silly Weier, my husband is going to the camp of the New Army today to practice for the soldiers of the [-] expedition. He neither wears dragon robes nor ordinary clothes."

Ling Wei'er looked at her husband's doting eyes, and seemed to understand something after a little thought.

"Husband, do you want to wear armor?"

Seeing Ling Weier's belated expression, Liu Mingzhi hooked the tip of Goujiaren's nose with his fingers and laughed cheerfully.

"That's right, in a place like the army to practice for the soldiers, it is most suitable for a husband to wear a sword and armor."

"Husband, your armor is in Sister Yun's boudoir, and the concubine really can't help you change clothes, so the concubine then went to sleep peacefully."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and stretched out his hand to pull the pillow beside her and stuffed it under the beauty's head, and stuffed the corner of the quilt for her.

"Go to sleep, Wei'er, you were so crazy last night, your body must be a bit overwhelmed.

It's still early and there's nothing to do now, you can continue to rest, I'll go to your sister Yun's place first for my husband. "

Ling Wei'er's delicate face suddenly turned red, and she immediately retracted her head into the brocade quilt.

"Husband, you... I will ignore you as a concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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