My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2797 Old man, long time no see

Chapter 2797 Old man, long time no see
Liu Mingzhi left Ling Wei'er's boudoir, and just after entering the courtyard where Qi Yun lived, he saw the lights in Qi Yun's boudoir at a glance.

Looking up at the still hazy sky, Liu Mingzhi walked straight towards the beauty's boudoir.

Just when Liu Mingzhi walked outside the door and was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened from the inside, which immediately frightened Liu Mingzhi who was about to knock on the door.

Qi Yun didn't know when she had finished washing and dressing up. At this time, she was standing inside the door with a smile on her face, looking at her husband with a dazed expression, and gave a blessing.

"Husband, why are you so dazed? Hurry up and let the concubine serve you in armor."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and walked into the boudoir.

"Yun'er, my husband was about to knock on the door just now, but you opened the door all of a sudden, it really scared me a little bit.

As soon as your husband arrived, you opened the door directly with your back foot, which is a bit too timely. "

Qi Yun heard her husband's surprised words, smiled and took the lead to walk behind the screen.

"The concubine has already heard your husband's footsteps in the room, so why wait until you knock on the door before opening the door for you.

The lights in the room are bright, and the figure of the concubine must clearly appear on the door under the light. Didn't you see that you were scared and blame the concubine? "

"That's true. I really can't blame you, Yun'er."

"Husband, don't worry about these things, it's getting late, come behind the screen, I will serve you in armor."

"Hey, here we come."

Liu Mingzhi responded to Qi Yun casually, and directly set off to walk behind the screen in the room.

Seeing her husband who had followed, Qi Yun raised her palm and tore off the mighty armor that was covered by a piece of fine silk next to the closet.

The moment the exquisite silk cloth was raised, the suit of armor Liu Mingzhi wore in the past reflected a shockingly cold light under the illumination of several lights.

The armor was spotless, and one could tell at a glance that Qi Yun had spent a lot of time cleaning up the dust on it.

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes suddenly, and walked gently towards the armor propped on the wooden frame.

Staring quietly at the cold and mighty armor in front of him, Liu Mingzhi exhaled with emotion.

"Shuo Qi spreads to Jin Duo, and the cold shines on the iron clothes."

Liu Mingzhi recited a line of poetry with a heavy tone, raised his hand and gently stroked the armor covered with countless traces, as if he was caressing the fragile skin of a beautiful woman.

Carefully looking at the knife marks, sword marks, gun marks, arrow marks on the armor...the traces left by various weapons, Liu Mingzhi's eyes revealed a look of reminiscence.

It was a past event in which I galloped on the battlefield with gold and iron horses, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger. It was an unforgettable past event that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

That glorious past seems to be very close to me, but it seems to be very far away.

The recent self is vivid in my mind, and I can explain that period of the past like a few treasures without thinking carefully. So many years have passed in the distant past, but I have never worn this armor again.

Liu Mingzhi stared intently at the set of armor in front of him, which made him feel very familiar, but it was slightly unfamiliar, and heaved a long and heavy sigh.

"Old man, long time no see, how are you?"

Qi Yun watched her husband caressing the somewhat lonely back of the armor, and stood quietly by the side without saying a word.

She knew that her husband must have recalled the past when she commanded thousands of troops and galloped across the battlefield with high spirits.

She understands her husband's thoughts, and she also understands her husband's feelings.

Sigh only sigh, that past can never go back.

The husband is no longer young, and I am no longer young, and my sisters are no longer young.

The ruthlessness of the years is vividly displayed on his wife and others.

Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips and sighed silently. She wanted to say something with her husband, but she didn't know how to say it.

And after opening his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

Liu Mingzhi silently raised his fingertips from the armor covered with story traces, and opened his arms with his head held high.



"Armor your husband."


Qi Yun responded softly, and hurried to the armor and began to serve Liu Mingzhi with the armor.

Starting from the helmet, the neck, the shoulder armor, the cape, the breastplate, the breastplate, the armguard, the copper belt that saves gold and swallows the beast, the waist... the tiger head moire boots.

Under Qi Yun's attentive service, Liu Mingzhi finally put on a set of armor.

Qi Yun straightened her sloping willow waist, looking at her husband who had become majestic and majestic after putting on armor, her beautiful eyes suddenly showed obsession and excitement.

"Husband, has been a long time since I have seen you so mighty and extraordinary.

Although only a few years have passed, the concubine feels as if decades have passed. "

Seeing the infatuated look in Qi Yunmei's eyes, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and tugged on the beautiful woman's cheeks, and laughed lightly.

"Yun'er, it's not just that you haven't seen him for many years, even the husband himself hasn't seen himself in armor for many years.

Fortunately, my husband has maintained his physique all these years, otherwise, the armor specially made for my husband by my father's order of skilled craftsmen, I am afraid that I would never be able to wear it again. "

Listening to her husband's sighing words, Qi Yun blinked her eyes playfully a few times.

At such an age, Qi Yun's behavior not only does not give people a contrived feeling, but makes people feel a little refreshed.

"That can only show that you have been looking forward to wearing this armor again one day, husband, so you have always maintained your physique."

"Oh, maybe."

"Maybe it's something, I'm sure it is."

Liu Mingzhi vigorously moved his shoulders a few times, and walked boldly towards the outside of the screen.



"Tianjian, it's time to go to court for your husband."

"Yes, the concubine's body will be fetched for you immediately."

Qi Yun trotted towards the wall where the Heavenly Sword was hanging, took down the Heavenly Sword, and hurried to Liu Mingzhi who was drinking tea standing in the main hall.

"Husband, the sword is coming."

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup, took the Heavenly Sword handed over by Qi Yun, and skillfully put it on his waist.

"Yun'er, if you've had enough sleep, go and do your own business, if you're still a little tired, go catch up on sleep.

It's getting late, so I went to court first for my husband. "

"The concubine is sending off her husband respectfully."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and walked away from Qi Yun's boudoir with the hilt of his sword in his backhand.

When Liu Mingzhi and Liu Song's master and servant rode away from Liu's mansion to rush to the imperial palace, the sky was already a little pale, and it was the best time to go to court.

In about half a stick of incense, the master and servant had galloped to the outside of the palace gate.

"Stop coming, horses are not allowed in front of the palace gate... Your Majesty?"

"Chen Yang Sen sees His Majesty, long live long live."

"We see Your Majesty, long live long live long live long live."

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi tightened the reins and quickly got off the horse, handed the reins and whips to Liu Song casually, glanced lightly at the soldiers of the Imperial Army who were kneeling on one knee and saluted before him. hands.

"Soldiers, no courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You guys continue to be on duty, I have entered the palace."

"We send you off to Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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