Chapter 2803
After the Liu Chengzhi brothers and sisters walked off the stage together, everyone who was dumbfounded came back to their senses one after another.

Duan Dingbang and the other generals of the new army stared at Liu Mingzhi in a daze for a while, then immediately bowed down with flattered expressions.

"Your Majesty, what virtue can I wait for, how dare I let Her Royal Highness hold the bowl and His Royal Highness pour the wine.

Your majesty is so loving, the ministers dare not accept it, and please take back your holy order. "

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze from watching his sons and daughters rush towards the soldiers of the imperial army, and glanced lightly at the group of generals of the new army kneeling on one knee in front of him.

"Everyone get up."

"I will obey your orders."

After all the generals got up, they still felt uncomfortable looking at Liu Mingzhi who was smiling slightly.

"Your Majesty, I beg Your Majesty to take back the holy order. The brothers really can't stand such a grand grace."

"The minister seconded the proposal, the minister has not done an inch of merit yet, how can he have the qualifications to let the princess... bah bah bah, the minister is wrong, the minister is wrong.

Even if the ministers have made great achievements, they dare not let His Highness the Prince and Princess hold the bowls and pour wine for the ministers. Please take back your majesty's orders. "

"Your Majesty also seconded the proposal, please take back the holy order, I am ashamed and dare not accept it."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Duan Dingbang and his young generals, who were clasping their fists in salute, and they walked towards the edge of the general's platform at a leisurely pace.

Silently stopping, Liu Mingzhi looked around the hundred thousand army with clear and sharp eyes.

"Are you ashamed to accept it? Why are you ashamed and dare not accept it?
This expedition of thousands of miles is for the country, to expand the territory for the imperial court.

You, including the [-] soldiers on the campus, are all in their prime now.

Some of you are young talents, some are young talents, all of you are good sons of my Great Dragon Dynasty, and you are all good soldiers of mine.

At your current age, you should be able to live and work in peace and contentment in Dalong, with no worries about food and clothing, just like your peers.

However, you have chosen to shed your heads, go out for the country with blood, and make contributions to your military career.

For the sake of Dalong, the country, the country, the court of Dalong, and Zhen, you can throw your heads and sprinkle your blood regardless of your young lives, and you can leave your wives, children, and children at home to go on an expedition for the country.

You can give up your little family for everyone, why not ask the prince and princess to pour wine for you?

Ashamed or not?Why are you so ashamed?

They are the princes and princesses of the dragon, and you are the soldiers of the dragon.

You have traveled thousands of miles for the sake of your homeland, the country, the country, and the dragon, and they poured wine for you, a group of loyal and courageous elite soldiers.

Rightfully so.

You should receive this wine, and the 10 young soldiers should also receive it. "

Listening to Liu Mingzhi's awe-inspiring words, Duan Dingbang and other generals involuntarily looked at each other, seeing the excitement in each other's eyes.

As if they understood the excitement in each other's eyes, Duan Dingbang and the others unanimously saluted Liu Mingzhi again.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long, long live my emperor."

"No courtesy, wait for the wine."

"Your Majesty, thank you Your Majesty."

Duan Dingbang and the others straightened up one after another, then stood still in place, looking at Young Master Liu's back, and at the hundred thousand soldiers in front of the general's platform, with clearly visible fanaticism in their eyes.

Xia Gongming and his group of civil and military officials felt the strong aura of Duan Dingbang and his young juniors, their expressions were both excited and sighed with emotion.

They clearly knew that Liu Mingzhi asked the princess to hold the bowl, and the prince served the wine to win over the hearts of the [-] soldiers, but they still had to admire it in their hearts.

Your Majesty, it is really courageous.

Even if His Majesty is trying to win the hearts of the soldiers, looking at the ancient and modern times, how many people in the world can do this to let the princes and princesses hold the bowls and pour wine for the soldiers?
As the sun rose gradually, Liu Chengfeng and his brothers and sisters were divided into three teams, and each led a thousand soldiers of the imperial army to carry the wine jars and shuttled towards the army phalanx.

After Liu Chengzhi and Liu Yaoyao explained something to the generals of the forbidden army of their own team, the two brothers and sisters trotted towards the Dianjiangtai with Liu Chengzhi holding the wine jar.

"Report to Father, brother and sister Erchen have come to pour wine for Marshal Duan and the others."

"Well, get on stage."


Brother and sister Liu Chengzhi directly boarded the platform and stopped in front of Duan Dingbang and his generals. Seeing their somewhat reserved expressions, the two brothers and sister nodded with a light smile.

"Marshal Duan, generals, hurry up and grab your bowls, my highness and my younger sister are serving wine for you."

Duan Dingbang and the others nodded hurriedly, and took out their own rough porcelain bowls from the shoulder bags at their waists and held them in their hands.

Liu Yaoyao walked up to Duan Dingbang lightly with lotus steps, took the rough porcelain bowl in his hand with a light smile, and held it in front of her elder brother Liu Chengzhi.

"Second brother, pour wine for Marshal Duan."

"it is good."

After the wine was filled, Liu Yaoyao handed the wine to Duan Dingbang again.

"Marshal Duan, please."

"Minister Duan Dingbang Xie the Second Prince, and Xie the Third Princess, a thousand years old."

Liu Yaoyao nodded her head slightly, walked gently in front of Deputy Commander Lu Chen, and took the wine bowl in his hand.

"Deputy Marshal Lu, please."

"Chen Luchen, thank you, Your Highness the Second Prince, and Your Highness, the Third Princess, for thousands of years."

After about half a stick of incense wasted, brother and sister Liu Chengzhi had already poured all the generals on the stage drinks for the expedition.

The same is true of Liu Mingzhi and the civil and military officials.

Brother and sister Liu Chengzhi poured drinks for everyone and rushed directly to the army phalanx.

Duan Dingbang looked at the fragrant expedition wine in his hand, and turned his head to look at the audience.

"The orderly."

Dozens of messengers immediately punched Duan Dingbang holding the order flag in hand.

"I'm waiting."

"Tell the soldiers of the three armies that His Majesty ordered His Royal Highness, the Prince and Princess, to serve wine for us."

"We will obey."

Dozens of messengers held the order flags and rushed towards the horses more than 20 steps away. After turning on the horses, they waved the order flags in their hands and rushed towards the army phalanx.

Dozens of messengers scattered into the army square, galloped on horseback, waved their flags and yelled loudly.

"To all the brothers in the army, Your Majesty is so gracious, and ordered the three princes and three princesses to serve us wine."

"To all the brothers in the army, Your Majesty is so gracious, and ordered the three princes and three princesses to serve us wine."

"To all the brothers in the army, Your Majesty is so gracious, and ordered the three princes and three princesses to serve us wine."

The soldiers of the three armies who were waiting for the wine to go out heard the shouted words of the messengers, and all looked at the six brothers and sisters of Liu Chengzhi who led the soldiers of the imperial army to shuttle in the square formation.

Some soldiers who had already held the expedition wine looked at the wine in their hands, and immediately looked straight at Liu Chengzhi and his six brothers and sisters, with shock and excitement shining in their eyes.

It turned out to be His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness the Princess is serving wine for us?
This... this... Your Majesty also values ​​us too much, right?

Amidst the unspeakably excited expressions of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, until about three poles in the sun, the hundred thousand soldiers were already holding a bowl of wine for the expedition.

Looking at Liu Chengzhi and his six brothers and sisters who were already walking towards Dianjiangtai, Liu Mingzhi lifted the wine bowl in his hand above his head with one hand.


"We are here, long live long live."

"We are here, long live long live."

"We are here, long live long live."

"After drinking this bowl of expedition wine, I want you to go on an expedition for the great dragon, for the court, and for the people, and expand the territory.

I want you to make peace with the world and the world.

I am waiting for the news of your victory in the capital, and tell me if you can sit down. "

"Willing to go through fire and water for His Majesty, even death."

"Willing to go through fire and water for His Majesty, even death."

"Willing to go through fire and water for His Majesty, even death."

"I respect you."

"We respect Your Majesty."

"Long live."

"Long live."

"Long live."

(End of this chapter)

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